
well we got some snow about 2 or 3 weeks ago (like 1/2 an inch) and it hasn't snowed since.... unfortunatly. well that's cool that you got to see your brother. my brother is home from college for the holidays
We've had quite a bit of snow! let me think it snowed monday and tuesday then nothing on wednesday but snowed last nite and none of it seems to be disapearing! :D
ya. i know what you mean. but hard snow is better than no snow... it's so boring here cause it's been RAINY!! i don't like rain especially when is should be snowing :( o wellllllll
it's not been snowing here either but thats somewhat good because i've driven in snow and never want to do it again, it is so dangerous. Snow is bad sometimes.
it's bad when it's either icy or slushie. slushie is bad cause you can't do anything in it haha. and icy is dangerous. bad icy! haha
Its also very dangerous where you can't see the road in front of you and you have to be real careful of other cars. But never mind that!!!

I want to go to New Zealand where hopefully i'll be able to see SK in the new CoN film (pushes Rogue back in the suitcase, shhh customs just ahead)
ya... that would be awesome if i actually could.... *wink wink from inside SK21's bag* haha