Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Kirna was still in the dark room she didn't know what to do then she contack her brother to know were he was and if he made it home safe with out the Seth knowing he was with her.
Lord Raven's Investigation:

In higher levels of the Jedi Temple, Lord Raven begins his invesigation. Entering a sun lite room, Raven stops infront of a desk. Sitting in his seat Master Voz overlooks a data pad. After cycling through several things, Master Voz turned his attention to Raven. "Lord Raven, welcome" said Master Voz. "Please make yourself confortable". Raven bowed slightly and sat down on a cushion. "Now what is it you wanted to see me about?" asked Master Voz. Clearing his throat Raven said "I wanted ask you, if you noticed anything strange going on in the Temple". Master Voz leaned back in his chair and cuffed his hands. Focusing his eyes on Raven he said "Not anything I'm aware of". "Although...". Master Voz paused. Raven eyes brightened up as he said "Athough?". "Several Counsel Members have stated they feel a dark presence in the Temple" said Master Voz. Raven leaning foward said "Go on...".

"Many of the Counsel have connected it to Karth" said Master Voz. "Ever since the insident, they have gorwn conserned about him". Raven looked confused and asked "Insident?". "Oh yes. Karth harmed a Jedi Knight in a duel a few weeks ago" said Master Voz. "The Knight's compainions testified that they saw him do it in rage". Raven lowered his head and asked "Do you know where he is?". Master Voz paused for a moment and then said "I think he was last seen in the Training Grounds". Raven rose to his feet and said "I think I have word with him". Master Voz nodded and said "If you find anything, please report it to the Counsel". Raven bowing his head replied "Of course.., thank you for seeing me Master Voz". Master Voz raised to his feet and said "Always glad to help a fellow Jedi". With a exhange of bows, Raven exited the room.

Heading down the hall, he entered the lift. After pressing the panel, the lift desended. Once at the bottom Raven exited and headed to the Training Grounds. After searching the grounds for a while, he exited and approched a Jedi Knight. Raven then questioned the Knight, hoping to learn of Karth's location. The Knight finally replied "I believe he is his qaurters". With a bow, Raven moved on to the lift. Once inside, he pressed the control panel. After passing several levels, the lift came to a stop. Raven then exited and headed down the hall. He reached Karth's door, where he knocked.
ooc: mwahaha this is where I make my entrance

Oeca pulled his hammer away from the lifeless body of his target. He'd never felt any remorse for those who he had killed. He reasoned, they anger someone they shouldn't have, I'm just the guy who deals justice. He took pictures of the body and sent them to his employer. "I wonder what he did to earn a 20 thousand bounty on his head" though Oeca aloud. "No matter I can finally pay for those repairs needed on my ship". He threw the body off the many cliffs of Naboo, and jumped onto his speeder and headed towards the nearest shuttle to go back to Kaadara, where his ship "Wandering Eclipse" sat. On returning to Kaadara and paying for the repairs, he rented a room at the hotel, then left for the cantina. He enjoyed a drink in a small corner by himself, for some reason he was avoided by most patrons, something that actaully gave him comfort. He sat there, in full armor, watching the dancers.

ooc: Oeca Aewirk is my actual character in SwG ( a star wars game online) hes also a bounty hunter there.
Zog's Quest:

On the Moons, Zog stayed with his ship. He had been told to wait for her return. But she had now been gone so long. Unable to free his mind of dreadful thoughts, Zog grabbed his lightsaber and began travesing across the Moon. Crossing plains and deep dunes, Zog stopped at a tunnel. After looking inside, he entered. Heading down the tunnel he saw red lights at the tunnels floor. They helped him see the rather rocky and unstable path. At last he came to a cavern. Staying hidden behiend a rock structure, Zog glanced into the Cavern. Only a few feet away from him, was large complex heavily gaurded by dark figures. Keeping keen eye on them, Zog moved around the rock structure and glided against the rocky walls. Staying hidden in the shadows, he came close to the door. Standing just an inch away, was dark figure. Zog quietly tried to slip past the gaurd, but just as he reached the door.

