Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin had been driven underground long ago, by superhuman heroes who resembled China's legendary "Water Margin" warriors. This history, like most history in the Heyho sub-reality, was only a simulation. What would become Deuce Wayans' home world began to have its own real existence around the time the Roman Empire split into western and eastern halves.

An evil spirit associated with Hopecrusher Central had hastened to assume the identity of the earth-dragon. It accepted an interim of hibernation, so it could at least have some fun before having to face the judgment of the Almighty. To its frustration, it had to wait quite a while. Cast in the role of an ancient evil planning eventually to devastate a secular, industrialized world, it was sustained by deep magma, dreaming of its eventual chance to play Godzilla with unprepared humans. Since millennia (well, virtual millennia) had passed with no super-duper menaces to this Earth-variant, the Never-Stopping Story required no metahuman heroes to save mankind in later generations. Thus, the Hopecrusher creature intended to have as much cruel fun as it could manage in such a target-rich environment, before any forces of good got around to intervening.

Scattered, rare visits to this Earth-variant by Green Flashlights had faintly unsettled Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin; but only since outside heroes had come to visit Bat-Earth by way of an upgraded Starhatch, had the demon grown halfway conscious. Maskoflage the reformed Face Twister, posing periodically as Street Bat, had been quite a nudge. The activity of Green Flashlight Fojadosh had added more disturbance. When it was conscious enough to resume planning, Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin aimed its thoughts at how the collectivist movement in America could weaken mankind's ability to fight back against a kaiju.

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Heinrich Austerlund, one of several chauffeur-guards employed in rotation by Street Bat's mother Beatrice Wayans, was on an unofficial errand, by the request of the new United States Secretary of the Interior. Ladora Greeley had dated Heinrich when she was a flirtatious political intern. Since then, Ladora had manipulated her way into a post in Parks and Recreation for Minnesota, then the governorship of that state. Recently completing her tenure over the Ten Thousand Lakes, she had gained entry to Mark S. Hegel's cabinet.

And to his private estates. But back to present time for the story.

Earthquake researchers in Utah had just lately presented the Department of the Interior with seismic readings that indicated a wave-like effect, seeming to originate under China, moving in an underground arc-- somewhat like an airliner following a "great circle" route when covering a vast distance. The phenomenon stayed clear of the Earth's molten core, and was expected to emerge in Utah or Nevada. Ladora cut short a speech about jet airplanes polluting the atmosphere, to hop aboard her private jet and fly to the area of interest. Heinrich, already nearer to the probable emergence location, was rounding up journalists and emergency-response personnel, so that Ladora could look good by seeming to be on top of any crisis.

The earthquake trackers, accompanied by Heinrich, discovered that the water level in many reservoirs was dropping. This occurred hours after an equally sudden level drop in the Great Salt Lake. "Whatever it is," the youngest woman among the geologists remarked to the chauffeur- bodyguard, "I think it's close to choosing its emergence point."

Heinrich's eyes widened. "Meaning it's a living creature?"

"The others doubt me on this, but I can't figure any way a non-living tectonic surge would move near the Earth's core without sinking in. What has happened requires it to move down, then up. Only a living creature can change course in ways which are independent of gravity, or changing consistency of the medium. I don't know if other inhabited worlds exist, but what we've been tracking could as easily be extraterrestrial as any other explanation."

Heinrich's beefy, thuggish exterior didn't make him a fool. "Secretary Greeley's about to have a great big mystery on her plate."

"I hope not also a gruesome horror story."
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Having returned from China, Deuce joined his two closest associates in their underground labyrinth near Gossamer City. Chang-Shi Kirby and Alvin Springbuck were clad in Bat-Earth's nearest equivalent of Spartan armor in the canonical Halo game, well supplied with a variety of equipment. All three men carried electronic tablets, which received intermittent reports from Deuce's brother Ben in Colorado. Friends of friends of friends were passing news to Ben about the Department of the Interior investigating something in the states west of Colorado. If Deuce's affluent upper-class mother knew anything in this connection, she wasn't telling.

Once they had reviewed all available updates on the subterranean investigation, Deuce flew them all at super-speed to Baton Rouge, where they could access a tunnel hidden under the Arkansas-Louisiana Life Avenue. "Alvin, you have some friends at a television station in town. Leave your armor here, go see your reporter friends, and find out if they're sitting on any hot scoops about the underground whatever-it-is."

Alvin learned nothing of importance. No more detours, then: Green-Street-Lantern-Bat, or whatever he might call himself now, flew them all to Utah. No more beating around the cactus. They didn't show themselves to any officials, but were able to intercept radio exchanges involving Interior Department and public- safety personnel. Alvin and Chang-Shi mainly handled this part, while Deuce used his version of ground-penetrating radar to distinguish natural rock layers from..... the legend of the elemental Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin.

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Ladora Greeley had long been accustomed to strutting and posing as a faithful apostle of Mother Earth. She smoothly evaded questions about her endorsement of using poisonous lithium and cobalt for the batteries of supposedly nature-friendly electric vehicles. It had never occurred to her that something like an earth elemental might take her more seriously.

The ground did not exactly shake. It moved like a conveyor belt constantly changing its mind about whether to slide toward the southwest or the northeast. And then..... the ground opened like a huge toad's mouth. Because your author doesn't want to present the sort of imaginary death toll that's common to Japanese monster movies, the upward-bursting movement caused Ladora and other people to fall away from, not into, the sudden crevice. But they screamed as loudly as if they were being killed. And out came a sight incongruous for the American West: the sort of pseudo-moustached monster common in classical Chinese art.

Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin exhaled a gigantic burst of white-hot flame, such as should have cooked people alive who were anyplace nearby; but no humans or animals in the affected area suffered more than the equivalent of a mild sunburn. Even vegetation was only partially scorched. But all of these non-player characters vaguely sensed that they ought not to press their luck. They even found the good sense not to run straight ahead of the monster, which of course would have kept them in its path. Instead, they peeled off, right and left, and got out of the way altogether.

