Zog's Quest:
On the Moons, Zog stayed with his ship. He had been told to wait for her return. But she had now been gone so long. Unable to free his mind of dreadful thoughts, Zog grabbed his lightsaber and began travesing across the Moon. Crossing plains and deep dunes, Zog stopped at a tunnel. After looking inside, he entered. Heading down the tunnel he saw red lights at the tunnels floor. They helped him see the rather rocky and unstable path. At last he came to a cavern. Staying hidden behiend a rock structure, Zog glanced into the Cavern. Only a few feet away from him, was large complex heavily gaurded by dark figures. Keeping keen eye on them, Zog moved around the rock structure and glided against the rocky walls. Staying hidden in the shadows, he came close to the door. Standing just an inch away, was dark figure. Zog quietly tried to slip past the gaurd, but just as he reached the door.
The Figure turned and threw him into the wall. Suddenly five gaurds stood before Zog weilding activated lightsabers. Zog trying to catch his breath, got up and gripped his lightsaber. Moving into a stance he activated his emerald green lightsaber. As the Five Siths moved into postion, Zog looked above. Hanging at the roof of the cavern was several large pikes. Zog extending his hand upward, used the Force to cause the sharp pikes to colapse. Suddenly the pikes came raining down, crushing and piercing several of the Sith. Zog satified moved towards the remainng tow Sith and engaged. Swining his saber in ornatie fashion, Zog stabbed a Sith in the chest. He then turned towards the rmeaning Sith and blocked his blows. Moving in clam manner, Zog dodged the Sith's blow and struck him in the side. Pulling his blade out, the Sith fell to the rocky floor. Zog gripping his lightsaber, pressed the activation switch, turning it off.
As Zog moved towards the door, the fallen Sith rose to his feet gripp his lightsaber tight. With Zog's back to him, the Sith ignited his bloodred lightsaber and leapt foward. Zog dodged and with swift stroke he activated his lightsaber and beheaded the Sith. Then with another quick motion he turned off his lightsaber. Looking at fallen Sith's body, Zog walked up to the door. The door slided open, revealing a chasm filled with large structure. Zog procceded foward, until he reached the lift. Entering he pressed the control panel and waited. The Lift making loud noise, asended. Once at the top, the lift's doors opened. Zog stepped into a room, filled with corspes. Panning around her saw several Sith bodies and two Jedi. Zog walked over to the female Jedi and began to shake. A great fear sweapt over him. As he turned the body over, he saw the lifless face. Taking a deep breath, Zog was relieved it wasn't his sister.
Standing over her Zog bowed his head and said prayer. Once he finished he headed to set of spiral stairs. Climbing up them, he reached a door. Entering he found himself in control room. Looking at the view screens, he saw cameras. After cycling through a few, he reached the Cell blocks. As he cycled through them he stopped. Looking closly he saw a worn figure laying in the darkness. With a deep breath, he realized it was his sister. Checking the map, he exited the room. As he headed to the lift, he noticed it was gone. Suddenly he head loud thump. Looking down the shaft, he saw the lift asending. Zog backed away from the shaft. The lift finally stopped and the doors opened. Exiting where several Sith, and one very strange figure. The strange figure wore a black mask and black garments. Stepping out on to the floor the Figure looked at the corspes piled all over. His mask panned around the room seraching.
Zog tried to hide in the shadows, but it did him no good. "Come out Jedi..." said the Masked Figure. "I know your there". Zog reluctantly stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself. The Mask figure eyed him and asked "Did you do this?". Zog shook his head. The Masked figure then asked "Then who did?". In a whisperious tone Zog replied "I don't know". The Masked figure leaned his head back and said "Very well". "Seize him..". The group of Sith appoached Zog. Zog gripping his lightsaber, activated it. "I'm not going without a fight" said Zog. "So be it..." said the Masked Figure. With a wave of his hand, the Sith group activated there lightsabers. The group surrounded Zog, pointing there sabers at him. Zog held stern, gripping his saber's handle tight. Suddenly the Sith attacked. Zog blocked and whirled around spinning his saber in fancy fashion. The sabers crackled, sending sparks flying around the room.
Zog keeping the Sith at bay, used the Force to pull a genrator towards him. Leaping out of the way, the generation struck three Sith. Zog turned to the Sith next to him and engaged. There sabers locked up, exposing Zog's back side. The Rest of the Sith moved towards him, preparing to strike. Zog twisitng his hand, broke the lock up and chopped the Sith's hand off. He then turned the unarmed Sith towards his brethren. And with extension of his hand he tossed the Sith into his brothers. Zog then leapt forth and struck a fallen Sith on the ground. One Sith rose to attack, but Zog slashed his under belly causing him to splite in half. Zog quickly disarmed the remainng Sith with an exellent display of Ataru. Breathing heavily, Zog stood before the Masked Figure. "Impressive..." said the Masked Figure. "Most Impressive..". "You seem to have mastered you form". "However they were merly pawns". "How about a real challenge?" asked the Masked Figure.
Zog moved into stance and said "I'm ready if you are". The Masked Figure chuckled, as grabbed his lightsaber. Gripping it tight, the Dark Figure activated his lightsaber. It's bloodred beam reflected of his mask. Suddenly the Masked Figure lepat foward in spiral, striking Zog. With a gasp Zog blocked the blow. His eyes widened as he stared into the Mask of the Sith. There blades crackled, as they held in a lock up. Suddenly the Masked Sith knocked Zog back and began a series of powerful blows. Zog felt his bones rattle as there blades clashed. The Masked Sith continued to knock Zog back, until he was against a wall. The Masked Sith then extened his hand and tossed Zog aside. Zog rose to his feet in the nick of time. There sabers once again locked up. Zog felt his energy draining, he was unable to hold up his defenses. With powerful stroke The Masked Sith knocked Zog back against the wall. Lowering his defenses, Zog felt his body go into terribel pain.
A stream of red bolts struck Zog, causing him to fall to his knees. The Masked Sith increased intensity of the stream, causing Zog to shout in pain. After all his energy was exhausted, The Masked Figure gripped Zog with Force Grip and lifted him in the air. Bring him close to his face, The Masked Sith said "How pathetic..". "You couldn't even last ten minutes". The Masked Figure then tossed Zog to the floor. Standing over him, The Masked Figure de-activated his lightsaber. Suddenly the lift rose and the door open. Several Sith came to the Masked Sith's side. "Lord Mordred.., we have a.." said the Sith as he glanced at Zog. "I see have disbatched the intruder". Looking at Zog Mordred said "Take him away..". "Place him in a cell". "Yes my lord" said the Sith as he ordered the others to take Zog away.
Dragging him on to the lift, the Sith held him in place. The Lift desended to the lower levels, where the exited. They dragged Zog's body down a tunnel. There they tossed him inside a cell. Zog laided there unconcious.