
ahhh i keep missing everyone! except you, NkandSKforever. i can't stay for long since im at my friend's house...
awwww! now u left me SKEM! get back on soon and if u get on tomorrow at 2 pm tomorrow I'll be on around then. (that is two your time cuz I think that's 8 am here cuz u do live in ENgland, right?)
no, actually i don't live in england. i'm only one hour ahead of you. i think... you are in central time zone right? cause i'm in east coast
JELLO...and chocolate fondue...yummm*gazing at the screen waiting for a pic...maybe of chocolate fondue??* :D no fondue? where is my fondue yum?
*angry cuz no fondue...* :mad: *now just sad* :(
Wills_dream_Gf said:
isnt that dog food???ewwww :eek:

nah its human food lol and its made wit chex mix and has chocolate, peanut butter and powered sugar... u have to try it if u havent.
bangAnAlf said:
nah its human food lol and its made wit chex mix and has chocolate, peanut butter and powered sugar... u have to try it if u havent.

Got to try that. Sounds interesting. :cool:
Jello's an american found, we british call it jelly. not much different though. i love Beef Jerky though, When i come to the US i always get some.