Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Kara's reaction

"Master I cannot explain this but I feel different like i am not me it does not seem right" Kara closed her eyes she is determined to learn this She cleared her mind of all the doubt and confusion and Kept Saying Adonai and Ye'shua and she felt the same way she did on Korrbian when the light was around her and seh used it to defeat some sith. She composed herself and just let it flow thru her even though she felt like she was being turned inside out
Aubrie and Arya: Training

Deep within the temple, in the garden area. Jedi Knight Aubrie and her apprentice Arya pratice the art of illsion. "Ok my young appretice, you must focus" said Aubrie. "Feel the force surround you, now lute it flow through you". As Arya took deep breaths, she closed her eyes trying to maintain a focused mind. As she re-opened her eyes, she was startled. Standing before her was two Aubries. Arya blinked her eyes and then gasped. "How did you do that?" asked Arya. Aubrie smiled and replied "The Force gives us many abilites". "This is one of them". "It is called illsion" said Aubrie. "It tricks you opponet into thinking there are two of you". "Giving you an advatage, and causing you opponet frustration". "The more focus you have, the more illisons you can create" said Aubrie. "However you must be careful". "If you opponet is strong in the Force, they can see right through the trick". "It would take a powerful and steady stream of consintration to fool an enemy like the Sith" said Aubrie.

"Now, you try..." said Aubrie. Arya moved into postion and focused. Conisintrationg Arya opened her eyes. Looking at her Master, Arya asked "Did it work?". Aubrie looking to Arya and to her left replied "Yes, you illsion was a sucess". "Well done my young Apprentice". Arya smiled and bowed lutting go of her focused thoughts. "This technic will become useful, if you should ever have to flee or escape" said Aubrie. "Now lute us pratice your other teachings". Pointing to a group of rocks in the center of the garden Aubrie commanded "Lift those and place them around the garden". "And do it within a minute". Arya taking a deep breath extended her hands. With some trouble, she lifted the massive stones into the air. Carefully she moved them into diffrent corners of the garden. As she continued Aubrie shouted "30 seconds left". Arya gasping moved at a faster pace, lifting and moving the stones with great speed. Arya's body felt the intense pressure of the rocks weight, her arms began to shake.

Finally after lifting all the rocks and placing them in there correct postions, Arya lowered her hands and panted heavily. Aubrie smiling said "Well done, you've moved all the rocks into there correct placements, and you still had 5 seconds to spare". Arya smiled, looking proud of her work. "Now lute us pratice another Force technic" said Aubrie. Arya shrugged and moved over to her Master's side. "First I want you to preform a Force Pull" said Aubrie pointing at a large box like structure across the garden. "Then I want you to push it back with Force Push". After a slight pause, Aubrie commanded "Now Begin". Arya reaching out with her hand and felt the energies surrounded the box. With a swift movment, the box flung towards Aubrie and Arya's postion. Arya paused for a moment and then focuing the energies tossed the box across the garden into a wall. The box shattered into several pieces.

Aubrie looking pleased said "Well done". "Now we are going to preform Force Jump". "Remember the more focus you have, the higher you'll asend". Arya nodded and moved into postion. With a paused, Arya leapt into the air, asending almost 12 feet high. With a fancy spin of her body, she landed on the top of one of the Garden pillars. Standing there she smiled and took a bow. Aubrie clapping shouted "Nicely done, now come down here and will finish your exersises". With elgent flip, Arya landed on the garden floor and moved to her Master's side. After training in many more Force technics, Aubrie and Arya rested. "You skills have grown my young Padwan" said Aubrie. "Soon you will be able to learn the advanced technics and preform even more amazing feats". Arya smiled, she had come a long way since she and Aubrie first met. She was now stronger and more focused. With more training and much patience Arya would come closer to becoming a Jedi Knight.
Kirna was in her room thinking about things she never what wanted to know but it was all ways in her head going in cicles so she jump in her ship to look for some then then her one of her brothers ask her were she going and came he comw with her she nodd they finely come on a pleant then grabbed their lightsabers and started to walk around she reach her sister in the force letting her knows safe and she with Zoge they came up a tall drak building they never seen before " were are we bro did you get us lost again I know you did?" she said putting her saber by her side just incase some thing happens to them " no I didn't get us lost baby sister I really don't know what to say right now" he said doing the same they walk in quitly as they can.
Kara's doubts