The Figure turned and threw him into the wall. Suddenly five gaurds stood before Zog weilding activated lightsabers. Zog trying to catch his breath, got up and gripped his lightsaber. Moving into a stance he activated his emerald green lightsaber. As the Five Siths moved into postion, Zog looked above. Hanging at the roof of the cavern was several large pikes. Zog extending his hand upward, used the Force to cause the sharp pikes to colapse. Suddenly the pikes came raining down, crushing and piercing several of the Sith. Zog satified moved towards the remainng tow Sith and engaged. Swining his saber in ornatie fashion, Zog stabbed a Sith in the chest. He then turned towards the rmeaning Sith and blocked his blows. Moving in clam manner, Zog dodged the Sith's blow and struck him in the side. Pulling his blade out, the Sith fell to the rocky floor. Zog gripping his lightsaber, pressed the activation switch, turning it off.

As Zog moved towards the door, the fallen Sith rose to his feet gripp his lightsaber tight. With Zog's back to him, the Sith ignited his bloodred lightsaber and leapt foward. Zog dodged and with swift stroke he activated his lightsaber and beheaded the Sith. Then with another quick motion he turned off his lightsaber. Looking at fallen Sith's body, Zog walked up to the door. The door slided open, revealing a chasm filled with large structure. Zog procceded foward, until he reached the lift. Entering he pressed the control panel and waited. The Lift making loud noise, asended. Once at the top, the lift's doors opened. Zog stepped into a room, filled with corspes. Panning around her saw several Sith bodies and two Jedi. Zog walked over to the female Jedi and began to shake. A great fear sweapt over him. As he turned the body over, he saw the lifless face. Taking a deep breath, Zog was relieved it wasn't his sister.

Standing over her Zog bowed his head and said prayer. Once he finished he headed to set of spiral stairs. Climbing up them, he reached a door. Entering he found himself in control room. Looking at the view screens, he saw cameras. After cycling through a few, he reached the Cell blocks. As he cycled through them he stopped. Looking closly he saw a worn figure laying in the darkness. With a deep breath, he realized it was his sister. Checking the map, he exited the room. As he headed to the lift, he noticed it was gone. Suddenly he head loud thump. Looking down the shaft, he saw the lift asending. Zog backed away from the shaft. The lift finally stopped and the doors opened. Exiting where several Sith, and one very strange figure. The strange figure wore a black mask and black garments. Stepping out on to the floor the Figure looked at the corspes piled all over. His mask panned around the room seraching.

Zog tried to hide in the shadows, but it did him no good. "Come out Jedi..." said the Masked Figure. "I know your there". Zog reluctantly stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself. The Mask figure eyed him and asked "Did you do this?". Zog shook his head. The Masked figure then asked "Then who did?". In a whisperious tone Zog replied "I don't know". The Masked figure leaned his head back and said "Very well". "Seize him..". The group of Sith appoached Zog. Zog gripping his lightsaber, activated it. "I'm not going without a fight" said Zog. "So be it..." said the Masked Figure. With a wave of his hand, the Sith group activated there lightsabers. The group surrounded Zog, pointing there sabers at him. Zog held stern, gripping his saber's handle tight. Suddenly the Sith attacked. Zog blocked and whirled around spinning his saber in fancy fashion. The sabers crackled, sending sparks flying around the room.

Zog keeping the Sith at bay, used the Force to pull a genrator towards him. Leaping out of the way, the generation struck three Sith. Zog turned to the Sith next to him and engaged. There sabers locked up, exposing Zog's back side. The Rest of the Sith moved towards him, preparing to strike. Zog twisitng his hand, broke the lock up and chopped the Sith's hand off. He then turned the unarmed Sith towards his brethren. And with extension of his hand he tossed the Sith into his brothers. Zog then leapt forth and struck a fallen Sith on the ground. One Sith rose to attack, but Zog slashed his under belly causing him to splite in half. Zog quickly disarmed the remainng Sith with an exellent display of Ataru. Breathing heavily, Zog stood before the Masked Figure. "Impressive..." said the Masked Figure. "Most Impressive..". "You seem to have mastered you form". "However they were merly pawns". "How about a real challenge?" asked the Masked Figure.

