
I shall talk to you (sniffs at Skems departure) you will have to be my chat buddy although i have to catch up with messages so if i dont type straight away i'm on a different board.
I'm not leaving you my friend, i was just writing on other boards, needed to catch up and i have to go back and check them.

bye for now Chloe
awww i missed you all too! i so sorry i had to go. SK21 we keep missing each other! i miss all you guys. edmund_luver101 too! i haven't talked to her in soooo long! not since we first made this thread...
awww u missed SK21 again! He was on this morning, but I think he'll be back. He just went off for food.
she might have been.... i hope she's ok though cause she said she lives in Oklahoma and i've seen all these huge dangerous wildfire's in oklahoma and texas on the news... she probably is though *hopes and hopes*. she might be on vacation. hope she comes back soon? and i also hope SK21 did just go for food... so he'll be back soon! yay!
yer mee too! we need to think of a random topic for today!



Converses! how much do you love them! i saw tommy lee on tommy lee goes to college this morning and he was wearing one black converse and one red! i might where my red ones to the baftas, in tribute of skandar at the premiere but im not sure. it depends what outfit i wear!
haha that'd be soo cool. but it might look strange if you wore them with a skirt or dress. unless you wore pants, then it would be awesome! i need to get some converses!!! i have none :'(