"Master I do not feel like myself at all what is happening to me how will this help me I do not believe this at all I cannot explain waht I am feeling but I feel stronger and I feel my brain and my insides are turning inside out but yet it feels familer somehow like the Force but yet quite not. Sorry Masetr Kato I am rambling How this even help me learn more of the Force then what I know now How will this help us and the order I just do not like stuff I cannot explain Master Si"
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The Sith's Advantage:

Back across the Galaxy, on the Moons of Bala. A team of Sith diggers struck something deep within the tunnels. Digging deeper, the Sith found a tomb. After examing the large room, they snet word to Lord Arion. Within a short period of time Lord Arion arrived at the dig. Peering into the tomb, Lord Arion examined the surroundings. A Sith digger appraoched Arion and said "My lord, we've found something". Leading the way the digger showed Arion an acient chest. Arion exaiming it and said "It's the chest". Arion gripping the lock, snaped the seal in half. The chest flung open, revealing a scroll. Arion reaching with his hand grapsed the schroll. Unravling it Arion grinned and said "Well done, you work is finished". The Sith diggers cheered and lifted there tools upward. Arion carefully grasping the schroll headed out of the tomb.

Returning to his qaurters, he contacted Lord Valfious. "My lord, we have found the text" said Darth Arion. Valfious smiling said "Very good, are victory has been ensured". "Now go and activate the device, prepare it for the upcoming destruction of the Jedi Order". Arion nodded and said "Yes Master". As the holocon faded, Arion took the schroll and headed down into the tunnels. Finally he came to a large cavern, and in the center a large structure about 40 feet tall stood. Arion headed to the lift and pressed a control panel. As it the lift asended, Arion eyed the structure with a grin. As the lift came to a stop, Arion walked acroos a catawalk. Standing at the center core of the structure, Arion took hold of a red control panel. Looking at the schroll, he began typing in diffrent characters.

After he pressed the last digit, the large structure began to rearrange it's pattern. After a loud thump, it stopped. Looking on the pnael, the words read in ancient tounges: Demintration. Arion smiled and pressed a key. The device reragged into a ring like pattern. With a smile Arion pointed it at the dig site, which was still filled with workers. Arion pressed another key, and with a loud thump the device began emitting a red light from it's core. After building up to a large shphere, the device relased the red energy. It struck the dig site, causing a massive red explosion. Within the radious worker screamed in terror as there bodies where ripped apart, cell by cell. After the smoke and dust cleared. Arion gazed at the wastleland. With a grin he deactivated the device and headed to the lift. Before red panel shut off, it read (At 1% effeciancy).
Kara was suddenly distrected by her sister contacing her in the Force "Kirna where in the Galaxy are you I am glad your okay but be careful and watch your back and trust the Force."

Kara got her focus back she could not let her sister distract her.
" well do sis don't worry about me Zoge is with me he well brtick me from what ever" she said in the force she walk closer to her big brother not letting him out of site.
Kato Explains:

"Your doubts are normal Kara" said Kato. "For I have felt them as well". "But don't trust in your mind for it can decieve you, instead lute you heart be your guide". Kato then continued, "What you feel is his presence". "Like the Force he is all around you". "Embrace it, lute yourself be open to him". "Only then will understand what I tell you" said Kato. Kara listened and then did as Kato suggested. She suddenly felt a strong peace overcome her. It was unlike anything she had felt before. As she stayed silent and strong push came across he heart. Suddenly she began to to cry. She didn't know what was happening, she couldn't control her emotions. But apart of her didn't care. She had never felt such Joy and peace all at once. She didn't want it to end. After weeping awhile, the feeling passed. Kara then opened her eyes and stared at Kato.