Zog moved into stance and said "I'm ready if you are". The Masked Figure chuckled, as grabbed his lightsaber. Gripping it tight, the Dark Figure activated his lightsaber. It's bloodred beam reflected of his mask. Suddenly the Masked Figure lepat foward in spiral, striking Zog. With a gasp Zog blocked the blow. His eyes widened as he stared into the Mask of the Sith. There blades crackled, as they held in a lock up. Suddenly the Masked Sith knocked Zog back and began a series of powerful blows. Zog felt his bones rattle as there blades clashed. The Masked Sith continued to knock Zog back, until he was against a wall. The Masked Sith then extened his hand and tossed Zog aside. Zog rose to his feet in the nick of time. There sabers once again locked up. Zog felt his energy draining, he was unable to hold up his defenses. With powerful stroke The Masked Sith knocked Zog back against the wall. Lowering his defenses, Zog felt his body go into terribel pain.

A stream of red bolts struck Zog, causing him to fall to his knees. The Masked Sith increased intensity of the stream, causing Zog to shout in pain. After all his energy was exhausted, The Masked Figure gripped Zog with Force Grip and lifted him in the air. Bring him close to his face, The Masked Sith said "How pathetic..". "You couldn't even last ten minutes". The Masked Figure then tossed Zog to the floor. Standing over him, The Masked Figure de-activated his lightsaber. Suddenly the lift rose and the door open. Several Sith came to the Masked Sith's side. "Lord Mordred.., we have a.." said the Sith as he glanced at Zog. "I see have disbatched the intruder". Looking at Zog Mordred said "Take him away..". "Place him in a cell". "Yes my lord" said the Sith as he ordered the others to take Zog away.

Dragging him on to the lift, the Sith held him in place. The Lift desended to the lower levels, where the exited. They dragged Zog's body down a tunnel. There they tossed him inside a cell. Zog laided there unconcious.
As Oeca sat there, he noticed one of the dancer girls continuously staring at him. He judged if her actions were of any importance, thought I will confront her later. Hours later, the dancer girls were set on leaving when the one dancer girl stalled. Thats when he took his chance. He fired a tranquilizer at her neck and caught her as she feel to the floor. He carried her to his hotel room, and laid her on the coach and sat on his window ledge, and just stared at her. She awoke near mid-afternoon and she got up not knowing where she was. She instantly saw Oeca gazing at her over by the window and she screamed and raced towards the door. It was locked. "What do you want?!" yelled the Dancer Girl. "Actually I've been meaning to ask you the same thing""Is there a reason for you to stare at me so when I'm trying to enjoy a drink, its very uncomfortable you know" Oeca joked. "" She stammered. "Out with it, I have another target, and don't need to be wasting time." ordered Oeca. She collapsed on the floor. "Curse that tranquilizer, it always does this", "Guess she's gonna be along for a little space ride". Oeca put her in a live game crate, and with the strength buff he had injected, he carried her through the city and security to his ship, the newly repaired Kiraxh AS-3. He put her in Cargo Hold and made the jump to Hyperspace.
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Maldor Comes To:

In the medical bay, in one of the rooms Maldor laided unconcious and Idril fast asleep. Suddenly as the machine beeped next to the bed, Maldor's eyes opened. He sat up and looked around the room with a perplexed expression. As he looked around the room he saw Idril, who was asleep. Maldor gazed at he beutiful face and smiled. Panning around, he noticed the countless cords attachted to his arms. Gripping them, he ripped them out. Exiting the room he encounter Aubrie who at the moment was having a drink. Aubrie startled, rose from her chair. "Your awake!" said Aubrie. In a ruff tone Maldor responded "Yeah.. and my head spinning". Aubrie walked over to him and said "You just little dizzy from getting up so fast". "Please sit down". Maldor sat down on the table. Aubrie examined Maldor and said "You looking much better". "When you first arrived here, you were covered with wounds". Maldor just stared blank. "Curious.., how did recieve those wounds?" asked Aubrie.

