
SK21 said:
I'm great, hyped up on Coke (coca cola) and ready to rock. lol

OH COO I LOVE SUGARHIGH PEOPLE!!!!!! YEA!!!!!! hehe im not sugarhigh though...but im beginning to be, now that i think of it!! YEA!!!
tumnusfreak said:
beef gets me goin, but hey- who am I to judge?

*proceeds to paint forearms with Pepto Bismol*

YAY PEPTO BISMAL!!!!!!! *proceeds to sing the pepto bismal song*

*smoochsmooch* love the double. chase. :D
tumnusfreak said:
I love it when he gives Pepto the rose, it's hilarious. Here, you can have a cyber rose.

*ROFL* LOL i cant believe you actually saw the connection!!!! *ROFL* i know i love that commercial so much it hurts!!! *ROFL* oooh i love cyber roses!!!! teehee!!
tumnusfreak said:
dont prick yourself, now, dear. Roses are not for licking...

*ROFL* man i love this thread...what?!?! roses arent for licking?!?!?! but they look so tasty!!!! *looks at rose* well if you cant eat it, what is it for?!?!
tumnusfreak said:
squuezing OBVIOUSLY! really, darling, you MUST get out more...

oh! well i guess i dont need it then! *throws rose over shoulder* but where shall i go? Arkenland perhaps?
hehe okay you guys are officially nuts.... i love you guys :D
haha. and nice avvie nat, although all i can read is "i am... special... *words too small*... *words too small*" yay! haha... omg i just finished this book. it was one of the best books i've ever read! but it was soooooo sad! it had me crying about 15 times at least, i bet. but it was such a good book! it was called "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie" (yes... dangerous pie hehe :D)

on a happier note, i finished this tin of mints i had from american eagle... green apple flavored. they were yummy :p tee hee i miss them now haha