As the Jedi Knight broke away from the lock up, Karth leapt foward. Striking with a powerful blow. The Knight parryed and spun his saber in fancy manner. Karth ignored his showman ship and attacked with ever greater power. The blades hissed and Karth repeadly swung his lightsaber. The Jedi Knight manuver around Karth and held a stance. Karth gripping his lightsaber tight, swung. As the sabers contacted, the Jedi Knight's felt his arms crack. Unable to hold his ground, the Knight dropped his gaurd. Adn with a swift swing of his saber, Karth struck the Knight in the side. The Knight fell to his knees, grasping his wound. Karth paced for a moment and said "Get up, were not finished yet". The look in Karth's eye was terrifying. It was as if he was a predator waiting for his prey to get up. The Knight hestantly arose gripping his lightsaber loosly. Moving into stance, the Jedi gasped as his wound brushed up against his arm.
Karth gripping his lightsaber in one hand waited. The Knight attacked, swinging his saber in a powerful rotation. The blades crackled, as Karth blocked the blows. As there blades held in a lock up, Karth extended his left hand. the Knight anticpating his move, extend his right hand. A flow of pressure pushed against both combatants. Suddenly they both went flying across each side of the room. Slamming against the wall, Karth rose to his feet and leapt foward. Swinging his saber downward, Karth grazed the Knight's shoulder. The Knight arose blocking Karth numerious blows. At last the duel reached full speed, both combatant now fought on equel levels. There sabers clashing with each swing. Now with confidence the Knight engaged Karth without hesitation. He attacked furiously, causing Karth to back away. With a swift stroke, the Knight slashed Karth's shoulder.
Karth clintched his teeth and engaged fercly. His blows consitant and powerful. The Knight wavering, fell to the floor. Karth continued to attacking him, swining his blows with greater force. The Knight rolled dodgeing the blows. Raising to his feet the Knight turned. Leaping towards the Knight, Karth swung his saber. The blades clashed, sending sparks all over the floor. Karth pressed against the Knight, pushing against the wall. The Knight trying to resist the pressure, slipped under Karth defenses and struck him in the side. Karth paused a moment, his eyes exploding like volcanos. Karth turned gripping his lightsaber. He engaged the Knight again. This time however his blows where stronger and faster. The Knight backed away, sweat dropping from his brow. He uttered to Karth "Alright I'm finished". But Karth heard nothing. As the Knight blocked the Karth's blow, he moved around him.
Karth turning swiftly, attacked. Knocking the Knight back with powerful blow, Karth swung his saber at the Knight's exposed arm. The saber's balde passed through it, sending a breif mist of smoke. The Knight fell to the floor grasping his shoulder. He began shouting in pain. The other Jedi Knights rushed to his aid, helping him up. One of the Knights looked at Karth with a upset expression. "What have you done?" asked the Jedi Knight. Karth glared and said "I finished the duel". The Jedi Knight stood pertfied by his heartlessness. Karth then turned away and deactivated his lightsaber. Exiting the room Karth headed down the hall. The four Jedi Knights took there wounded brother to the medical bay. Where he recieved medical attention.
Heading inside a lift, Karth pressed a the control panel. The lift asended. Deep in his mind Karth felt a conflict. One part of him felt proud and glad for what he had done. The other part of him felt terrible. When the lift came to a stop, Karth exited heading down a hallway. He then entered a empty room. Passing through the darkened room, he stepped out on to the balcony. Watching the numerious ships go by Karth shed a tear. His face was stern, looking bitter and full of rage. Crossing his arms he gazed at the bright lights all over the city.