Maldor clearing his throat, turned towards Aubrie and said "I got them from a Sith". Aubrie's eyes widened. "We were trapped, and I had no other choice but to fight" said Maldor. Aubrie taking a deep breath said "You fought a Sith...". Maldor nodded and said "More like two". Aubrie facinated sat down next to Maldor and listened to his story. Once finished Maldor asked "Where is my armor?". Aubrie stood up and said "I kept safe". Walking over to a cabnit, Aubrie touched a panel and open the door. Grabbing the chest piece and mask she placed them on the table. Maldor picked up his mask and looked at it, his face reflected of the visor. Aubrie standing to his side asked "Should I wake her?". Maldor taking his eyes of the mask said "No... lute her sleep". "She deserves to rest". Aubrie nodded and said "If you need anything, I'm on call". Maldor turned and said "Thanks..for everything". Aubrie smiled and said "It was nothing".

Aubrie then turned towards the door and exited the bay. Maldor gripping his mask, put it down. Walking back into the room, he stared at Idril's face. Leaning against the wall and just gazed at her. He watched as the lights elumnated her beutiful face and made her silky black hair sparkle. Walking over to her he sat close to her. Leaning towards her, he kissed her on the mouth and with a whisper he said "I love you".
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Idril woke with a start, her eyes fluttering open. She looked at Maldor a long moment as though she didn't recognize him. The second it clicked in her head she bolted upright and nearly knocked him off his feet as she jumped into his arms. "Maldor! You're alright?!" She clung to him, tears streaming down her face and mixing with the dried blood and dirt.

Clutching Idril in his arms, Maldor said "Its ok...". "I'm alright..". Maldor smiled and said "You look so beutiful". Wiping the tears from her eyes Idril said "Have you been blinded?". "Look at me, I'm cover in grease and blood". Maldor smiled and said "It doesn't matter, you will always be beutiful to me". Idril looking deep into Maldor eyes, kissed him. As Maldor held Idril in his arms, he looked into her bright blue eyes and said "Idril you have made me the happiest Mandalorian alive". "I don't want to spend another minute without you". Taking a deep breath Maldor asked "Idril will you be my wife?".
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^Awww!!! SG You make thing's so romantic!:p ^

By the way...Im almost done my post with Mara...I havent had much time to work on it. So sorry it's taking sooo long.:o
Kirna woke up the next moring still in the dark room she since her brother was nere bye she called him in the force " Zog were are you I thought I told you to stay on the ship?", she aks in the force being a little worryed about him what happen and how did he come there in the frist place?
Arrival and Duel of Fates:

Coming out of hyper space, the ship stopped above the Moon. After breif pause the thrusters ignited and the ship desended towards the Moon. Hovering over the loss soil, the ship landed. Exiting Kato and Kara headed over to a small fighter. After examining it Kara said "It's deffinatly Kirna's ship". Kato panning around the grey plains, pointed towards a red glow. "Kara look..." said Kato, Kara turned and saw the bright red light off in the distance. "We should check it out" said Kara. Kato nodded and began walking across the thick grey plains. After travesing over a tow miles worth of flate disolate plains, they came to a rocky structure. Fallowing the light, they found a tunnel. Unbuckling his lightsaber, Kato entered the tunnel. Right behiend him Kara fallowed. As they travesed the dark through the dark tunnel, the came to crossing. Two seperate paths. Kato looking to his right said "Looks like will have to splite up". Kara turning to Kato asked "Do you think that's a good idea?". Kato looking Kara plain in the face said "I don't think have mcuh choice". "Your sister could be in either direction".

