Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

Can we all agree that Sheri and I are right that William is a beautiful country boy...errm....I mean that he has a real tan?

Unless I see a shirtless pic of him working an axe while cutting some wood for his mom (Since, you know, it can get cold at night in the country and boys who love their mums are sexy), I will have to stick to my convictions, it's a sprayed on wait, imagining him on a tanning bed with those blue goggles is more hilarious (and damaging to my WillMo meter!)!!!!
Unless I see a shirtless pic of him working an axe while cutting some wood for his mom (Since, you know, it can get cold at night in the country and boys who love their mums are sexy), I will have to stick to my convictions, it's a sprayed on wait, imagining him on a tanning bed with those blue goggles is more hilarious (and damaging to my WillMo meter!)!!!!

How are we suppose to find these pictures??? Unless I get in touch with a stalker (which would be creepy) we'll never find them! And it is a real tan!!!
Wait! Don't you love WillMo Tiff? Why would you and to damage your WillMo meter??? *looks at Tiff with big, watery eyes* His tan is real. *starts to cry*

If I did find a picture like that....I would never share it. ;) Okay....only with the Willianites. BUT ONLY THEM!
Wait! Don't you love WillMo Tiff? Why would you and to damage your WillMo meter??? *looks at Tiff with big, watery eyes* His tan is real. *starts to cry*

If I did find a picture like that....I would never share it. ;) Okay....only with the Willianites. BUT ONLY THEM!

Don't blame me for damaging my WillMo meter! Blame him! :p Look at it this way, at least we don't have to fight for him. He does have some amazing bone structures on his face:rolleyes:

Ok. WillMo Meter up to 4.3

Does this mean, I'll have to go to the Willianites thread to see those pics? :D
If I did find a picture like that....I would never share it. Okay....only with the Willianites. BUT ONLY THEM!
The Willianites have slack mouths though, the whole world would have seen those pics 20 seconds after you showed them.... :p
I must go! But I loved our little chat.

And Kevin and Tiff I'd agree with you about William's tan but then all three of us would be wrong :D
See ya!
