Star Trek: Voyager

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Jacen winced and grunted and fell backwards He glared at Kara and chakotay and Dr Gordon and Dinah Lance

Jacen i injected you with something

Chakotay JAcen leave her alone don't touch her.

Dr Gorden Check on her.

The Doc grabbed a tricorder off his belt and scanned Petra "It seems like its dna and i think it is yours Captain.

Chakotay "impossible".
Jacen Slashed at her he shot force lighting at her

Kara looked at Harry she felt there bond joining up

"Jacen don't even try your done for we came to get the refugess I would like to resolve this without conflict/

Harry: you started this Jacen when you kidnapped kara off her own bridge

Harry pulled off his robe and ignited his blade i have a score to settle with you.

Kara: Harry easy don't give him any reason to provoke him to attack.
Chakotay Jacen please just let it go leave petra alone leave her out of this she didn't do anything to you.

dr gordon Commander Skywalker um you might want to take a look at this its developing into somthing more in your body.

Kara tossed her robe off Jacen don't make us engage you its your move tell us where the refugess are before harry and i drag it out of you.

Jacen shoved kara and harry back hard aginst a hard rock wall.

Kara and Harry recovered and anchored themselves in the Force.
She grabbed the tricorder and looked at Chakotay. Petra; That's....that can't be right. Captain, you might want to see this.
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Chakotay took the tricorder and looked at it "your your pregnant by this" chakotay dropped the tricorder with a thunk

Jacen i will not tell you where the refugesss are grand Master kim

Harry : you will

even if we have to Force it out of you.


Kara and chakotay : YEs ensign

Ensign kyle" Captain Kim we have a possible hold out for some refugees bearing 1 -3-0 mark II

Chakotay : lead on Ensign kyle.

Kara enclosed jacen in a force field "don't go anywhere. "
Petra trailed behind Chakotay and Kara and the others. Why would Jacen do this? Her hand flew protectively to her stomach. Chakotay's child. Good grief. How worse could this get? She would NOT let him marry her because of this. Maybe in a year or more but not two days after his wife's death.

Petra: Captain, permission to return to Voyager? I'm not feeling that well.
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Chakotay Sure commander

Kara "Wait Petra Its upsetting i know but i have no idea why Jacen would be doing this unless it wasn't his dna What if it was from another Chakotay not of this dimension or this world."

Harry Kara now your reaching parallel universes don't exist. It the Eisenstein Bridge theory a roulette wheel could land someone in different universes its a legend.

Kara: Unless this chakotay found a way to cross it.
Petra: it doesn't matter 'which' Chakotay it's from. it's still...never mind. She tapped her commbadge. Kenobi to Voyager, one to beam up.
Ensign Petrilli " I read you commander something is interfering with the transmission. Trying to re modulate the beam.

Jacen broke the Forcefield and ran after Kara and Harry

Harry used the Force to cover his and Kara's tracks I sense them in the woods Kara this way.

Ensign Kyle Commander its this way.

Kara we split up Harry and myself will go the way Harry said

Ensign Kyle you and Chakotay and Dr gordon go the other way.

Chakotay : With all do respect Grand Master Captain whoever you are this is my mission.

Kara : You said you did not want it Captain Chakotay. This is my territory we are dealing with the Sith Here a enemy of the Jedi.
ensign Petrilli : Yes Ma'am he re modulated them beam blast its no use. he slamemd the console.

Jacen came behind Chakoay and hit him over the head Chakotay ducked it and bought out his phaser and fired at Jacen stunning him.

Chakotay why don't you just go back to the ship if you don't want to do this and leave it to the Masters.

Chakotay Kara don't play authority with me you might be the Grand Master but your not over me your the same rank as me.

Harry: will you both stop before you kill each other. This isn't helping the refuges and Admiral Chakotay would want you both to try to get along.
Chakotay glared at Petra "who asked you" He placed his hands on his hips.

Kara Chakotay just go Back to Voyager. An away mission is no place for a new father and if you don't want this mission don't jump into something you don't understand. JAcen is dangerous."

Kara crossed her arms and Glared at chakotay.

Harry whispered to Petra "Marquis i don't think neither one is going to back down. "
Petra: he might have a problem returning to Voyager. Something...or someone she glanced at Jacen is preventing anyone from leaving the planet. Chakotay, just please concede to Kara. She knows what she's doing more than you do. She glared back at him
Jacen its not me Skywalker its the atmosphere of this planet.

Kara : Right Jacen you can affect all of this its part of your Sith ability to control the situation

Jacen : Kara Skywalker Kim you are really as annoying as your Father.

Kara: I will take that as a compliment Jacen

Jacen: That name don't mean anything to me anymore i am Cadues Darth CAdues. He waved his hand to shoev Kara and Harry back Harry blocked it and disspated it with a wave of his hand.

Dr Gordon: Captain maybe we should just leave it to the Jedi the signal is being disrupted Let the Jedi leadd this mission Cahkotay turned to Paris do what Kara says Tom she knows better then we do.
Kara okay we split up Cadeus lead us on and no tricks.

Cadues waved his hand and troops surrouned them

Harry this isn't good.

Kara : Captain Kim to Nabboo sun beam chakotay and the others up to the naboo

Ensign Redmond" Captain we are able to break thru the interernce we have a lock on all of them i used skeltal lock

Kara : Energize Thanks Dinah
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