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Jake was in Jingle all the Way, right?
Jake was in Jingle all the Way, right?
Very cool!I'm a big SW fan! I have the original episodes along with the ones including: phantom menace, clone wars, and revenge of the sith. I watch them whenever I can get the chance.
Well, I wouldn't say Anakin turned in ROTS, even in TPM, and mostly in TAOTC did you see Anakin had temper and fear issues... with other things. Who's to say the Jedi were perfect too? It's true, 'most likely' had Anakin been brought to the Temple as a baby or a youngling, (that's how the movie/books seem to say Jedi younglings are raised) Maybe he would have never turned. Of course, who knows, even if that's so, if he had met Padme and loved her...?
I think in some ways maybe Luke should have been the Chosen One, I know Anakin is, but if you think on it, Luke, was the last Jedi, once Yoda (and Obi-Wan (old Ben)) died. He helped bring his father back to the light said of the Force. Okay, true, Luke probbly wouldn't have been able to defeat the Emporer, but Anakiin did.
As anyone wondered, (don't know if anyone said so yet) that maybe, just maybe, Anakin being the Chosen One by 'bringing balance to the Force' in ROTS, there was no Jedi left, there were only two, Obi-Wan and Yoda, and Sith, Vadar and the Emporer? And of course two children for the hope of the future, Luke and Liea.
Right, and the process of Anakin's turning to the Dark Side would have been fleshed out better. As it stands now in the films it looks like he just had some disturbing dreams that Padme was dying, so he immediately turned the Dark Side ... I think they could have found a better way to make his treachery more understandable/realistic.AK said:I just think that the whole love story and all of Anakin's turning in ROTS was not done right. (What do you expect from someone who hadn't directed a movie in nearly 30 years?) If anything, Lucas could have stretched the films out into 2 or 3 more besides just the 3 prequels. I think that another film or 2 would have provided more surface area for the story to grow, the characters to interact, and for us to see more of the Clone Wars ...Padme and An akin could have fallen in love more slowly and realistically.