The exception was Ladora Greeley, Secretary of the Interior. Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin dipped its head to rest on the ground close to her. With her long auburn-ish hair stirring in the wind, she drew nearer to the earth-dragon. "I sense an intersectional intersection," she told the monster. "You and I will direct the nurturing of nature." She saw that part of the top of the dragon's head formed a space between horns: a spot where she could sit and hang on, unlikely to fall off. The dragon's head rose, and then the whole dragon rose, carrying her in what she suddenly understood was a course toward an oil-field region.

Things fell into place for Ladora. Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin was going to destroy refineries which belonged to American energy companies. But it would spare similar installations belonging to U.C.C.R. interests-- which had illegally donated to Mark S. Hegel's presidential campaign, while claiming that Mark's opponent was the one really accepting foreign money.

Deuce Wayans' mother Beatrice had also donated to President Hegel's campaign; but the expectation of Wayans family assets being spared was no comfort to Street Bat; he realized that the narrative-softening good luck of people not being burned to death might not extend to Americans who were offstage. It was time for him and his assistants to do some flying themselves.

All three men were equipped with jet packs, which postponed a public revelation of Street Bat being also a Green Flashlight.
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I remind readers that "Yorkborough" is this Earth-variant's version of New York City, and was in the forefront of creating the Life Avenues. About two days before Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin surfaced, The Yorkborough Life Avenue was visited by Troy Lauderville, Mark Hegel's White House Chief of Staff. No city-level functionaries were told explicitly why Troy was here, but he made no secret of the fact that he was touring the two very large senior- citizen dormitories. In these relatively-tall structures, elderly persons were warehoused: being kept alive while the Department of Domestic Order surveyed the general population...... concerning whether citizens too old to work were deserving of indefinite sustenance.

"How are we feeling today, Missus Okpara?"

The eighty-something resident stared past Troy and mumbled, "Ibrahim, are the kids back from school yet?"

It's probably not logical to set one-size-fits-all cutoff ages for men and women, Troy thought, let alone a single cutoff age for both sexes. We won't put any of this in the media, until we see if young citizens consider old people a burden.

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Forward in time again: Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin, in its peculiar way of communicating, told Ladora that it was aware of a government official who "had the right attitude." Ladora gradually felt the elemental beast remembering bronze-age China. Humans in that place and time had been a much thinner population; Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin had not minded humanity existing, but had felt that it should be the one to decide how many humans should be running around. This had led to its (unsuccessful) clash with Bat-Earth's early superheroes.

The earth-dragon perceived an ally in Troy Lauderville. It and Ladora would be contacting him.

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As surely as the Chinese elemental monster sensed the D.D.O. bureaucrat on his errand in Yorkborough, so a ravishingly-gorgeous golden- blonde non-Earth human woman sensed the elemental monster entering the Nevada of Bat-Earth. Deezla Vozard was a Heart Sapphire Sister..... who had arguably done more damage than any other gem-bearer during the gigantic interference committed on Jersey Earth. Deezla's home planet had long been under the sway of population- control enthusiasts; and on the Earth of Trace Dickey and John Stewmeat, she had enacted what her college had taught her. Coming upon senior citizens in nursing homes, she had played God: painlessly terminating those who had sunk into senile dementia.

The unelected regime of Deezla's world (a world long influenced by Highfyver of New Laziness) had programmed her not even to consider lengthening the lives of such persons; not to consider curing their senility so they could enjoy more time with their loved ones before moving on to the afterlife. When she finally grasped what she had been doing, she had become as penitent and contrite a sinner as the universe had ever seen. Informing her that all of her victims were safe in His presence, the Almighty had forgiven her..... and had not needed even to hint to her what should come next.

Spending time in the Star Wars-derived sub-reality, notably on Planet Kummanokkin, Deezla had poured herself into extending life and relieving pain. Contact with Banjolorians had improved her appreciation of individual value.

Which made her specially sensitive to any collective consensus which violated the dignity of individuals.

And across hundreds of parsecs, Deezla knew that Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin and Mark S. Hegel must be thwarted.
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Diving-- merging --into the ground again, under western Nebraska, the earth-dragon again made Ladora immune to being pulverized or asphyxiated. It made the politician aware of tunnels in this region, and the tunnels carried an aura of, oh yuck, noble virtue and goodness. Ladora didn't know what Green Flashlights were, but Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin was feeling a trace of Green Flashlight Fojadosh Ludping, who had created this tunnel for Street Bat's use.

The ancient horror now did what amounted to saying: Do you possess means of recording visual images?

"Yes, my smart phone still has 81% charge remaining. But it's dark in here."

Not a problem. I can generate a nice and hellish red light for your picturing. Afterwards, I will transport you to wherever you believe you can find authority figures who are of like mind with you. Then you can inform them of this hidden passageway. They in turn can declare publicly that unruly, disobedient humans are trying to overthrow your society.

Ladora grinned in the darkness, then took her photos. "This will be enough to let us accuse anyone of mutiny whom we want to get rid of."

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Deezla Vozard was flying at least as fast as a Star Trek ship doing Warp Seven. As she went, she was mentally hailed by the elusive Master Yoga-Rug, native of Toofah-Roff, sometime hermit of Nagobah.

"Promising child, I perceive your situation. I can give you an extra resource for your mission. I have been a party to changing evildoers into good persons." Deezla felt sudden warmth. Yoga-Rug added: "You now have the power, one time, to purge out all wickedness from a person's mind and spirit. It isn't that easy on Original Earth, but it will work for you in this plot arc."

"Thank you, honored mentor of heroes!" Deezla was further emboldened for her mission, even though the readers would have to wait to find out who would get converted to goodness on Bat-Earth.

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The pampered politician found it surprisingly natural to converse with a behemoth of darkness and chaos. Fin-Zin-Chin-Pin told her calmly about the ancient superheroes who had taught it that it wasn't omnipotent. And if it had anything in common with mortals, it was that it liked anyone who flattered it. Ladora had decided that the dragon was like an undecided voter in downtown Minneapolis.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Zip-Chip. You probably were blindsided; you didn't realize how hateful those ancient Nazis were."

[i[What is a Nazi? [/i]

"Anyone who disagrees with us."

