Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

I still love him. He's still broken my WillMo meter. I wonder what he would think if he saw us arguing over whether or not his tan is real. I wonder if he'd post on here with the truth.


I think we kinda forgot about the point of this thread.

To arms fellow PaperB'nites! All this discussion and division about Will's tan was all a ploy from the Slandernites to slander the image of one of our most beloved incarnation of Paperboy!

Ok, I need a pic of Skandar alone. Will's tan distracts from our real purpose of using these pics as WMDs for the Slandernites....


I think we kinda forgot about the point of this thread.

To arms fellow PaperB'nites! All this discussion and division about Will's tan was all a ploy from the Slandernites to slander the image of one of our most beloved incarnation of Paperboy!

Ok, I need a pic of Skandar alone. Will's tan is distracts from our real purpose of using these pics as WMDs for the Slandernites....

:eek: Those....MEANIE FACES!!!


Geez :eek: Ya'll have really taken those pictures to a new height. I mean, c'mon, ease off! They're actually starting to look really good, too... :D

Ah well. This war will probably go on for a really long time now.... hmm... *feels special for having started it*
Geez :eek: Ya'll have really taken those pictures to a new height. I mean, c'mon, ease off! They're actually starting to look really good, too... :D

LOL! The shirt is growing on me. It reminds me of how very nice restaurants have a dress code and if a guy comes in without a jacket and tie they have spares. It is like he forgot it was a black tie event. :p

It's cute.