Spam Board II

That's what I was trying to figure out. When 3 different people are all posting in the same threads at the same time, you stand a good chance of somebody else's post getting in before yours.
Okay, never fear, I think I'm going to bed now, because... well, maybe I will as soon as I can think of a valid reason that does not involve the word "life".
No, it doesn't. Only if one believed in such a thing as "life", and was actively involved in it... which is not the case *glances at schedule* No. No, the only thing I have to get up at 7AM his morning is so I can go on and not-live. Positive.
No, DON'T LEAVE ME! not the eyes... I can't stand the eyes! STAY WITH ME, MF! You're all that's keeping them away... (and the fact that they don't exist, of course, but what the heck.) DON'T GO!!
I don't know...I can be pretty mean myself, sometimes. :D

For example: The first person to post in this thread after I post this shall by posting acknowledge that Dernhelm is not a Duffer. If no one wishes to post, thereby affirming this fact--then the thread dies. :D And no good Duffer could allow that.

Checkmate? or stalemate...