So...Who's On Now XVI

*chases and tackles Ashlee* you're not getting away that fast! *hugs back* HA! bwhahaha, now what???HUH??? :p

well, as for me, nothing much happened this weekend. I got home from a long day at school on fri then went out to dinner with the family, slept 14 hours that night at woke up in the middle of the day on Saturday, bummed around, went to sleep, woke up today, went to church, took a nap, yada-yada-yada. Well, I guess you could say I've been playing catch up with quality sleep this weekend. :rolleyes:
Honestly, I was shocked myself, especially after the 14 hr night, but for the week before that, I hadn't gotten a real good night's sleep, so my body just crashed. lol.
after it happened yesterday, yeah..but today..for some reason, I'm feeling bleh...and therefore I'm tired. (whenever I'm bleh I'm tired)...I have a rather busy week for school, so I guess my brain's tired from trying to keep up with it all. It should get better though. :rolleyes:
Mental health days never hurt anyone. ;)

I'm still listening to The Academy Is... lol! I've liked this band for about two years and I have all three of their CDs. :) I saw they had an EP that came out in 2004. I should try to get it...