So...Who's On Now XVI

I'm pretty good...I HATE ALGERBA! (random) :p

*Sighs* Yeah me too! It's horrible and a complete waste of time . . . I'm NEVER going to use that in the real world. I think that if you want to do something that requires Algebra it should be a class in college not highschool. You're in Algebra I right? Wait till you have to do Algebra II and Geometry! :rolleyes:
*Sighs* Yeah me too! It's horrible and a complete waste of time . . . I'm NEVER going to use that in the real world. I think that if you want to do something that requires Algebra it should be a class in college not highschool. You're in Algebra I right? Wait till you have to do Algebra II and Geometry!
lol! I agree! Yeah, I'm SO excited about Algebra II & Geometry. :rolleyes:

Say--do you ever watch VeggieTales? :)p) I just watched 'The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything' FUNNIEST movie ever! :p:D Plus it has a really good soundtrack...
lol! I agree! Yeah, I'm SO excited about Algebra II & Geometry. :rolleyes:

Say--do you ever watch VeggieTales? :)p) I just watched 'The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything' FUNNIEST movie ever! :p Plus it has a really good soundtrack...


I have not seen Veggie Tales in a really long time. But I used to watch them all the time. Isn't the tomato's name Bob? Or something like that :p
Well, you should see 'Pirates'. :)p) Yeah, Bob the Tomato & Larry the Cucumber--but the funniest characters are Mr. Lunt & Pa Grape!

LOL! I'll have to watch it sometime.

I hate to cut this short since we never get to talk but, my friend just called and was like "Can you come outside? PLEASE come outside! I'll be waiting for you!" and hung up :rolleyes: I feel like a criminal! :( :p I'll be on later though!
*sigh* I remember when Veggie Tales first came out in 30 mintues tapes. *starts to feel a little old*...ehhh.... lol. I love my lips!!! (not random if you're familiar with Silly Songs with Larry :rolleyes: )

and Algebra does have it's use, you just won't know it until a mathmetician you meet along your career points it out. :rolleyes:
Hey Juuude. Don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better... na na na na na naaaaaaaah na na na na na naaahhhh
lol You didn't but that's okay.

I'm alright. My hours at work changed. I am now FORCED to get out of bed at 6 am if I want to make it to work on time. However, there is always a silver lining. In this case, the silver lining is that I get out of work at 3:30 :D
sweet. I have to wake up at 5. start driving at 6:30 to catch the 7:42 or 8:06 train an hour away, and I get home at 6. :rolleyes: :p ahaha. *sigh* so good to be home *hugs home and tdl and everyone in it*

I'm sorry about your work. That stinks, but at least you can be home that early! that's a total blessing.
Yeah and we no longer have the phone system! They moved it to Pennsylvania. Yay!!

Wanna hear a joke that is so lame in the best way?

What do you call a horse that comes out at Halloween?