Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites III

I've been a loner all my life so it makes no difference to my family lol

Though, they would be concerned of me traveling alone. I mean, they get worried when I drive down to Daytona or Kissimmee all by myself.

Kind of hard to imagine you as a loner with how funny you are.
I've always been a loner, but it worries my folks.
It's from work. I got off work at 8:30 and I was really sad because at like 7:30ish my left knee went into a HUGE spasm and it hurt sooo bad. I wanted to give up right then and there. :(

What kind of action movies are you guys making fun of?
lol I was watching that earlier, Ash.

Oh I have blisters in my fingers :mad:

And with this last post, I'm going to bed you guys.

PaperB'nites, take care of Shia and send him get well cards!

To the rest, you know where to reach me if something interesting happens :cool:
I am sorry. You said you don't work tomorrow, right?

We were watching Deep Blue Sea with the super smart man eating sharks, and now Shoot 'Em Up. The title says it all on that one :rolleyes:
Where is Shia?? Is he STILL in the hospital or did I miss something that the Skandarnites did to him?

Hey Soul Sistah Ang! lol! I shore will ;)

Kells, I don't work tomorrow. :) My bestie cut her leg open pretty badly and almost needed stitches. It wouldn't stop bleeding the doctor said that if she's still bleeding tomorrow she can't go to work and they gave her a note. She was thinking of calling in anyway and spending the day with me. lol!! I doubt she'll call in though.
That is really gross!!!

I love how people are always like "In real life" on the internet. Isn't this real life? It's just an online life? haha!