Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

Yeah! Besides, he isn't really in England right now either. He's traveling the world! Maybe he's out being athletic on his spare time in between interviews and premieres and don't know for sure that his tan is fake! I want to see him going into a tanning place pale and pasty white and coming out tan. Show me that proof!

I'll show you proof alright!......I just need a couple of days until the picture surfaces :p

I stand by my convictions that the tan is fake. He's the only one out of the 5 of them! Not even Ben took on that "luxury" of going to a tanning salon :p
Ben isn't really that pale though.

Will is pretty pale. Which is why he's out and about being a beautiful athletic country boy playing basketball and soccer (football) and such.

OH! And the whole T-shirt thing could be wrong as well. What if he's out shirtless *goes into a daze at the thought*
I have a picture! If you look closely on his arms you see the top parts are tan and near the bottom you see where it is whiter. Don't you think that if it was spray-on it would have been done evenly??? Don't you??? Don't you??? Admit it! Ash and I were right!!!

EDIT: Cold in England? Not very. It's only a few degrees colder there, than where I live. And right now it's 72F!
Ben isn't really that pale though.

Will is pretty pale. Which is why he's out and about being a beautiful athletic country boy playing basketball and soccer (football) and such.

I think Ben is pretty pale. I'll give Will the point for maybe (and I'm stretching the word "maybe" here) tanning more easily. But still...:rolleyes:

*wonders why we're having such discussion* *figures that she's bored*

I have a picture! If you look closely on his arms you see the top parts are tan and near the bottom you see where it is whiter. Don't you think that if it was spray-on it would have been done evenly??? Don't you??? Don't you??? Admit it! Ash and I were right!!!

EDIT: Cold in England? Not very. It's only a few degrees colder there, than where I live. And right now it's 72F!

*comes out of daze*

Yeah!!! Look at that! *chants* We were right! We were right!