Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Luke stepped quietly up by Zan "You take the commandos and some of the soliders I will take the Sith and the rest Unless you have a better plan"

Luke engages his lighsaber and moved towards the next corridor quietly

"Actually I do..." Zan ordered the commandos to take out the soldiers. He jumped over Luke and landed squarely on one of the Sith, slamming him hard into the ground with an "OOFF!":D He kicked the other in the gut and he folded over gasping...:D
Karth's Punishment:

Standing in the circle of the Counsel's Chambers, Karth is questioned by the Counsel. "It was reported by several eye witnessess, that you broke the code of saftey and wounded a fellow Jedi" said Master Voz. "Are these charges true?". Karth glaring at Master Voz answered "Yes, they are true". Master Voz leaned back in his chair and asked "Do you wish to explain your actions?". Karth lowered his gaze and shook his head. With a pause Master Voz said "You realize that your actions must recieve correction". Karth nodded. With a deep breath Master Voz said "The penatly for hurting another Jedi is suspension of duties and solitary confinment for two days". Karth lowered his head in a shameful manner. "However the Counsel has decided to do niether" said Master Voz.

Karth raised his head and looked confused. "Instead with great regret, we are revoking your title as Jedi Master" said Master Voz. Karth froze, his entire face painted with shock. In a abrupt voice Karth said "What?..". "How can you do this?". "This is outragious!" shouted Karth. "It's unfair..." . "Control yourself young Jedi!" said Master Voz. "The Counsel has spoken". "You shall have to re-earn you title along with are trust". Karth lowered his head, his face boiling with rage. Clintching his teeth Karth raised his head. "You are dismissed" said Master Voz. With a hateful glare Karth bowed and exited the chamber. With a heavy breath he headed down the hallway. Entering the lift, he pressed the panel. As it desended down a few levels, his face simmered with anger. Clitching his fist tightly, Karth shouted. As the lift stopped, Karth exited abruptly.

Heading down the hall, he entered Lord Valfious' qaurters. Valfious turning in his chair fizated his eyes on Karth. With a conserned look Valfious asked "What's wrong Karth?". Breathing heavily, Karth replied "The Jedi Counsel, has stripped me of my title!". "I'm no longer a Jedi Master!". Valfious' sat in shock. "How could this happen?" asked Valfious. Karth pacing around the room said "I injured a Jedi Knight in the Training Grounds". "It wasn't my fault!". "He prevoked me" said Karth. Valfious rose to his feet and said "Of course it wasn't your fault". "The Jedi was foolish to prevoked you...". "It's his fault". Putting a hand on Karth's shoulder Valfious said "The Counsel have wrongly judged you". "I promise I will do everything in my power to rectfiy this". Karth turned to Valfious and said "Your the only one who understands me". "I just don't understand why the Counsel has done this".

Valfious looking into Karth's eyes replied "It's because they don't trust you, they fear you power will become to strong to control". "You must break through the fog of lies the Jedi have put around you". "Remeber your experiance on The Moons of Bala, remeber the power you weilded" said Valfious. "That is what they fear, and as long as your among they will treat as an outcast". Karth lowered his head and nodded. Patting Karth on the back Valfious said "Do not think of it anymore Karth". "Soon you be more powerful than any Jedi". "And then the Counsel will bow before you...". Karth raised his head and grinned. "Now lute us continue you training" said Valfious. Karth fallowed Valfious to the other side of the room. valfoius reaching into his pocket, pulled out a red holocon. He placed it infront of Karth and opened it. A bright red beam emitted out of the qube. The beam focused into an image of a dark figure.

Getting on his knees, Karth lowered his head. The Dark figure eyed Karth and asked "Jedi, do you wish to know the secrets of the Force?". Karth lowering his head replied "Yes.. I do". "Very well..." said the Figure. Suddenly the figure's eyes rolled over white. A sharp and terrible voice spoke "Karth.. pupil of Ashla". "I am the knowlage you seek". "I can give you all the power you disire" said the disurbing Voice. "But must pledge yourself to me..". Karth on his knees began to feel his guts turn to rout. His body began shaking terribly. Looking the figure in the eye Karth said "I pledge myself to you...". Karth's body suddenly was consumed by terrible pain. As Karth shouted out, the pain stopped. He then felt light headed. After mvoing about a bit, he stood up straight. A smile klrept across his face. Lifting his hands to his gaze he said "I can fell it, the power surging through my viens".

"You have done well my apprentice" said Valfious. "Now we must continue" said the Dark Voice. Karth knelled back down and faced the figure. On his knees Karth became consumed by darkness, learning dark powers and making oaths. At last Karth had given himself to the Dark Side. And this voice, this deciever was the entity behiend the Dark Side. The entity known as Hasatan...
The commandos were no amateurs. They took out the troops in short order and few rounds used. Zan blasted both the disabled Sith. An eerie silence hung in the air.
"Area secure sir." a commando reported.
"'s not." Zan said quietly. He raised his arm and cautiously thrust it forward. "Move out." The group continued carefully down the corridor til they came to a doorway at the end. There was a security panel next to it. "Blast...we'll need codes." Zan grumbled.
"Let me sir." One of the commandos stretched his right arm forwards and a small link cable shot out of his vambrace. It linked into the computer and a slight clicking was heard. Moments later the door slid open with a "Whoosh!" Zan took point and proceeded in...:D
Raven Meets An Old Friend: Revised

Heading into the lower reachs of Courcant, Lord Raven exits a shuttle. stepping out on to the street corner, he eyes the constant traffic. After panning around, his eyes fixed on a diner. Stepping foward, he headed towards the diner. Entering he was greeted by a driod. "Welcome to Dex's dinner, would you like a menu?". Raven shook his head and said "No thanks, I'm actually here to meet someone". The driod hovered to the side and said "Ok, would you like cup of java juice while you wait?". Raven nodded as he headed towards the end of the diner. Sitting in booth at the end of the diner, a dark robed man in the shadows. Raven taken a few steps, stoped next to his booth and sat down.