When they discovered one of Deuce Wayans' multiple Bat Cave equivalents, the monster told her: There is a compartment over here. Human garments are stored in it, made to fit a muscular human male. Each outfit includes a long cape.
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ON THE FRINGE OF THE "DUNE"- DERIVED SUB-REALITY: >>>> Since we last saw the speedster Giles Magg on Planet Bakwudza, he and Sub-Chief Punchout's desert-warrior squad on Bakwudza had repelled a determined Wendigo assault on the town of Toehold. The Srirachian veteran Punchout was the only man in his contingent carrying a raygun, since tactical conditions within the Galactic Empire favored bullet-guns. But the Fremen-counterparts _had_ at least been able to put the predators off balance by numerous bullet impacts to their heads, enabling Punchout to choose his energy-weapon kill shots. (Glancing beam-hits had not been enough to kill them; direct hits were necessary.)

Councilwoman Sally Porter had urged the construction of simple flamethrowers to combat the Wendigoes. Only one flamethrower was completed before the monsters attacked, but that one slew five of the evil bipeds. Punchout's laser took out eight more of the people-eating beasts. All that time, Giles had kept on racing around the perimeter, knocking down every Wendigo that was close to claiming a defenseless victim (just as he had previously rescued colonist Henry Daikoza). When the dismayed surviving monsters fled, Giles had still not been able to kill one himself; but he had thwarted all of _their_ attempts to kill humans. Which was enough to cement his popularity in Toehold.

No humans died. Some were wounded; but no, they did not change into Wendigoes.

Before the murderous magical primates could work up the nerve to attempt a new onslaught, two friendly non-Jalapeno-dependent starships arrived. one was Groan Starr's own Selenium Falcon; accompanying Groaner were his wife Princess Vixen and his niece Gladiola Ashtrayides. The other, larger ship was the Resolute Hound, commanded by Ulysses Bardette, with a copilot named Zorvita; they brought along Captain Kracknuk of the Ashtrayides army, with a squad of Ashtrayides soldiers. Gladiola, via Penny Jezebel- type foresight, had let her uncle know that they needed to bring energy weapons.

Once on-planet, Gladiola exerted her clairvoyance further, naturally focusing on where the furry aggressors originated. After half an hour of trying, she told the following to her own companions, and to Sally, Giles, Kracknuk and Ulysses:

"Those monsters are called Wendigoes. They are sapient, they are in fact supernatural, and they are consciously wicked. They came into existence on an Earth-variant which has powerful protectors of its own. Those protectors are mighty enough that the Wendigoes were always forced to keep a low profile. When hyperspace travel to _this_ planet became possible for them, they grabbed the opportunity. A chance at victims who would be unprepared to deal with them. I, for one, will not grieve if they all get exterminated."

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After the ships had scouted and ascertained that the Wendigoes were far away, and after wounded person s had been treated, Gladiola exerted her Jalapeno power again. "There are people who have a self-serving interest in the Wendigoes."

" 'People,' meaning maybe the Hotblood Matrons?" asked Zorvita.

"Correct," replied Gladiola; and Giles added: "I was with heroes from one of the Earth-variants in an action against the Matrons. The ambition of those grossly selfish women has no restraint. But please continue, Gladiola."

Gladiola looked at the clone of her grandfather. "Some of them are on another Empire world, one called Vojodren. And you remember the discovery of Starhatches? One of those is on Vojodren; and another one is _here_ on Bakwudza. These Matrons didn't bring the Wendigoes from their Earth-variant, but they saw the monsters a useful weapon to conquer _this_ planet. The Hotbloods on Vojodren have allies, whose identities I haven't sensed yet."

Groan Starr, in his turn, tried reaching out with his Fuss intuition. "I'm not picking up as much as my niece did, but some _names_ have come to my mind. There's a Mentalcat named Piper Dizeeze. There are military-grade robots, called 'Ironhides.' Two of the Hotblood Matrons on Vojodren are named Narzississa and Robjendra; Narzississa is the elder of the two. Narzississa only recently decided to work with Mentalcat Dizeeze."
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The frontier planet Pointfar was on one edge of the former Calamari empire, but not close to Vojodren or Bakwudza. Around the time when Groan Starr and family joined Giles Magg on Bakwudza, two nieces of General Alec Hurdygurdy landed on Pointfar in the non-Jalapeno-dependent starship Careful Hand, about the same size as the Selenium Falcon but with much more armament. Valluree and Vallurah brought along a Chimpanzian who was known to Groan Starr: Hadrianus Tolpin, a transportation overseer for his people. Hadrianus was involved with Chimpanzian efforts to produce home-designed airplanes, and would avidly study atmospheric flying craft on any industrialized world he had the chance to visit.

Green Flashlight Sheckmarosh, a centauroid stallion from Planet Hoofmark who had facilitated scientific education for the closely-related Jinobridon people, was currently on Pointfar to help guard it against evil robots, assisted by a battalion of long-armed Ziblamot soldiers borrowed from the Second Galaxy. After an initial conversation with Hadrianus, Sheckmarosh said to the beautiful (by human standards) twins:

"The Janitors of the Universe, who observe the galaxies _very_ meticulously, have informed me that none of the ancient evil robots are in a position to menace Pointfar very soon. At the same time, some _different_ evil robots are threatening the zone of space where Groan Starr and Giles Magg are. If you can stay in this star system for a while, your addition to Pointfar's overall security will make me more free in conscience to go and assist Groaner and Giles. The danger _they_ face is more magical than anything likely to come against _this_ colony, so it's well for me to go to Groaner's aid for a while. Green Flashlight energy is marginally magical, thus able to combat the evil afflicting Bakwudza."

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Vixen Starr-Ashtrayides, as she was called when the point was to affirm her sworn union with her husband, was a superb markswoman with anything like a rifle. Groaner was not intimidated by her; his Fuss power could have both foretold any hostile intent from her side, and blocked her shots if she had for any reason tried to shoot him. But it did give him peace of mind about her safety when he had to be away from her.

The royal couple had befriended a teenage boy named Jebragoth, who was deeply familiar with the terrain in a 25-mile radius from Toehold. He guided the Starrs on an independent patrol. Being a smart kid, he said to Groan and Vixen before they set out: "I own a bullet-rifle sufficient to deal with most normal animals. I realize that it can't kill a Wendigo; but since _you_ can kill one, my having my rifle, _pretending_ that I don't realize its futility, may set the monsters up to be fatally surprised after I seem to be the one foolishly underestimating the danger."

