Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

Which is your favorite?

  • Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Clone Wars Animated

  • Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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Last month, when my family visited our relatives, my cousin hooked my sister and me on Star Wars. We saw The Revenge of the Sith the next night, and my sister and I both really liked it. Since we got home, she's watched all three of the old movies on youtube. I've seen the first two, and am half-way through TROTJ. They're cheesy, but there's a timeless quality to Star Wars that makes me like it anyway. Still, I don't think that it's anywhere near as good as LotR or Narnia, partly because of all the New Age junk. "Search your feelings, you know it to be true!" *gags*

My favorite of the ones I've seen so far is definetly Episode III. It does have even more of the New Age principals, but the action is really exciting. The transformation of Anikan to Darth Vader at the end was totally EPIC. :D
I could beg to differ on the transformation, but I won't. I don't think the prequels were nearly as classic as the old ones. Mainly because of poor script writing, directing, AND acting.

So I watched the 1 hour premiere of Clone Wars last night. I didn't care much for the first part, with the clones; I felt like it jumped around too much. At the beginning, Domino Squad was all "I'm for me, not for the group", and then 10 minutes later, they're all of a sudden "united?" What the heck happened?! I don't know if it was just me or what, but the first part of that premiere was jumpy and sketchy, not to mention unbelievable. The second part was a little better, maybe because we got to see more of Asajj Ventress and General Grievous. I really look forward to getting to see more of Asajj in this season; maybe because she plays a key role in the expanded universe, especially to Obi-Wan. Though *spoilers ahead, stop reading if you don't want to know*, where did Obi-Wan go after falling off that platform???? I know he's still alive, but honestly; could they have left me hanging any more?! AHHHHH.

So those are my thoughts. Not too fond of the season premiere, but maybe it's because I haven't seen Clone WArs for 4 or 5 months. :p

EDIT: Obi-Wan's fate wasn't left hanging if I recall correctly. He was rescued by one of those winged thingies native to Kamino. I was kinda tired when I wrote the above post so ignore that.
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I enjoyed the older Star Wars when I was a kid, and I didn't know there were going to be prequels, because I accepted the stories as they were. I first saw them in the 80's, and thought they were pretty futuristic and cool. I also had a lot of Star Wars action figures. I then saw them when they released them at the movies in the mid-90s. Then I found out that they were releasing The Phantom of the Menace, Attack of the Clones, and The Revenge of the Sith.

I found out that those movies were going to be the Star Wars prequels. It made sense as the stories all tied together. It was after I saw the first two prequels that I found out they were made into books by two of my favorite authors Terry Brooks and R.A. Salvatore. I then knew of the third prequel Revenge of the Sith being made into a book, and I loved it also. I enjoyed it more than the movies, but that is because I am a bookpurist and it is just more enjoyable to come up with my own vision of what is happening and to see the words on the page and feel the book in my hand.

So those were the first Star Wars books I've ever read. I soon find out there were more, and I enjoyed them also. Even though I love all of the books in the Star Wars series and there are more coming out all the time. Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Omen would have to be my favorite of all of the Star Wars books.
That's kinda all spread out, lol. I saw the originals before the prequels, so I definitely suggest to people who haven't seen the movies to see the originals before the prequels.
Okay, so I saw the 2nd new episode of Clone Wars Friday. I don't know if it's me, but I wasn't very impressed by the 2nd episode. There just wasn't much to the story to be perfectly honest...anybody else watch it?
I just heard today on the radio that George Lucas is re-releasing all 6 films in 3D. I haven't found out yet if it's just dvd, or if it's a re-release into theaters.
That's kinda all spread out, lol. I saw the originals before the prequels, so I definitely suggest to people who haven't seen the movies to see the originals before the prequels.

That's funny, because I say the same thing about Narnia: read in the original publication order first. Same for Star Wars, I believe.

Also, the 3-D versions of each Star Wars film will be released in Theaters. They're looking at February 2012 for The Phantom Menace 3-D, and then every year after will be another episode.
^Yahoo released a cover story about it after I posted that...I'm really excited but I wonder if it'll be a flop. People do seem to be getting a bit tired of 3D.
If it's a flop, it'll have more to do with people getting sick of George Lucas re-releasing Star Wars. However, the chance to see Star Wars on the big screen again, I am sure, will be too enticing for everyone for it to truly flop.

As for 3-D, there is beginning to be some fatique, but I have a feeling that won't spread all that quickly. Especially after this holiday season's offerings.
if the 3d aspect is done correctly (say in the pod racer scene in Phantom Menance) then it will be good if they just go al out and make bits that dont need 3d into 3d then that will be bad...
If it's a flop, it'll have more to do with people getting sick of George Lucas re-releasing Star Wars. However, the chance to see Star Wars on the big screen again, I am sure, will be too enticing for everyone for it to truly flop.

As for 3-D, there is beginning to be some fatique, but I have a feeling that won't spread all that quickly. Especially after this holiday season's offerings.

Well, I know I'll be seeing them because I never got the chance to see Star Wars in theaters. I'll just have to find me a nerd willing enough to see them. :p
I am not going to look at this whole thread in one day so I apologize if this has been posted already.

Has anyone seen the youtube video of the guy doing the Imperial March with a Tesla Coil? You can find it here.

I've seen all of the movies atleast like 10 times(except for Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars.)

Does anyone play or heard of the game Star Wars Galaxies? It's super fun, but you have to pay to play. :(