So...Who's On Now XVI

Aurora!!!! How are you?!

The kid in your siggie has beautiful eyes.

Heey Ashlee! I'm goodish. Got a headache, and feeling a little sick (no thanks to my friend, who's name is Ashley :p) but otherwise I'm good. How are you?

ahh! I know. I love him. I saw him in some movie and he comes in the first scene for like 5 seconds before he dies, but those 5 seconds were enough to have me fall n love with him, rush home, search up the cast from the movie and find out everything about him. XD
Okie, well I'm gonna go now. And Nicki! I started writing my Lawrence/Helena story again. :D I haven't written anything for it since..... errr... somtime in July. =| Bye guys! *hugs* ttyl. :)
Haha! I think I should be the one writing the geography book, but at least you know where Flordia is. :p
Haha! That's right!!! Practically no one else knows where it is. Few can find it, even if they're looking for it. *Beams proudly*

Okay. I've gotta go get some sleep or something. :p