So...Who's On Now XVI

why was she mad? because no one really liked her ideas?

Iz, it's not your fault in the least. You could have spoken with her, yeah, but it was her choice, not yours that unrolled tonight's events.
no she's mad because the guy got invited over to her house even though she didn't want him over. It's kinda my fault because he's more my friend and my other friends wanted to meet him.
sorry I know it's a confusing story.

the friends that was the host is mad because the guy gotten invited over without her permission.
it's ok, Iz. It's all straight now. :p

And I can see why she's mad. I'd be mad too if someone I didn't invite got invited without permission. I'm sorry your friend's mad, Iz. Terrible thing on a holiday.
yeap well I'm like super tried, so I'm going to bed, but I'm not sure if I'm done need someone to talk about the whole thing, so you wouldn't mine if I pm you tomorrow, it's totally ok if you'd rather me not though.
Dearie, it's totally ok! lol. I love listening, so trust me it's totally fine, Iz. Do it when you want to/can, and I'll read it and talk to you about it. ;) ^_^
better, I guess no ones mad anymore except me. because my friend still doesn't get that she can't just invite people over to other peoples houses. She doesn't think she did anything wrong.
awww, I wuv you too, toj! *hugses* :p lol. I love hugs. :rolleyes: *hugs everything/everyone*

Willy Wally:.....stop it, you're embarrassing me
me: how can I embarrass a wall?
Willy Wally: by trying to hug something you can't get your arms around in public
me: why would I do that in public....this is a padded room
Willy Wally: exactly

EDIT: oh, I'm sorry, Iz. Is everything ok?