In keeping with Jebragoth's idea of a setup, they advanced along the bottom of a long ravine, absolutely _inviting_ a Wendigo to spring upon them from above. As they went, Vixen played especially dumb, pretending not even to realize that it would be _possible_ for them to be killed.

Their simulated unreadiness evoked _genuine_ unreadiness in the _three_ Wendigoes perched on one high edge of the ravine.

When the creatures leaped, Jebragoth reflexively fired at the first one to jump, while Vixen reflexively fired her plasma carbine at the largest one. This largest Wendigo hit the ravine floor with its head cooked. The one the boy had shot was unhurt; but both it and the third monster were _stopped_ in midair by Fuss levitation, struggling vainly to escape what had snared them.

As has been said before, Fuss users could not read minds like reading a text word-by-word; but they could perceive tendencies or moods in the minds of thinking beings. "They are not redeemable," said Groan Starr quite solemnly; "they have no conscience. Therefore--" Having learned that suffocation could kill them, he executed a Fuss choke which soon made them non-alive. Then he let them drop to the ground, once he, his wife and their guide were out from underneath.

No more than three minutes later, a clamor of roaring and screeching came to their ears. "They must have something like down-side powers," Vixen muttered tensely. "Some of them have _sensed_ that we killed these fuzzies."

"All right: now for a fighting retreat. Jebragoth, don't hesitate to tell me anything useful your hunting skill suggests. Vixen, be ready to shoot any new playmates. They might start hurling boulders; I can deflect those, but this might leave me not noticing ground-level movement."

The Wendigoes must have been smart enough to realize that their most dangerous single enemy on Bakwudza was here. They circled around each flank; more hurled rocks needed to be fended off; and the monsters got smart enough to show their heads only for very short moments. Vixen's plasma weapon inflicted serious burns on six monsters, but none immediately fatal. One flying rock, part of a larger volley, got past Groaner's defense, and hit his right collarbone at half speed. He didn't collapse, but the others had to slow their own retreat to stay with him.

_Before_ the desperate-last-minute-needing-cavalry-to-arrive had come...... the cavalry arrived anyway. Almost literally cavalry, since Hoofmarkians had horse-like bodies. Fierce green beams thrust into the Wendigo ranks. Sheckmarosh had been briefed by the Janitors that these beings were beyond redemption, and he was allowed to kill them. Right when entering atmosphere, not waiting to call Sally Porter or Giles Magg, he pulverized every Wendigo he could see.

When the Starrs and their local guide were safe, Sheckmarosh landed and introduced himself. Groaner and Vixen already knew of the existence of Hoofmarkians, but had not known Sheckmarosh personally.

"Prince Groan Starr, let me form an energy-cast to immobilize your damaged shoulder. _Other_ foes, not magical but smarter than these brutes, might hyper-jump to this planet any time now."
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On an unremarkable Imperial planet named Fectalim, one which had accepted Stillneater Ashtrayides' offer of collective emancipation, a dozen Hotblood Matrons had gathered for wicked purposes, with a regiment's worth of Imperial army veterans who had formerly served with Colonel Gruntygoon. The most senior Matron present was named Koridmi; she had been part of the assault on Planet Gumwad, which had been foiled largely by Seedubb heroes including Spiderweb-Man and Cyberdork.

"You will understand that the men and I have misgivings about accepting robots as co-belligerents," muttered Major Takamura Jamison. "We know the remote but still relevant history of evil robots trying to exterminate humanity. What is to be _gained_ by lining up with a new generation of war-fighting robots?"

Koridmi nodded. "I understand, believe me. We Hotblood Matrons have our own history of staying alive in the face of the robot menace. >We< knew about them for generations before the Imperial court on Lousy Sekondhanstor even guessed that any evil robots remained active. But all of our clairvoyance testifies that Piper Dizeeze has eluded the pitfalls of artificial- intelligence design. _His_ robots will obey him. Not only are they _not_ free-willed, but each of them runs random diagnostics on others, to head off any deviation before it starts."

Takamura Jamison didn't look very reassured. "All right, the Mentalcat's robots won't mutiny against him. But what if he orders them to kill us?"

"He won't; he has no incentive to betray us. He hates the new constitutional system as much as you and I do. He wants to return to the days of privilege, domination and hereditary power. And..... my clairvoyance informs me further that someone of the Ashtrayides bloodline is on Bakwudza. Any hostility Piper Dizeeze may feel toward adherents of the ex-Emperor will vanish when set beside his hatred for House Ashtrayides."

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On an extremely remote space station which did not need any air inside it, an evil robot called 82741-53302 digitally conversed with an identical robot called 90003-68718, as follows......

82741-53302: I have begun surveying remote observation posts in regions where there has been no activity of interest to us in the last 800 years. Two planets have now come to my attention: Vojodren, with a stable human presence, and Bakwudza, where humans are in an early stage of occupation. There are not sufficient sensor arrays usable to us to confirm where the humans on those two planets were located before travelling to their current habitats; but there is a 72% probability of a Mentalcat being active on Vojodren. And on Bakwudza, erect-walking flesh- beings of an unfamiliar species recently arrived from an unidentified starting point.

90003-68718: Do the unclassified creatures appear to possess their own resources for galactic transit?

82741-53302: No evidence of such capability on their part is forthcoming. But there is an aura accompanying them, what some humans call "magic." Estimate 36% probability that this energy field had a causal connection with their appearance on Bakwudza.

90003-68718: Is there evidence of the newcomers possessing relevant technology for hyperspace travel?

82741-53302: Negative; nor any sign of their possessing military technology.

90003-68718: Is there evidence of friendly interaction by the new creatures with humans?

82741-53302: Insufficient data.

90003-68718: Recommend space-folding excursion to determine if unknown beings should be exterminated.
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Count Omar MacFrancis, current leader in a rotation for Silnarp, is on speaking terms with Jaheg-Jorod, and knows all about the development of "rattle-guns" which use "cannonpowder." Neridim Yubiwaza, artisan for the corrupt House Burakarut, is in charge of the development.