"That was incridble..." said Kara. Kato smiled and said "You have taken your first step into a larger world". Kara wiping the tears from her eyes began to ask for questions. Kato spent the entire evening expaling and teaching Kara. Hours passed without notice and it was soon night fall. Raising to his feet Kato said "I think will end this session and continue tommorrow". Kara nodded her face painted with a smile. Kato and Kara exited the room. Kato turned to Kara and said "We shall meet again tommorrow in the garden". "We will continue from there". Kara nodded, her face looking anxious. Kato bowed slightly and said "Good night Kara". Kara bowed and replied "Good night Master Kato". They then both parted and headed down seperate halls.
Kara thinks on her session

Kara walked back to her Room feeling joy and fear at the same time But the more she thought about it she realized he was right I was thinking to much with my head and not my heart Master Luke scolded me on that quite a lot. She set down on the couch and opened her journel and started to write

Today I have been working with Master Si an Master that amazes me so much with his power and what he does He has agreed to teach me the true nature of the Force and has been working with me I have my doubs and skeptism about it But I feel that in the long run it might help me more then I know Master Kato is very wise and powerful and is becoming quite a good freind to me he has opened doors to me that I did not even think was possible We are going to have another session tomorrow which I cannot wait for.
Karth's Dark Training:

In the lower levels of the Temple, Karth pratcies his lightsaber and force skills. Swinging around in a ferious rage, KArth behead the several training droids. He the spun around and lifted a driod by the neck and stabbed it in the chest. Turning around Karth faced five driods. Extending his hand he emitted bolts of lightning. The lightning surged through the driods bodies causing them to overload. Karth glared as he leapt towards the reamining targets. swinging his lightsaber in furious manner, he sliced through the driods with ease. As he appraoched the last driod, a large smiled came across Karth's face. He extended his hand causing the driod to raise up into and air. Bolts at it's neck began to unscrew and drope to the floor. It's body began shaking wildly, until it colapsed.

Panting Karth stood over the fallen driods, with a dark face. His eyes glared and his teeth clintched. Gripping his lightsaber, he pressed the deactivation button. Walking over to a control panel, he pressed some keys. Suddenly several dark figures appeared gripping bloodred lightsabers. Karth smiling ignited his lightsaber and leapt forth. He struck the first cloaked figure in the torso. With a twist of his wrist he ripped through the figure's chest. Karth then spun around and attacked the other figure in a fury. He continually used strong blows, causing the figure to back way. Karth then exstended his hand, causing the figure to stop dead in it's tracks. Clintching his teeth, Karth turned his hand. The Figure's chest began to strench and in second the figure colapsed. Standing with satfiaction Karth turned to the last figure. The figure leapt towards him. Karth blocked the figure's powerful blow. He then knocked the figure back with a powerful swing.

Laying on the floor, the figure blocked Karth's strike. Karth moving his left hand towards the figure began emitting bolts of lightning. The figure began burning, it's cloak steaming. Karth continued until the figure dropped it's lightsaber. Karth the grabbed the Figure's face and dragged him across the floor. Raising the figure in the air, he began closing his hand tight around the figure's face. The figure struggled, trying to break free. But as Karth gripped tighter the figure's face began to impolde. Finally the figure stopped moving. Karth then tossed him aside. Turning towards the entrance, Karth looked upon the machine corspes. His eyes burned like hot lave and his face was awefully pale. Suddenly the door opened, entering was a group of Jedi Knights. Karth glared as he deactivated his lightaber. As Karth exited one of the Jedi Knights said "Master Karth, care for a sparring session?".

Karth stopped and turned towards the Knights. His eyes gleaming at there faces. Karth smiled and said "Sure, why not". Karth headed back into the room and stood in the main circle. One of the Jedi Knights stepped into the circle. Karth eyeing the Jedi said "Are you ready?". The Knight nodded. Karth ignited his lightsaber and moved into stance. The Knight did the same waiting for the first move. As Karth eyed the Knight he said "I must warn you, once we begin there is no stopping tell it ends". The Knight nodded. Karth then with a smerk moved foward swinging his saber. The blades clashed, echoeing throughout the room. As there sabers locked, Karth grinned as he looked into the Kinght's eyes. The Knight seemed frightened, something about Karth's appreance disturbed him.
Mara finally, was able to rest her eyes upon the temples. She pulled her cloak tighter, when she noticed Jedi walking around. Quickly she slipt in without a sound and made her way through the halls. She wasnt sure who to look for or who to talk with. At last she entered a small garden-like area and hid behind a large set of bushes, where she could conceal herself until the right moment.

Finally some men passed behind her and came her way. She backed up and tripped on a root behind her. She gasped and caught her breath as the apprentices passed by. They seemed to sense something, but walked on. She sighed when they were out of sight, then returned to her spot.
Zan took point again and moved down a corridor. The Commandos followed without a sound. "Stay sharp." He said through the helmet comm link. Zan came to a cross-corridor and stopped. He pulled out a small orb and threw it in the air. It came to life and hovered around the corner, feeding a video stream directly into Zan's helmet. He saw 2 rooms on either side of the corridor...and at the end was...
Suddenly a big flash filled Zan's vision and the camera link went dead. A blaster shot was heard simultaneously. Zan pointed his blaster around the opposite end of the cross-corridor and fired off a few silent rounds. The trooper in the corridor fell to the ground.
Luke looked around behind him and thru himsefl aginst a wall as the commandos flew bye him he ignited his lighsaber and took rear guard "Zan we have a few commandos behind us I will get them" Luke went thru them slashing them with his lightsaber two were to far away to get with his lighsaber he disengaged it and started with the power blaster to take out the rest of them. "Zan we are clear back here watch there are two on the other wall beside you" Luke blasted one of them.

As the Jedi Knight broke away from the lock up, Karth leapt foward. Striking with a powerful blow. The Knight parryed and spun his saber in fancy manner. Karth ignored his showman ship and attacked with ever greater power. The blades hissed and Karth repeadly swung his lightsaber. The Jedi Knight manuver around Karth and held a stance. Karth gripping his lightsaber tight, swung. As the sabers contacted, the Jedi Knight's felt his arms crack. Unable to hold his ground, the Knight dropped his gaurd. Adn with a swift swing of his saber, Karth struck the Knight in the side. The Knight fell to his knees, grasping his wound. Karth paced for a moment and said "Get up, were not finished yet". The look in Karth's eye was terrifying. It was as if he was a predator waiting for his prey to get up. The Knight hestantly arose gripping his lightsaber loosly. Moving into stance, the Jedi gasped as his wound brushed up against his arm.

Karth gripping his lightsaber in one hand waited. The Knight attacked, swinging his saber in a powerful rotation. The blades crackled, as Karth blocked the blows. As there blades held in a lock up, Karth extended his left hand. the Knight anticpating his move, extend his right hand. A flow of pressure pushed against both combatants. Suddenly they both went flying across each side of the room. Slamming against the wall, Karth rose to his feet and leapt foward. Swinging his saber downward, Karth grazed the Knight's shoulder. The Knight arose blocking Karth numerious blows. At last the duel reached full speed, both combatant now fought on equel levels. There sabers clashing with each swing. Now with confidence the Knight engaged Karth without hesitation. He attacked furiously, causing Karth to back away. With a swift stroke, the Knight slashed Karth's shoulder.

Karth clintched his teeth and engaged fercly. His blows consitant and powerful. The Knight wavering, fell to the floor. Karth continued to attacking him, swining his blows with greater force. The Knight rolled dodgeing the blows. Raising to his feet the Knight turned. Leaping towards the Knight, Karth swung his saber. The blades clashed, sending sparks all over the floor. Karth pressed against the Knight, pushing against the wall. The Knight trying to resist the pressure, slipped under Karth defenses and struck him in the side. Karth paused a moment, his eyes exploding like volcanos. Karth turned gripping his lightsaber. He engaged the Knight again. This time however his blows where stronger and faster. The Knight backed away, sweat dropping from his brow. He uttered to Karth "Alright I'm finished". But Karth heard nothing. As the Knight blocked the Karth's blow, he moved around him.

Karth turning swiftly, attacked. Knocking the Knight back with powerful blow, Karth swung his saber at the Knight's exposed arm. The saber's balde passed through it, sending a breif mist of smoke. The Knight fell to the floor grasping his shoulder. He began shouting in pain. The other Jedi Knights rushed to his aid, helping him up. One of the Knights looked at Karth with a upset expression. "What have you done?" asked the Jedi Knight. Karth glared and said "I finished the duel". The Jedi Knight stood pertfied by his heartlessness. Karth then turned away and deactivated his lightsaber. Exiting the room Karth headed down the hall. The four Jedi Knights took there wounded brother to the medical bay. Where he recieved medical attention.

Heading inside a lift, Karth pressed a the control panel. The lift asended. Deep in his mind Karth felt a conflict. One part of him felt proud and glad for what he had done. The other part of him felt terrible. When the lift came to a stop, Karth exited heading down a hallway. He then entered a empty room. Passing through the darkened room, he stepped out on to the balcony. Watching the numerious ships go by Karth shed a tear. His face was stern, looking bitter and full of rage. Crossing his arms he gazed at the bright lights all over the city.
Zan stuck out his arm and whacked the enemy soldier behind him. He fell over with an "AAGK!":D Once the corridor was secured they made their way halfway through the fortress, encountering scant resistance.
"I don't like this..." One of the commandos said. "There should be more soldiers...Feels like a trap."
"You may be right." Zan said.:D
luke senses a trap

"Zan The commando is right the only oppstion we faced is the ones behind me taht climbed the wall and I finished off and the two on the other side of you I have a bad feeling that there is somthing more to this Luke said Luke sensed two sith behind him he looked besided the two there was another beside him Luke forced pushed the two sith aginst each other and thru them back over the wall. Luke slashed the one on his other side in a diagnol slash. They were to easy to defeat Zan they will be back in greater number the evil commandos and the assissins Let us spring the trap Zan let me take point if I sense any sith assassins or Dark jedi in this fortersss this is just to quiet and to easy to get thru"
"Zan The commando is right the only oppstion we faced is the ones behind me taht climbed the wall and I finished off and the two on the other side of you I have a bad feeling that there is somthing more to this Luke said Luke sensed two sith behind him he looked besided the two there was another beside him Luke forced pushed the two sith aginst each other and thru them back over the wall. Luke slashed the one on his other side in a diagnol slash. They were to easy to defeat Zan they will be back in greater number the evil commandos and the assissins Let us spring the trap Zan let me take point if I sense any sith assassins or Dark jedi in this fortersss this is just to quiet and to easy to get thru"

"Great..." Zan muttered. He tapped into the data he'd syphoned from the fortress' computer. "This fortress could probably hold 10,000 or more men..." He said ominously...:D
"Then Zan we are going to be busy before we find this warlord Luke said to Zan if there is over 10,000 in here then I estiamte the majority will be enemy soldiers and commandos and probably the rest Sith cause I sense a heavy preasecne of the Dark side of the Force around here."

Luke gave himself over to the Force and reached out as far as he could sense there are a few more down this next corrider 5 and 5 enemy troopers and two commndos.
Lord Raven's Trials:

After spending the evening preparing, Raven was summoned by the Counsel. Standing there chambers he was taken through the trials. The First being the Mind. Jed Master Voz began to ask him questions regarding the force. After that he was asked to recite the entire Jedi Creed and a parchment from the Archives. The first trial was complete, satified Master Voz moved on the the Second trial; the Body. Entering the chamber a Jedi Knight activated his lightsaber. Raven moving into a stance ignited his lightsaber. With a command to begin, Raven engaged the Jedi Knight. There sabers clashed echoing throughout the chamber. Raven whirled around engaging the Jedi in a fantastic display of skill. Finally the Jedi used the Force on Raven, tossing him across the chamber. Raven stopped himself in mid air, and landed soflty. With an extension of his hand Raven pulled the Jedi towards him. With a swift thrust, Raven struck the Jedi. The Jedi Knight bowed in honor and backed away. Impressed Master Voz said "Well done Lord Raven, now only one trial remains".

Raven stood still, de-activating his lightsaber. "The trial of the Spirit" said Master Voz. Raven moved into the center of the chamber. Ther lights dimmed and bright blue light shone down on him from a glass window. Raven stood silent waiting for the trial to begin. As the blue light surrounded him, he heard a laugh echo throughout the chamber. Raven turned and panned his eyes around the room. In the darkness, a bright red light appeared. Coming closer, raven recoginzed it. Coming forth into the light, was a figure clothed in black robes. His face was covered nad his breath cold. Raven's body began to shake in his presence. The figure eyed Raven and said "Hello Raven". Raven backed away gripping his lightsaber tight. Raven's eyes gleamed, his body motionless. "What's a matter don't you recognize you own father?" said the figure. Raven activated his bloodred lightsaber and said "My father is dead".

The Figure laughed and said "Maybe in this world, but not in yours". Raven paused and replied "You are not apart of my life anymore". The figure sighed and said "Your a fool, you always disspaointed me". "You like your mother had to much compassion". Raven swining in a fury shouted. There sabers clashed into a lock up. Breaking the lock up Raven engaged the Sith swining wildly. The Sith blocked and dodged out of the way. "No matter how hard you try, you'll never be rid of me". "I am in you soul, and there I will live forever...". "Nooooo!" shouted Raven as he slashed at the Sith. There blades clashing. "Look at yourself, you can't help it" said the Sith. "You'll never be a Jedi!". Raven attacked with even greater fury, knocking the Sith back. Raven continued to engage, his blows growing stronger. At last he knocked the Sith to the floor.

Raven held his saber, ready to finish him off. "Go on Raven, kill me now" said the Sith. "Just remember Like father like son!". Raven began to swing, but stopped. He looked at the Sith and lowered his saber. The Sith looked at him and asked "What are you doing?". "Finish it!". Raven shook his head and said "I have wasted enough time on you already". "The only way to destory you, is to forget you". The Sith's eyes flared as he rose to his feet. Raven turned his back and began walking away. "Raven don't turn you back on me!" shouted the Sith. "I created you!". "You are mine!!!". Raven stopped and said in a whisper "Not anymore...". The Sith shrieked, his body fading away. Once the Sith was gone, the light elimnated. Master Voz and the rest of the Counsel stood to there feet. Raven turned to them and bowed. Once he raised his head, he stood frozen. The entire Counsel bowed and Master Voz said "You have completed the trials". "Now come and bow".

Raven stepped forth and kneeled. Master Voz gripping his lightsaber, ignited it and dubbed Raven on each shoulder. "By the power invested in me and the Jedi Counsel, we deem you Jedi Knight!". "Now arise Jedi and take your place among your brethern". Raven bowed his head and thanked the Counsel. Afterwards he exited the Counsel Chamber and headed to his qaurters. There he sat on a cushion and cuffed his hands. For the first time in his life, he felt that had found his place. He would now stand with Jedi brothers against the Sith and any other enemy who would threaten the galaxy...