Star Trek: Voyager

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I stood up and walked around the table

" there is nothing like fighting a enemy we know nothing bout i just wish there was a way to alter course around there space without taking to much longer on our journey."

Chakotay: Kathryn don't doubt we will figure out something. Does anyone have any ideas of a course that we can alter around these alien vessels our strength is better when we work together. Paris your the master helmsman do you have any ides?

Kara,Luke,Obi wan,Petra any of you have any ideas you have been in this space longer then we have. I asked them.

occ I am going to have to get of a storm is right over us mrs obi has control of the game now
Tom: none are coming to mind at the moment.

Petra: I haven't flown that much to know anything about any ships other than the Empire and Republic ships.

Obi-Wan: I don't know either Captain, but I'm starting to get a bad feeling about it.
OOC: *bumps thread*

IC: Petra: I hate it when you say that, Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: I know.

*She rolls her eyes*

Petra: personally, I don't think we should be here debating whether nor not the ships are hostile. I think we should move on and ignore them as they're ignoring least until they start to fire on us.
I stood up and walked around the table

"Is this the agreement of all of you do you think we should get out of here?"

Harry: With all do respect ma'am if we don't know if they are hostile or friendly and if there weapons are charging they could be hostile i say we get out of here. We don't want to get in over our heads

Kara: Harry is right Captain how can equip our ship if we don't know what we are against.

Chaktoay: Captain i agree with Ensign kim and Commander Kenobi and Commander Kara we should get out of here why we have full power.

Paris Blanna Doc you agree with the rest of them shall we leave or stay? I want full agreement here.
Dismissed Then its unanimous Mr Paris set a course for home warp 6

Captain's Log supplemental after we picked up theses ships on our long range sensors it was the decision of the crew that we would leave and be sure those ships do not pursue looking for a fight. Whom am i to argue with my crew i would like to keep this ship from any new unhappy engagements or any battle that i don't think we can win if Harry and Paris and Kara could not penetrate the sensors i would not want to get on there bad side not knowing whet we are up against.

Janeway walked out on the bridge with everyone else

Harry and Kara split Harry went to ops Kara went to tactical.

Mrs kenobi any sign of the vessels pursuit?
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Stand down alert power down weapons keep deflector shield at minimum drain on power. I will be in my ready room Chakotay please come into my ready room. Commander Kenobi you have the bridge

Chakotay: Kathryn you wanted to see me.

Yes i did Chakotay those ships that were pursuing us i don't think they were weapons ships what if they were lost too and we just missed a chance to make friends or What if the would have needed help or what if they would bring back more freinds.

Chakotay: Captain if they would have wanted or needed our help they would have responded to our hails. You did not engage them so you did the right Thing Captain.
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Kathryn did i though? We could use all the allies we can get out here alone in a uncharted part of the galaxy

Chakotay and the flip side is Captain what if they were enemies and the did shoot at us we might not be here discussing this.

Harry was out on the bridge. He could not keep his eyes off of Kara his eyes flicked to his console just in time to see a blip in the sensors.

Lt kenobi are you sure they are not pursuing look at this there is a small ship right behind us they are moving in attack position

Kara: Confirmed there is Lt

Janeway to bridge Report Lt Kenobi ?
Petra: where did it come from? It wasn't there a minute ago. Petra here, Captain. Harry just picked up a small ship behind us in attack position.
Harry: It was just showing up a few minutes ago Lt i don't know how we missed it before.

on my way Lt

I came out on the bridge

Sheailds up red alert Kara Target there propulsions and weapons lets get it before it gets us its a small ship so it will be moving quite quick

Kara: Yes Captain Firing
Kara: firing now Commander i targeted there shields and weapons

Kathryn: Target there engines Do it

Kathryn Stood by Petra with hands on her hips Status report did we hit it Lt?
Harry open a channel i look at Petra and Chakotay on each side of me suddenly they want to talk after we disabled there ship.

harry: Channel open ma'am

Kathryn: Alien vessel we fired on you cause we were startled we are alone out here and are trying to find a way back I am Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager
Neelix *the pilot of the vessel.* I wasn't going to fire on you, Captain. I'm not an enemy.

Petra: something tells me he's telling the truth.
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