Star Trek: Voyager

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"Sure tom Go ahead you can make the announcement as well"

Kara tapped her comm badge "Harry beam me over."

Harry activated the transporter

He Embraced her "Kara lets go to our quarters."

He looked over at Commander Haliwall "Penny take the Bridge The Captain and I will be in our quarters."

Penny : Yes Sir
Tom opened shipwide communications as Petra walked to Chakotay's quarters.

Tom: attention, Voyager crew. It's my duty to relay to you the sad news of the death of Admiral Kathryn Janeway Chakotay, as of 2900 hours last night. We will proceed with our mission as instructed, but let me say that I will miss the Admiral and she was an amazing Captain and I was honored to serve under her for seven years. I will talk to the Captain about holding a memorial service for the Admiral tomorrow afternoon. Paris out.

Petra rang the door chimes to Chakotay's quarters.
chakotay sure he tied his robe around him and set on a Chair and sighed

Petra i don't want to be strong i don't even want to lead this ship anymore I am thru with starfleet
Sure Commander i am not one to look up to my wife is gone Commander and this mission its only going to end in bloodshed i have had enough of it Commander seven years of it a year off and now right back at It.

I want to work on developing this abilities Petra whatever they are i don't want to go on like this Petra I can't Not with Kathryn gone.
She sat down across from him Listen, I could have resigned from Starfleet the day I lost Obi-Wan, but I didn't. You can't just give up and quit. You have potential, Chakotay.
Chaktoay what potential commander i couldn't even keep my wife alive
i am in no postion to lead this Petra even if the crew is counting on me

Kara its time we fight Dirty. Harry forget starfleet rules ADmiral chakotay will kil lme if she knew i did this. Kara took off her robe and uniform and changed into her jedi clothes. We are fighting jacen as the jedi masters we are. Screw the rules Harry when cadues attacked he made the wrong choice.

Harry : Kara you could get wrote up for this

Kara i don't care diplomacy wont work on him. get dresed harry
Petra: so quit when things get hard? That does not sound like you. she stood up angrily. What would Janeway say to you right now? She'd be frowning at you with her hands on her hips. I give up. She walked out.
Chakotay reconsiders

Chakotay sighed maybe i shouldn't give up Kathryn would want me to keep fighting and i can't really let those refugees down Petra is right that isn't me at all.

Chakotay stood up and pulled himself together drawing on his inner calm and whatever these abilities this "Force sensitivity" Strengthened him

"Chakotay to Paris Assemble a away team we are going down."

Chakotay opened a channel to Kara's ship. "Chakotay to Naboo sun Captain kim respond

Harry pulled on his jedi robes and discared his uniform tunic and pulled a jedi tunic over him and clipped his lighsaber to his belt.

"Bridge to Captain Kim"

Kara tapped her comm badge that was on her robe " Master Kim here"

" Lt O'connell here Captain what do you mean master Kim"

"Kara never mind Jerry I will explain later what is it

"Captain you are being hailed from Captain Chakotay"

"Put him thru Lieuteinent"

"Chakotay how are you Captain kim here"

"Kara its Chakotay coping but we can't leave Kathryn's mission incomplete she was counting on both of us. we just need to deal with it. We have a mission to complete. we are preparing a away team to find out what remains of the charred ship on the outskirts of Courceant"

"Chaktoay we are coming down to at least Harry and I are. We are brining a medic down with us as well as a security team we can't be to careful.

Word of warning chaktoay. Harry and i aren't going to look like starfleet officers we are going to look like JEdi Masters that is the look thay are more use to jedi being in then starfleet uniforms.

i might no go exaclty by the book. But Kath asked me to be on this mission because of my expereince as a JEdi Master.

"Understood Master Kim."
Tom tapped his commbadge Paris to sickbay

Doc: go ahead.

Tom: have Commander Kenobi report to the transporter room with a medkit.

Doc: does that make me babysitter?

Tom: for what?

Doc: the Captain's daughter.

Tom: I guess so. Paris out.

Petra walked into sickbay. Doc: Commander Paris wants you to report to the transporter room with a medkit.

Petra: away team?

Doc: I guess so.

Petra: I should stay here and watch Zaira.

Doc: I can handle her for a few hours. She's sleeping now anyway.

Petra: Okay, I'll go get changed.

She went to the desk and pulled out her Jedi clothes and a robe and went into the other room and changed. She clipped her commbadge onto her tunic and grabbed a medkit and a tricorder and went to the turbolift and stepped in. Deck 8.

OOC: I don't remember which deck the transporter room's on so I made it up. :p
Petra; Chaktoay why are you going on this away mission? Jacen is dangerous. You should be here with....she stopped. She sensed she should shut up before she said something stupid.
Doctor don't argue with me Chakotay set his jaw angrily

Kara : Chakotay Petra stop it he is the Captain if he chooses to see it thru let him he has us to protect him and he has capabilities he don't know about Petra that you should help him develop.
Petra: Me?! she crossed her arms. fine. But if he gives me an order that I don't think will be beneficial I will warn you; i won't be following it.
Kara: suit your self Petra but your a Jedi master that is what they do help others discover the abilities

Harry opened his mouth to warn Petra

Chakotay shoved Jacen Back agisnt a tree He Pulled Petra with him in the woods and grabbed Petra around the waist and ripped her robe sleeve off and injected her with a needle.

Just consider your next words carefully Jedi.
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