So...Who's On Now XVI

I'm great! Excited because I get to go to a corn maze with my school tomorrow! :D

AWESOME! Have you had a fall break or do you not get one? I don't get one :(
I'm supposed to be having my friends come over tomorrow, to roast hot dogs play games, and a hayride. But it's rained all day so it's probably going to have to be rescheduled :(
AWESOME! Have you had a fall break or do you not get one? I don't get one :(
I'm supposed to be having my friends come over tomorrow, to roast hot dogs play games, and a hayride. But it's rained all day so it's probably going to have to be rescheduled :(
Yeah, it was just a couple of days, though.
Awww, that stinks! But, on the bright side--you could stay on TDL tomorrow if you reschedule. (j/k) :p:D
Yeah, it was just a couple of days, though.
Awww, that stinks! But, on the bright side--you could stay on TDL tomorrow if you reschedule. (j/k) :p:D

In a way I hope we have to reschedule, because the friends that I really, really want to be there can't come. One has to play in band, the other's hunting and the other one is going to see High School Musical (*scoffs*)
But that night I hope to be on ;) :p
In a way I hope we have to reschedule, because the friends that I really, really want to be there can't come. One has to play in band, the other's hunting and the other one is going to see High School Musical (*scoffs*)
But that night I hope to be on
Speaking of hunting--I need to go. :)p)
Haha! My sister is going to see HSM. :)rolleyes::p)
Awesome. :D
And proud of it!
Lol, yeah, a lot of my friends are like that--I don't get it either. :

Yes--mothers. I have to get off soon, too.

My dad hunts. We have helpless animals on our walls *sniffles* (can't you tell I live in the south??? :p)
I know why my friends like it . . . two words . . . Zac Efron *yuck* I'm more of a William Moseley kinda girl :D

I gotta go now. It was nice talkin to ya, even though it was short. Maybe tomorrow night ;)
My dad hunts. We have helpless animals on our walls *sniffles* (can't you tell I live in the south??? )
I know why my friends like it . . . two words . . . Zac Efron *yuck* I'm more of a William Moseley kinda girl

I gotta go now. It was nice talkin to ya, even though it was short. Maybe tomorrow night ;)
LOL! A true southerner you are. :p
lol, yeah...

Okie dokey! Bye! Yeah, maybe 2morrow. ;):D