So...Who's On Now XVI

A blond pulled her car over to the side and got out to see what was wrong with it. A man comes up and asks if he would be able to help out. The blond goes "Oh yeah, that'd be great!" and the man goes "Alright, but you have to do WHATEVER I say." And the blond goes "..hmm...alright." So the man draws a circle and tells the blond to step into it, and she does, and the man goes, "Now, whatever happens do NOT step out of the circle." And the blond goes "Alright." So the blond's in the circle, and the man turns around and shoots her car. He turns around and she's laughing. The man doesn't know what's going on, so he turns around again and shoots her car up even more. He turns around, and she's cracking up. He turns around to the car again and shoots the car till it explodes. He turns to the blond and she's on the ground laughing so hard. And the man goes, "what's wrong with you lady?? I blew up your car!!!!" and the blond goes "Yeah, but every time you turned around, I stepped out of the circle."
in a hardware stere, there's a mirror that grants a wish to whomever can say something that is completely true. if it's false, then the person disappears. a brunette goes to the mirror and says "I think I'm the prettiest person in this store," and she disappears. A redhead goes up to the mirror and goes, "I think I'm the smartest person in this store," and disappears. A blond goes up to the mirror and goes, "I think-" and she disappears. :p lol

my brother told me that one.
yeah. *hugs all blonds* I surprisingly have quite a few blond friends, even though I love blond jokes. lol..of course, they all do too, because the jokes are dumb. :rolleyes:
I am jealous. lol! My hair is naturally is a light brown, dark blonde. Like a mousy color. My roots are coming in and the red is fading out. I can't dye it because my hair is falling out and I don't want to give it more of a reason to fall out...:(
I'm alrighty. :) Ready for the weekend, even though today was my first day back to work this week.

I stayed home sick with a cold for the past two days. :(
I'm alrighty. :) Ready for the weekend, even though today was my first day back to work this week.

I stayed home sick with a cold for the past two days. :(

Ooo I'm sorry, colds are no fun. For a couple of days I thought I was going to get sick but it seemed to pass.

This is totally random, but have you heard from Josh (NarnianofGryffindor), do you know if he's been on TDL? I wish he'd come back :(
I talk to him on Facebook sometimes. Part of me doesn't think he's going to come back, even though I want him to. Shall I pass on a message to him?