
Right,I'm off to bed. You've sent me off with thoughts of Skandar now..................cya tomorrow guys.
Hello i'm back. now where is everyone? i've been working to make a living and i come back and see you've all been having fun without me.

So what's the random subject for today?
ohh my goodiiness!!! so many posts... i've been gone since dec 23rd though (well not gone, but off my comp) so i guess i should have expected them!!! wow.... well i just spent about the last 30 minutes catching up on only 2 threads! i've got about 5 more :/ o well.... i wanna know what happened. haha.

and here on the east coast (of the US that is) it is about 1:30 what's it there?
Different parts of the US have different times, like the West coast is different from the East Coast. I don't know the differences put there are time differences.

Anyway i'm her to chat to you now, so you can keep me company.
ya i think US have 4 time zones... pacific, coastal, mountain, and east coast ot something. anyway im east coast (maryland) so here it's like 1:36 or something
I had a really good Christmas, when to see my brother in Norfolk and the snow storm at the end was brilliant. HAsn't snowed in Oxford yet?