The necromancer's attention is now fixed on interfering with telegraph lines, notably in Bavrid, figuring to "edit" messages.

Field-Master Nefekor of the Samplibami Shogunate Army is now a Towerman, thus able to injure weapon-resistant monsters with ordinary attacks. He, and several Tengu, have helped out the Tagdossans and Flodmarthers (west of Samplibam) by cutting short an incipient plague of werewolves.

Near the end of a globe-circling journey with Wyatt Hickok, Frethric Belgus, a native of the southern continent, was badly wounded while defending Perdida Fortescue's merchant ship against pirates from the Fishing Line Islands. Captain George Rothermill of Tablanor organized a punitive naval expedition against the pirates, which can be assumed to have broken the power of the maritime criminals. Frethric will be seen in Vodranor (a friendly neighbor country to Tablanor), getting serious about learning to use the "claw-sword."

In the open country someplace west of Samplibam, Jonawiku the ronin (who also has Towerman anointing) acquired a collie-like stray dog, naming her Fish Hook. They were joined by Dijimoyat, a male Tengu.
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In Bavrid, Wyatt Hickok, with Ilya and Lagmarosk, had engaged the father-and-son mountain guides Shugdil and Shugsem for an independent inspection tour, with the consent of local authorities. None of the three Towermen was an expert mountain climber, but the Loi-Bavrid wire-layers had not gone out of their way to make any part of the wires inaccessible. The guides helped them to follow the routes paralleled by the lines. Lagmarosk had never seen anything like the sturdy fruit-bearing vines which hung down most cliffs; Shugdil explained to him that the fruits on these vines were the most important of plant-based foods in Loi-Bavrid cuisine.

It required more than a tenday-- even with Shugsem leading Wyatt along some paths while Shugdil guided Ilya and Lagmarosk on others-- for Wyatt to become virtually positive that Jaheg-Jorod had not physically sabotaged or magically disrupted the telegraph connections. "But he could cast some kind of spell on the sending-and-receiving offices."

This discussion taking place over a camp supper, Shugdil replied, "If our enemy wants to confuse our communication, he might simply ensorcell the operators. But I'm not aware of any Loi-Bavrid operator showing strange behavior."

With no comprehensive solution forthcoming, the two guides asked to hear more about the Towermen's adventures. Wyatt accordingly related how his party had fought against an undead outbreak on the Wellvernian continent; how, later, they had been treacherously arrested by Chieftainess Grenlu Avireska of Quelidar, the enemy of the inventor Jizbrol Tazaff-- and then had been rescued by resourceful friends.

The fact that the Frantic Druids entered into the account suddenly induced Shugsem to say: "Oh! Maybe we haven't uncovered sly tampering with the telegraph lines --because nothing was done that we would recognize as tampering. We've heard speculations that the necromancer is open-minded to using science in addition to magic, whereas the Frantic Druids hate science. It might be that the Frantic Druids don't know what's good for their cause; therefore, Jaheg-Jorod might resolve to help them whether they like it or not-- by passing facts to them which he picks up from telegrams between good people and other good people."

Young Lagmarosk was the next to perk up. "So maybe some folks like William Seldunin should send real-seeming false telegrams to confuse Jaheg-Jorod."

"They themselves can decide if they want to do that," said Wyatt. "I think we need to seek guidance as to where we personally should be going next, once Frethric is fully recovered. Last we heard of, Mister Jizbrol was beyond the pole, and had some contact with the Samplibami."

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In the wild lands east of Lower Wenzeppu, the ambitious merchant Victor Shelsidan was with Captain of Skilled Labor Jarsken Bowdrie, and Gamble Tarmo who was the best marksman in Veskamet Jolut's Loi-Jeltua airship crew. They were dwelling with members of a prairie tribe whose name for themselves was The Snow Drinkers. Though not inhabiting the frigid latitudes, they had no mountains interposing against cold air masses coming down from the far north, so things were often hard for them. Before the Cloud Wagon had flown off toward Gahurr, the whole crew had assisted with ensuring supplies of meat and firewood for the Snow Drinkers. Thereafter, thanks to Victor knowing enough of the tribal tongue to get by in the absence of language-crossing magic, the three travelers had begun a mutually profitable project: to create a trading post, such as Prince-Consort Felipe of Mifdola had already brought about in the land corridor between Jeltua and Mifdola.

An important dialogue had preceded the beginning of this work: Victor speaking with the local headman, whose name would translate as Crouching Archer, indicating his preferred posture for shooting arrows. Part of their talk had gone like this......

ARCHER: So how did Chieftain Felipe persuade the Sledge Nomads to accept a palisaded camp for trade being built on their land?

VICTOR: By an arrangement of time, not of place. The trading post is manned by Mifdolans or Loi-Jeltua only at times when their presence does not interfere with the Nomads' hunting and woodcutting. This was determined with many Sledge Nomad elders being heard.

ARCHER: Do you intend to offer the same arrangement to us and our kindred clans?

VICTOR: I do not think it will be needed hereabouts. Unlike the Sledge Nomads, your people dwell on open ranges. No single pathway or valley is the only route you can take when hunting, foraging, logging, or mining copper.

ARCHER: Have you discussed selling them guns?

VICTOR: Not yet, but this might arise after another year or two.

ARCHER: And what about us?

VICTOR: Your people are far more peaceful than the Nomads have been. If the trading post here succeeds, we might feel safe with selling you simple types of guns. One advantage in your case is that the copper you mine can be made into musket-balls for your guns to shoot. If you make enough of those, you may be able to sell them for your own profit.

ARCHER: Very well. This is a good beginning. Since you speak of copper, perhaps you and Jarsken would be willing now to inspect our mining pits, and suggest ways to improve the smelting.

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

The search party from Samplibam still was hunting for signs of Neridim Yubiwaza from House Burakarut, the craftsman who had built the first "rattle-guns," intended to be sold to enemies of the Shogunate. Jonawiku, son of Mofiruzo, who had served House Burakarut until the Burakaruts revealed themselves to be as corrupt as the Hayatebas, was pursuing his own search, many miles south of Nefekor's main party. With him were the Tengu Dijimoyat, and the collie-like she-dog Fish Hook. {If I ever said that someone else had accompanied Jonawiku in his detour to the south, assume that this man is tarrying in a populated area to make inquiries.}

Eventually, Dijimoyat flew north temporarily, to exchange updates with the larger team. When he rejoined Jonawiku, it was to report the following:

"Field-Master Nefekor has had a dream. In this dream, he spoke with the Colorless Quetzalcoatl, the reptilian demigod who restored the life of the chivalrous foreigner Wyatt Hickok. The Quetzalcoatl, as you will recall, cannot resurrect persons into terrestrial existence who are all dead, but can revive some who are only mostly dead. He told Nefekor that the detestable Jaheg-Jorod changed a certain woman of this region into a ghoul-or-lich-or-whatever; but contrary to the necromancer's design, the Creator has willed it that the Quetzalcoatl can restore this woman to full humanity, so that she can make amends for an evil deed she committed. According to the dream, we will discover the rest of the necessary facts if we question a country woman whose dress is brown on one side and green on the other."

This prediction bore fruit the next day. Tengu were not unheard of in this part of Arcondoyla; so no one from the cabins in the farming hamlet panicked at the sight of Dijimoyat. He told the autonomous peasants whom they were seeking, and one old man confirmed that his own widowed younger sister, named Hislafez Gohuhal, wore a dress of green-and-brown motley.

When the Tengu was introduced to the widow, she answered his questions bluntly. In substance: "My husband only lived long enough to give me our daughter Odilladet. At least she, thanks be to the gods, was both smart and strong. My husband had taught me to use a musket, so I taught Odilladet. She took a husband, but he died in an accident. Eventually, my daughter departed on her pony, hoping to make a fortune in Silnarp-- but then she dropped out of knowledge."

Speaking for himself, Dijimoyat told her, "We have received a prophecy of sorts, which suggests that we will discover what became of Odilladet."
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Far from being anywhere among the Loi-Bavrid mountain ranges, or from being in Silnarp, Jaheg-Jorod was currently on the wrong continent, insofar as anyone hunting him was concerned. He was on Wellvernia, the southern continent. More specifically, he was in the Ominous Lands, much more sparsely peopled than where Odilladet Gohuhal had been born: the region where Sir Ronald of Goliad had vanquished the Wolves of the Crybabiya. In the northernmost march of the Ominous Lands, the necromancer looked to the west-by- northwest, where Punksteema's improbable atmosphere-cruising small moon was drawing closer.

Jaheg-Jorod knew that life could exist on the moon; Frantic Druids had a permanent base there. From there, they had tried to ruin the quest of the airship Queen's Favor with magical attacks of their own. Being thwarted in evil designs was an experience which the evil nature-mages and the even-more-evil necromancer shared in common. Thus, he now cast his voice into the sky.

"Mighty Frantic Druids! We each have something the other lacks. You have an unassailable stronghold in the sky, while I have access to science which could add to your strength against servants of the hated Creator. If you could bombard the world's land surface with projectiles unrelated to magic, people such as the Mellow Druids would have no defense against your shooting. Consider how I could assist you, and you could assist me......

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

Back on the northern continent, Zutozar the lady Tengu flew down to meet Dijimoyat and Jonawiku.

"I received an intuition that you are acting upon Field-Master Nefekor's dream. I believe there is greater evil to be dealt with, so I'm joining you. The rest will continue hunting for clues elsewhere."

And so, not yet fully knowing the story, the Towerman-ronin, his dog, and two Tengu, went in search of a redeemable zombie.

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

Nefekor was not left without airborne reconnaissance; he still had the Tengu Butabik and Widagro, nephews to Zutozar and the late Chatahem. The adolescent bird-beings were continuing to deepen their friendship with a wingless teenage boy, Kambijud from Flodmarth. A new carrier-kite having been constructed, one or the other of the avian siblings periodically towed Kambijud through the air, letting him gain skill at observation of terrain from above, exactly as had been done previously for Jonawiku.

Yarbeck Trask, favored henchman of Jaheg-Jorod and murderer of Loi-Tidumo sailors, had the bad luck to be steering his own Reslagorian dirigible away from Silnarp at a time when Kambijud was in a position to see the airship. As a piece of good luck for Kambijud and his friends, the sun was at their backs, and no one on the airship saw the carrier-kite. Butabik happened to be towing Kambijud at the time; Widagro grabbed the main towing line and headed them into as sharp a descent as could be done without endangering the Flodmarther lad. None too soon; one of the dirigible's crewmen had caught an unclear sight of something in the air east-away.

Once underneath the large gondola, Kambijud shouted to his winged comrades, "Can one of you carry me directly, without the kite?"

"At least long enough to get you landed safely," replied Widagro.

"Then use the tow-rope to foul the ship's rudder!"

By the time Yarbeck Trask understood that his steering was compromised, the three youths were well away, heading to tell Field-Master Nefekor that the airship was going to need to descend for a landing. The Shogun's Towerman then deployed his men to capture Yarbeck's ride.

The first intimation Yarbeck had of just how severely his luck had changed was when the first three holes appeared in the starboard side of his buoyancy envelope, instantly matched by three exit holes in the port side. Other bullets damaged the engine. The socket-bayonet-bearing bolt-action rifles carried by Shogun Wajitujit were similar to late-19th-century British Army Martini-Henry rifles on Original Earth: only holding one round at a time, but that one bullet easily loaded, very powerful, and far-traveling. Only the advantage of "cannonpowder" in the airship crew's own rifles enabled them to match range. Two of Nefekor's men were badly wounded, and were dragged into the nearest cover by their fellows.

Widagro, Butabik and Kambijud wanted to help by attacking the sky pirates from the opposite rail, but realized that they might get hit by friendly fire. While they were cautiously circling to try something else, they spotted crewmen bringing an ominous object into view.

It was a rattle-gun, which would also be provided with cannonpowder ammunition, thus also long-ranged. This could not be permitted to go into action. The three youngsters had the intelligence to figure out that the vertical magazine atop the weapon was vital to its use. All three accordingly hurled rocks at the gun, and at least one rock hit, skewing the magazine out of position.

The Silnarpian airmen were not crack soldiers. Dismayed by being unable to play their hole card, they began yelling that they wanted to give up. When Yarbeck Trask attempted to make them keep on fighting...... they slew him.

All in that instant, Jaheg-Jorod lost a valued henchman; and the design of the rattle-gun was as good as in the hands of the Samplibami.

Yet it struck Nefekor that the Colorless Quetzalcoatl, when appearing to him, had not even bothered mentioning Yarbeck Trask or the gatling-gun equivalent. So..... the matter of Odilladet Gohuhal must be EVEN MORE important than the menace of the new armament. Therefore, Nefekor placed his corporal-equivalent, a man named Chizamazo, in charge of securing the captured airship and rattle-gun, and asked Kambijud and the two Tengu to stay with Chizamazo.

Then, Field-Master Nefekor mounted his horse and rode southward, aiming to find Jonawiku, Dijimoyat and Zutazor.
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Jonawiku and Fish Hook proceeded on foot, as the dog busily sniffed for any unknown scent. The two Tengu cruised aloft, left and right of him, never going so far as to lose sight of him. A day, a night, and a morning passed in this way, after which Field-Master Nefekor found them. This enabled a wider search front, with Dijimoyat and Jonawiku ranging a bit farther south, Zutazor and Nefekor as much farther north.

Two days after the join-up, Zutazor dashed back to check on Chizamazo's party. They reported having met country folk who had witnessed rattle-gun practice exercises with non-living targets. Some of these locals even proved capable of minding the prisoners taken from the evil airship crew. Chizamazo was competent to follow that line of inquiry; so, after scouting nearby in case of any threat endangering this party, the Tengu matron flew to rejoin the Field-Master.

Another day passed. The next afternoon, Fish Hook alerted, indicating that her already-beloved master should follow her. Three hours later, the ronin beheld an average-looking Silnarpian woman walking southward across his field of sight. The collie-type dog behaved as if this were not an enemy. They approached Odilladet Gohuhal, for it was she.

"Odilladet Gohuhal!" Jonawiku called out in commerce language. The drab woman reacted sluggishly, but with understanding. Jonawiku cried out again: "I am a friend! I know what happened to you! I am here to help you recover your life!"

She started toward him. In response, Fish Hook trotted toward her, her crooked tail held high, not at all behaving as if this were a sort of undead person. In fact, she reared up to brace welcoming forefeet against Odilladet. And when Odilladet petted Fish Hook, the revived woman immediately looked more human.

But the lone archer had another surprise coming, as Odilladet spoke with a healthier voice:

"Where I was, at the edge of Paradise, the Quetzalcoatl gestured with one wing, and then an impossibly beautiful woman in a white robe came up to me. She introduced herself to me, then said: 'Please tell my darling Jonawiku that a distant cousin-once-removed of mine whom he only ever met once, a girl named Azellajo {accent second syllable}, whose parents later brought her out past the north end of Samplibam, dwells now a in homestead with a few other families. Three tendays from now, Azellajo will be in terrible danger. If my husband completes his present mission faithfully, there will still be time to rescue my little cousin, but he will need then to make haste. And I ask him to take you with him on this errand; it will do your soul good, and I will not be jealous.'

"Those were your wife's exact words. I cannot imagine how a criminal such as I am could give a noble-hearted lady any cause for jealousy; but I most heartily do desire to assist your next mission in any way I can." She lowered her eyes.

Jonawiku looked straight up and waved, assuming (correctly) that his wife could see him. Then he returned his gaze to his new ally. "Haruyaso the All-Maker is able to change evil into good," replied the Christian ronin. "The weapon skills you have acquired, however wickedly they were applied before your near-death, can in future days be turned against the wicked. If we can capture an intact rattle-gun for your use, you will be as good as a squad of warriors."

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

The Tengu had brought word to the Shogun about his men's victory in the west. Wajitujit assigned a troop of cavalry, armed with swords and the new magnum revolvers, plus a troop of mounted infantry with breech-loading rifles, to go and join Chizamazo at the site of the victory. Lord Toshiram Yagahodo, friend both to Towermen and to Tengu, led this detail, bringing along plenty of spare horses. Some of the men would hire locals to help dismantle the airship for eventual overland transport; the majority, accompanied by any available Tengu, would exploit the momentum gained for the side of good.

The Silnarpian oligarchy was about to be held accountable for its evil deeds. But a message from Jonawiku reminded Toshiram's force: Remember that NOT ALL Silnarpians are evil.

Jaheg-Jorod would have been increasing his attention to bargains with the Frantic Druids in any event; now, partly because of Yarbeck Trask's death, he discerned that Silnarp was pretty much lost to him. But he cared just enough about Count and Countess MacFrancis to pass them a warning. The crooked couple collected their family, as much treasure as they could safely haul away, and some trusted retainers, then boarded another airship to flee for parts northwest. Which left other members of the rotating Silnarpian oligarchy to surrender to Lord Toshiram. The presence of winged, bird-headed creatures made it less of a disgrace for the Silnarpians to give up.

There were no massacres, because good guys. But there was talk of reforming Silnarp's whole approach to law and order, plus talk of building relations with the also-recently-enlightened Udraskians. The chief of the Yagahodo Clan confiscated the two functional rattle-guns his men could find, and one prisoner disclosed that guard officers had escaped with at least one other.

Those who had withheld part of the new arsenal from the Samplibami had to have been experts at stealth; even the Tengu couldn't catch them. Lord Toshiram remarked to Nefekor, "We'll make sure that the Tagdossans and Flodmarthers know the danger from these new guns has not ended."

"And," Zutozar put in, "we Tengu shall follow up on related incidents. But since the snakes are out of the burrow, you need to stay ahead of them. Those who do not make a habit of oppressing the helpless, need to be adequately armed henceforth. If not all with rattle-guns, then perhaps with mortars like the one which helped to vanquish the bandits in Udraski."
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I remind readers that Tohaz, a nation on the coast of Wellvernia the southern continent, is near the lands where Lagmarosk and Frethric were born. Tohaz was where Wyatt and Ilya, with the two novices, had combated a relatively-small undead outbreak. A Frantic Druid named Star Swallower had sought to worsen the effects of this latest zombie crisis-- which, not so strangely, was one of the reasons why Jaheg-Jorod nurtured the hope of joining forces with the Frantic Druids to overthrow all of that yucky goodness. I don't recall if I said Star Swallower was brought to trial for his crimes; but if I did say so, assume that other Frantics broke him out of prison after the Towermen departed.

I have briefly established that, in the near-antarctic zone of Punksteema, there are heroes who parody Witchers in the print-and-screen franchise made popular by Henry Cavill. My derivative heroes are called Whistlers, and are of a virtuous character very compatible with Towermen and Smoke Maidens. Whistlers rarely interact with the other groups: not because of any hostility, merely a difference in preferred environments.

The nation of Tohaz is due north of part of the region frequented by Whistlers. In between Tohaz and the near-antarctic zone, I shall be introducing five neighboring modest-sized nation-states. In order from north to south, I'm calling them Austreejuntzland (with a capital called Pitcherton), Gloomenghast, Datsunsel, Shangri-Blah, and Ruffnekkia. Goliad is east of Datsunsel, sixteen days' horseback ride if sparing one's horse.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Now, here's how I give the newly-listed small nations a link with what has come before.

I remind you of Sir Ronald's friend, Brewster of Goliad. He was not a Towerman, but this doesn't require him to be a useless doofus. We pick him up as he rides west across chilly plains, heading for my version of Geralt's land of Revia in the Witcher novels. A powerful Goliadite Christian cleric named Elijah Parsifal rode beside him. Goliadites possessed some knowledge of what Sir Ronald and Sir Wyatt had been doing, and understood that all of Punksteema would be affected by a coalition between the Frantic Druids, the necromancer Jaheg-Jorod, and "regular" evildoers possessing innovative artillery.

Among dwellers in the just-named north-south stack of realms, the Ruffnekkian Whistlers were the most likely to take a global danger seriously, and the most qualified to help counteract it. Accordingly, since no telegraph lines existed between Goliad and the "stack of nations" to the west, Brewster and Elijah were traveling on behalf of Goliad's loosely-constituted guiding council, to request an alliance with the Whistlers.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Enter "THE" Whistler. Jerkysalt of Sneeziya (that being his home town within Ruffnekkia) had nothing against Goliadites, but he did not yet know that they wanted him to work with them. Just now, he was carefully moving along a precarious cliffside path, with a 200-foot drop under his feet. He was hunting for a handy generic-but-murderous monster, called a Frost Bat. When he drew near the most recent spot where a mountaineer had perished, he used his order's magical talent based on, of course, whistling. His choice of a tune was one composed to resist harm by freezing.

When the Frost Bat, a particularly large one, made its dive at him, Jerkysalt pretended to have been paralyzed by its wave of super-chilled air. Seconds before its teeth would have bitten into his flesh, the Whistler's heavy poniard (similar to the two-edged knife borne by Ronald of Goliad earlier in our saga) plunged into its throat. The monster's dying spasms toppled Jerkysalt off the ledge; but with his rapid reflexes, the hero took hold of its wing joints, and his macho strength held the wings just wide enough to slow his fall. As quickly as he could, he whistled a tune which stood for not hitting jagged rocks if one were falling.

Surviving the landing, Jerkysalt severed the Frost Bat's head, to be shown in the nearest village. On his way, he was met by his on-and-off girlfriend, the Elvish herbalist (close in spirit to Mellow Druids) Veevalamora. After they had greeted each other, um, very cordially, Veevalamora told him: "It's good that you scored a blow for mountain safety this quickly! The Goliadites are sending messengers to request aid from the Whistlers, against a major evil."

(Note to self: When I do more with my new setting, there should be a Brandon Darcy and a Marianne Bronte. Also a whining Tartarus Grunt.)
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Oh-kay, I need to pick up the suspended situation on Redundantworld. I also need to contrive another insert on Original Earth, with Monsignor Aquino and Mother Elizabeth.

The Tonkrypians will be seen with Black Admiral........

Fataldeathalyzers are bipeds with front and back faces on their heads, with arms and legs able to work in both directions.
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REVIEWING )))) Lowblow and Deathstink are both in the employ of the Nomatterwhatlers, who were shaped like featherless ostriches with arms and hands in place of wings. Eeeshafro, a relatively young male of this race, deals with them.

Omnipotentacons are sexless, have six eyes in vertically-spaced pairs, and were the first intruders to land on Redundantworld (southern hemisphere). They are not murderous, but are arrogant narcissists. Also in the south are the Everperpetualists, who have miniature comets orbiting around them.
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DRAFTING \\\\\ Astrosmeller of Jumpstard has arranged for nonhuman Green Flashlights Jamsorvad and Poradsimu to lend more "firepower" to the good guys in southern hemisphere. Also joining the second wave are three Heart Sapphires: Fatima Kutuzova, the youngest of these volunteers, was a native of Jersey Earth, from that world's version of Kazakhstan. Tiba-bo-Tola was about 98 percent human, certainly gorgeous; her only obvious difference was that each of her shoulders had a long tail of hair naturally growing from it, like an epaulette. The least human, but still attractive to human males, was called Shibwazushu; hair grew from the top of her head.
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Doctor Dizwarn at Hopecrusher Central facilitated placing five thousand Postalfiends at the disposal of the Everperpetualists in south hemisphere. Also in the south are three heroines from Anime Earth: Cyborg Allsweeta, Liquid Snake and Anteater Woman.

A reserve team was on Jumpstard with Astrosmeller. Speedy Greyhoundus had gathered Sushi Strum the Woman Torch from Earth-Whichever, with her husband Colosseumus. Inquiry from Terra was there, and had been issued a laser pistol. Also from Terra is Father Vasili Rutintutin, given a railgun to use for sniping.
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Walloper Woman from Foamy-Dice Island on Minorleague Earth comes with Grrrryll who is now a Heart Sapphire. Bakerstray Bill can enter the action here.
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