Star Trek: Voyager

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Neelix we apologize for firing on you do you need help is there any injuries that we can help treat come aboard we will help you fix the ship and treat you to a hot meal and a nice bath. Its the least we could do after firing on you unwarrantly .

Chakotay: Kathryn i think we can trust him

Harry: He seems harmless to me. But he seems like a nice guy

Kara Trust him Captain i have met Talaxians before.
Stand down red alert Mr Neelix we will bring you aboard our shuttlebay we could use a guide around here certain races to avoid certain areas to avoid
Harry Get a tractor beam on him and pull him in all stop for now. Mr Neelix my first officer and I and my security officer will come down Janeway out.

Kara/Petra/Chakotay your with me. Mr Paris take the bridge. we got into the turbolift
Petra: yes ma'am. Are you sure you want to leave Paris in charge of the bridge?

Paris: I can handle it.

occ: GAme open

Petra I am sure Paris is quite capable of handing the bridge himself

The turbolift closed and started down. it opened on the shuttlebay level

I walked up flanked by the others.

Hello Mr Neelix This is MY first officer Chakotay My friend Petra and my Tactical officer Commander Kara Skylar. Anything you need Mr Neelix let us know I will gladly show you around our ship once you get all settled in.
*Petra glanced at the Captain when she introduced chakotay as her first officer. "once we get back to the bridge, I'm asking for a new assignment." she thought to herself. However, she forced a smile for appearance sake.*
I caught myself Petra still considers he self my fist officer and she is until she offically gets another assigenment Acutally LT Kenobi is y first officesr Mr Neelix

Chakotay gives JAneawy a questioning look she needs to decide who it is.
Your ordering me to my ready room Lt Sure we can talk in my ready room Mr Neelix just contact any of us if you need help or are ready to tour the ship Anything you need just call us. Commander Skylar remain with Mr neelix you too Chaktoay. Petra we will talk.

I nodded sharply at Petra and handed NEelix a comm badge

They walked to the turbolift

Deck 1 i said
I crossed my Arms and glared at Petra

"What was the meaning of that in there lt calling me down and ordering me to my ready room in front of our guest You have some explaining to do LT.

The turbolift opened up and Janeway walked purposefully toward the ready room the doors opened to admit them. Set down Lt.
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Your quite good at it Petra where would you like to go i could see what i could work out with Chakotay.

I leaned forward . That is the problem is it you feel your playing second fiddle to Kara and Chakotay

Chaktoay to Janeway

I tapped my comm badge In a second commander i am in a meeting

CHaktoay: Yes Captain.
I will see what i can do IF you feel that your playing second fiddle Petra don't take is personally i don't Favor anyone over anybody else. We are all equals working for the same cause to get us all home alive and in one peace and keep the ship flying

I will talk this over with Chaktoay do you mind if i call him in now so we can take care of this now LT?
Janeway to Chakotay

Chakotay Here Captain what is it

Could you come to my ready room Commander? Mrs Kenobi has requested a change of assignment off the bridge

Chaktoay on my Way Captain.

The ready room door opened
Chakotay: Good afternoon Mrs Kenobi and Captain We have need of several different positions Why do you want off the bridge any particular reason why.
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