"It's been a long time old friend" said the Dark Man. Raven nodded slightly and said "Yes it has". "Since the Battle of Korrela If memory serves right". "You must be curious why I have contacted you" said the Dark Man. Raven crossing his arms said "I must say, it was a bit unexpected". "I have important information the conserns the Jedi Order" said the Dark Man. Remaining silent, Raven listened. "I have intersepted transmissions from the Sith" said the Dark Man. "The transmissions where bieng sent to the Jedi Temple". "You have triator in your midst". Raven's leaned foward. "A triator!, are you sure?". "Positive, the transmission was sent to Temple". "It contained spects of some kind of weapon". "I have all the information here to prove it" said the Dark Man as he pulled out a device.

Handing it to Raven the Dark Man said "Hopefully you can warn the Counsel, before it is too late". Raven gripping the datapad said "I will inform them right away". Raven facing the Dark Man said "I just have one question". Leaning back the Dark Man said "Try me". "Why do you help us?" asked Raven. The Dark Man paused a moment and then replied "Ever since I left the Sith Order, I have devoted my life to helping others". "I consider it repayment for all I have done". Raven lowered his head and said "Well on behaf of the Jedi I thank you". "I shall take this infomation to the Counsel at once" said Raven as he stood up. "Take care my friend and May the Force be with you" said the Dark Man. With a bow Raven said "May it be with you as well".

Raven then exited the diner and headed to the shuttle station. Waiting patiently he baorded the ship. Asending to the higher levels of Courcant, the ship made it's first stops. Finally it landed near the Jedi Temple, where Raven exited. Heading up the steps Raven entered the Temple. Once inside he rushed to the lift and pressed the panel. After waiting for a few minutes, the lift arrived. Raven entered and pressed the control panel. Asending upward Raven held the datapad tightly in his hand. Lifting it up he gazed at the view screen. On it glow skematics and data of a strange structure. As the lift reached the final levels, Raven pressed the panel causing the lift to stop. Gripping the datapad, he went into deep thought. It accured to him, that the traitor could be on the Counsel. After pondering his thoughts a while, Raven pressed the panel. The Lift then halted for a moment and desended.

As Raven examined his thoughts, he tried to think of someone he could trust. Someone he knew couldn't be involved. At last he thought of someone. As the lift came to a stop, Raven waited patiently for the glass door to open. After exiting her headed down the hall. Stopping diffrent Jedi, Raven asked where he could find Master Kato. After asking a few Jedi, he finally was directed to the Training Grounds. Raven headed there and found Kato praticing his lightsaber. After waiting for him to finish, Raven approached Kato and asked "Master Si, I was wondering if you could meet with me this evening". "It's very important". Kato wiping his brow replied "Of course, I'll meet with you once I've finished training with Kara". "Where shall we meet?". Raven paused for a moment and then said "In my qaurters". Kato nodded and said "Very good, I'll be there". Raven bowed and exited the Training Grounds.
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Kara goes to the training grounds

Kara wakes up after resting for longer then she expected she looked at the chrono on the wall and realizes that she is late for her appt with kato she washes up and changes into fresh robes and tunic and pulls her hair up in a long ponytail and grabs her lighsaber and takes the lift to the ground floor of the temple and walkes to the traing grounds practicing with her lighsaber as she goes.

I wonder what master Si has in store for me today she thought excited but as she was walking down she recevied somthing from her sister fear or nervesnoess somthing was bothering her.
Kirna look around in the dark room she didn't know what to do she contack her sister in the force.

" sis you well never guss were I am right now I just meat your Uncle and he kinda kid nap me" she said in the force.
You met who Our Uncle impossbile I will try to be there to help you sis once I am done training with Master Si Don't worry I will not let you down little sis

Kara fell as she walked down the hill Blast I do not know how that happened She stood back up
Kato and Kara Spare:

Seeing Kara enter the training grounds, Kato activated his lightsaber and leapt towards her. There sabers clashed sending sparks flying all over the place. Kara eyed Kato with a surpsied look. Kato smiled as he spun his saber out of the lock up and backed away. "I thought today we would spare" said Kato. "And besides, I you owe a rematch". Kara grinned and gripped her saber's handle. Kato began moving towards Kara cautiously. Then with a thrust he engaged. Kara blocked and elequently leapt over Kato in a flip. Kato turned around as she landed. Kara smiled as she held her lightsaber in a stance. Kato smerked and said "Impressive". Kato then leapt foward, swining his saber in a cross-like spin. Kara blocked and fercly exhanged blows. Kato smiled as he backed away. Kara presued, swing her saber in powerful strokes.

Kato parried and moved around her. Then with twist of his wrist, he swung his saber at her face. The lightsaber's beam just barely grazed her, cutting off a strand of hair. Kara trying to dodge out of the way, did a cartwheel and landed on her feet. Breathing heavily she gripped her lightsaber tight. Kato looking rather clam, approached holding his saber low to his side. Kara moved into a stance as Kato krept foward. Kato grinned as he stood before her exposed. Kara hesitated and then attacked, swinging her saber towards his torso. In a swift move, