
It snowed last year. That was great. It's all this global warming, we're going to end up never having snow at this rate.
i love skandar!

i am acsually obsess with skandar!i mean just lOoK at him he just makes me the happiest! :)
pour him i hate peter and the other guy! :mad:
ok i don't hate them lol!


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here are sOmE pics of the hottest skandar!


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Snowed a bit over night in Oxford area but i saw the most snow at my Brothers in Norfolk. It was litterally a blizzard. So what does anyone look for in the opposite sex?

don't say Skandar or wIll, what do actually look for?
i like the guys i date to have nice eyes, and i usually go for brunettes but i also like blonds. i usually prefer them to be taller than me, but thats ok coz im a lil short! wat about you?
me, the best part of a guy has to be the eyes. I mean look at Skandar, he has gorgeous brown eyes, so deep and vibrant. Vibrant brown or green set me quivering.

I love dark hair, possibly dark red is my favourite or a kind of chestnut coloured. I know i'm superficial but they have to be fairly thin, and i would like someone shorter than me but seen as i'm the size ginnabrik then its not going to happy. no seriously i'm short, (5ft 4) to be exact.
I used to want to only date guys who were the same height/taller than me. In that respect I really should go after Will. We're the same age,the same height yet I go for Skandar.....................why?
~Rogue~ said:
I used to want to only date guys who were the same height/taller than me. In that respect I really should go after Will. We're the same age,the same height yet I go for Skandar.....................why?
It's his mystical magnetic powers! It gets them every time!
NkandSKforever said:
It's his mystical magnetic powers! It gets them every time!

I think its his eyes. So deep, so dark and such long lashes! And the freckles *faints at thought of freckles*