Concerning "liberals": that is one of the most ambiguous of words in modern usage. Four people could use this word in a conversation, with no two of them meaning the same thing by it. Two persons who both regard themselves as liberals might quarrel bitterly and come away calling each other Nazis.
But many of those who are nowadays considered liberals believe most or all of the following statements:
1) All religions should enjoy total freedom of expression, EXCEPT Christianity.
2) All cultures are equally valid and good, EXCEPT Judeo-Christian-based Western culture.
3) All criticism of people's customs or preferences is the same thing as racist hate speech, EXCEPT when the target has customs or preferences based on the Bible.
4) All extensive private ownership of property and wealth is wicked and evil, EXCEPT when the wealthy person is a liberal (as "liberal" is understood here).
5) Killing human beings is always wrong, EXCEPT when the ones being killed are unborn babies.
6) In every way other than reproductive functions, men and women are exactly equal, identical, indistinguishable and interchangeable--EXCEPT that all women are smarter and better than all men.
7) Governmental authority should always be centralized, and enjoy total domination over people's lives, EXCEPT where this would interfere with MY pleasures and privileges.
8) Every political viewpoint is equally entitled to be heard in the public square, EXCEPT any viewpoint that disagrees with the preceding items.