So...Who's On Now XVI

hey, yeah we probably haven't met because when you joined I was busy with other things and couldn't come on. You can call me LC or Amy or Amz or whatever you want as long as it's not offensive, not that you would but...just making a point, I guess. *shrugs* :rolleyes:
it will probably end up being LC, only cuz i don't know if i'll remember Amy unless it's written in your siggy haha :D. I only know a few people's real names here on TDL hahaha :D. It's very nice to meet you.
O.O................................................................*feels like saying something important but comes up with nothing*......................anyone have a quiver in the liver?
Dernhelm the mod. she says she's not a duffer.......when we all know she IS!!! *cackles*...she's just in a big river that rhymes with something in Egypt. :rolleyes: