Spam Board II

Oh. Don't bother explaining, I understand perfectly. In fact, I probably understand better than you do. Understandable, when you think about it. Not like I have anything else to do. Other than clean up after people, of course. But I don't really mind. No, not at all... *sigh*

Sorry. For some reason, I had this sudden urge to be Marvin from the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
This girl said to me "Isn't this pic adorable? Isn't he cute?"


What am I supposed to sy?:| all?
So do I.

I've only seen the movie, which while being an awesome movie (i.e., it could have been written by Duffers), is not the book. (obviously).

:eek:*gasp*:eek: you haven't read the book??? :eek:*faints*:eek:

*takes her copy, puts it in envelope and sends it to the-only-wizard-i-know-who-has-not-yet-read-the-hitchhiker's-guide*

now i feel like i've done my duty to mankind.

*lays head to rest and dies peacefully*
Whew. :eek: That was close, you know! But now the forum can get back to normal...

(JK!!! :D)
:eek: The coffin moved! *is stampeded by hordes of fleeing mourners*

*gets up, looks at shoe-print in chest* Well, maybe she's still alive... but not for long!

could you be a bit more specific, so that i can plan my next funeral now? that last one wasn't very original... and the speech was so... i wasn't "a great mind" or that i "deserved a statue to remind us of her kindness". i've been a statue before, thanks, to lieke, and i didn't like it.

EDiT: wait... there were people at my funeral??? :eek:
Really? They were? I didn't even notice. *shakes head* I really shoud pay more attention.