With deep breath Kara said "Agreed". Kato moving towards the right path, turned and said "Oh Kara". "May the Force be with you". Kara turned and said "And may be with you too". Kara then disspeared into the left tunnel. Kato procceded foward. After travesing through the tunnel for nearly an hour, he reached a large cavern. At the very end was a large metal door. Kato procceding cautiously, headed towards the door. As he came to the door's edge, it opened. Looking to his sides, Kato entered. Taking a few stepps further Kato stopped. Standing a few feet away from him, was a massive structure. Kato panned his eyes up the structure, it was ebony and at the top a red crystal shined. As Kato gazed at it, he heard several voices aproaching. Kato dashed into the shadows and stood silent. As two dark figures past, he listened in. "The device is almost fully operational" said the Dark Figure. "Soon we can end this war and eradicate the Jedi once and for all".

The Two figures stopped. "With this final test, we wil be closer to achieving are goal" said the Sith. "We will be one step closer to ruling the galaxy". "What of the Jedi?" asked the Other Sith. "What if they discover are plot?". "Don't worry, my Master taken care of any threats..." said the Sith. "The Jedi are ignorant, they have no idea what where planning". The Other Sith smiled and said "Good...". After some brief a brief chat the two Siths left. Kato standing in the shadows rubbed his head. A loud noise echoed above him. A large crane moved about the cavern placing metal crates in a pile. Kato waiting for the crain to move, dashed across the floor and headed inside a room. Turning to his left, he headed up a flight of stairs. Loud chatter echoed from the several rooms on his right. Kato moving quietly, headed down the hall. Stopping at a lift, Kato looking to his left and right pressed the control panel. The lift made a loud creeking noise, then desended. The side door opened and Kato got inside.

Pressing the Panel, the lift asended. Kato stood calm, clutching his lightsaber handle in his right hand. At last the lift came to a stop. Kato stepped out of the lift and headed to his right. He was now above the massive structure. Looking down at it, he eyed the red crystal. Kato then stopped at a door and entered. Inside he was on a blacony above a closed room. To his left was a large window. As Kato's eyes panned around the room, he noticed a pile corpeses laying in the middle of the room. Kato stopped and stared, his face painted with wonder. Looking at the pile closely, he saw two Jedi robes. Kato imedatly walked down a spiral stair case and headed over to the pile. Grabbing the robes, he pulled. After struggling a while, Kato pulled out a male and female Jedi. Looking at there lifeless faces, he closed his eyes and spoke a prayer. Suddenly the loud noise of a door opening, echoed throughout the room.

Kato standing up, turned around. facing him was tall Masked figure, covered in black robes. Walking towards him the Masked Figure said "You Jedi seem to keep turning up". "And all this room". Kato stood stern, reaching for his lightsaber. "I see you not much of a talker" said the Masked Figure. Kato glaring and said "I have nothing to say to you Sith". The Mask Figure moved around Kato and said "Very well, straight to business then". The Dark Figure activated his bloodred lightsaber and moved into stance. Kato backing away activated his lightsaber and moved into his stance. The two combatants circled each other, holding there lightsaber above the heads. Suddenly Kato leapt foward, engaging the Sith. There baldes crackled as they clashed, sending sparks dancing over the smooth floor. As they held in a locku up, Kato glared into the Masked Figure's visor. The Masked Figure then broke the lock up and they resumed the duel.
The Search For Kirna

Kara said a quick prayer for her friend Kato and started walking around streching out her Force Senses trying to sense anything at all of her sister.

"Kirna where are you" Kara took her lighsaber from her belt she sensed somthing near her Relax its your imagintion Kara try to reassure herself as she walked down the tunnels.

Two Sith came at her Kara said "Adonai be gone from me" she Force pushed two Sith flew back and opened a door it was a very dark room Kara kept her lighsaber ignited for light nothing less She felt like she was in a maze of the buliding Sith kept coming around her she slashed thru three more of them with a quick spin and Cut she cut ones arm off she saw a locked door she switched the setting on her lighsaber to cut thru the lock and the door opened.

Kara knew she let herself into a trap she saw a few more sith she closed her eyes and said a quick prayer and hid herself in the shadows and she prayed for her sister. The sith went on by her and she kept walking.

She felt like she was getting nowhere fast but she is not going to give up maybe Kato had better luck .

Kara came to a row of doors at the end of the hall She closed her eyes "Yeshua show me which door to walk thru and towards and where my sister is she let herself fall into the Force a deep concentration of her sister's mind to hers in there bond with the Force.
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Idril's breath caught in her throat as she pulled back a ways so she could see his face. She stared into his eyes, searching, unsure of what to do. She hadn't thought about marrying him. Thinking that he probably was already married. Only two days ago, she had thought him dead.
"Wh-what?" she asked in a whispered.
Duel of Fates:

Swinging his saber furiously, Kato engaged The Masked Sith. There baldes crackled as both combatants exhanged blows. Finally weary of messing around, Kato gripped his lightsaber's handle tight and began swing powerful strokes. The Masked Figure blocked them and stood unshaken. With a deep breath the Masked Sith swung a powerful stroke that knocked Kato back. Holding in a defensive stance, Kato blinked. His arms surged with painful temors. glaring at the Masked Sith, Kato gripped his lightsaber and engaged. Kato's strokes where slow paced, but when they hit the Sith's blade the floor shook. Countering Kato's moves, The Masked Sith deleivered several heavy blows, that cause Kato to almost fall off his feet. Never had Kato ever met such a worthy advesary. Kato standing at a distance, tried to catch his breath. He had deleivered several powerful blows that had drained his energy.

Standing in relaxed stance, the Masked Sith said "Your skills are impressive". "It has be a long time since I've met a rival swordsman who uses Djem So". "Your form is almost perfect, but it lacks the power of the Dark Side" said the Masked Sith. "Otherwise you could Match me". Kato glared as he gripped his lightsaber tight. "I don't need the Dark side to match you.." said Kato. "Nor do I need it to defeat you!...". Kato leapt foward swinging his saber in a frenzy. Blocking the blows, the Masked Sith backed away. Then suddenly he advanced swinging in powerful strokes. Kato matched him, causing them to lock up. Kato felt his arms burn from the brunt of the Sith's blows. It seemed with each swing he became stronger. Breaking the lock up, Kato thrusted. The Masked Sith blocked his blow and then procceded to start a chain of powerful strokes. Kato counter using the same tactic.

As there sabers hit, the ground shook. The smooth floor they stood on began to crack. After another lock up, Kato backed off. Breathing heavily, Kato began to ponder. Never had anyone bested him. At least not like this. "You look tired Jedi" said the Masked Sith with heavy breaths. Kato grinned and said "Oh I'm just getting warmed up". The Sith chuckled and said "Good.., otherwise I would be very disspointed". Kato moving into stance said "Trust me, you haven't even begun to witness my true power". The Masked Sith laughed and said "You arrogance blinds you Jedi". "Soon you be like you friends...". "We shall see" said Kato as he lift his lightsaber above his head. The Combatants then resumed there duel. This time with greater fury. Sparks danced across the floor as there saber repeatidly struck. Both opponets using powerful strokes. Kato gripping his lightsaber leapt over Mordred and swung. Mordred spun around and threw Kato with the power of the Force. Kato flew across the room and slammed into a wall.

Raising to his feet, Kato used the force to pick up a generator. He tossed it at Mordred, but it was stopped and tossed aside. Mordred walked toward Kato gripping his lightsaber tightly in his left hand. Kato lunged foward swiftly and struck Mordred's shoulder. Mordred turning in rage threw Kato against the blacony wall. He then used Force Grip to raise him into the air. With the turn of his hand, Kato flew into the glass window. The window shattered. Kato hung on, gripping the pointed glass shardes. Using his strength he tried to pull himself up. Mordred walked to the edge and stood above Kato. "Now Jedi, we have come to the end" said Mordred. "Join me and together we can acheive powers you could never dream of". Kato looking Mordred in the eyes said "No..., I'll never join you". "I am a Jedi". Mordred lower his head and said "Then embrace you destiny..". Mordred swung his lightsaber, cutting the edge of the window. Using the Force, Kato leapt over Mordred and landed on his feet.

Mordred turned and attacked, swinging in a wild fashion. Kato parryed and began attacking Mordred with strong blows. Suddenly Mordred found himself backing up towards the window. Kato's eyes flared blue as he spoke in an unkown lauguage. His very words caused Mordred to fell agony. With a extension of his hand, Kato emmited a blue burst of energy. The glow reflected off Mordred's mask. Suddenly Kato projected the energy into Mordred, sending him out the window. Kato standing stern gazed out the window and searched for Mordred's body. Not being able to see the depths below, Kato turned away and de-activated his lightsaber. The blue glow in his eyes faded, and suddenly Kato gasped. Taking deep breaths, Kato headed towards the lift. Once inside, he pressed the control panel. As the lift desended, Kato gripped his chest. His heart began beating at an alarming rate. Kato began to feel dizzy and swayed to the side

Getting control of himself, Kato stood still and breathed slowly. After a while his heart returned to a normal beat. Once at the bottom, Kato exited and headed down a tunnel. Backing up in the room, near the window seal. A dark grantlent clintchs the edge. Pulling himself up, Mordred stood to his feet. Breathing heavily he said "This Jedi is no ordinary Jedi'". "I have never seen such power". Mordred then feel silent. Turning towards the lift, he eyed the empty shaft. "We will meet again Jedi, I promise.." said Mordred.
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Kara said a quick prayer for her friend Kato and started walking around streching out her Force Senses trying to sense anything at all of her sister.

"Kirna where are you" Kara took her lighsaber from her belt she sensed somthing near her Relax its your imagintion Kara try to reassure herself as she walked down the tunnels.

Two Sith came at her Kara said "Adonai be gone from me" she Force pushed two Sith flew back and opened a door it was a very dark room Kara kept her lighsaber ignited for light nothing less She felt like she was in a maze of the buliding Sith kept coming around her she slashed thru three more of them with a quick spin and Cut she cut ones arm off she saw a locked door she switched the setting on her lighsaber to cut thru the lock and the door opened.

Kara knew she let herself into a trap she saw a few more sith she closed her eyes and said a quick prayer and hid herself in the shadows and she prayed for her sister. The sith went on by her and she kept walking.

She felt like she was getting nowhere fast but she is not going to give up maybe Kato had better luck .

Kara came to a row of doors at the end of the hall She closed her eyes "Yeshua show me which door to walk thru and towards and where my sister is she let herself fall into the Force a deep concentration of her sister's mind to hers in there bond with the Force.

Kirna look around " all I know is I'm in a dark room and I think Zog in beside me I really don;t know sis", she said witha sigh she didn't know what to tell her she was scared and cold,
Kara walked up to the doors in the hall Sith covered every doorway Kara summons the Force to her and as six Sith come around her Kara engages her lighsaber and slashes it in A Arc and takes care of four sith in front of her she comes to the door and flips over a group of Sith and uses the Force to telkinictally move a few sith out of the way and goes to the door Kirna are you in there Kara raised her hands "Yahwah and throws her arms out and picks up a sith with The Force and throws him into the other ones. Kara finally sees her chance she tosses the remaining sith away her eyes still glowing a deep green as she gathered herself and checked around one more time before unlocking the door she sees a faint light in the room Kirna are you their?"
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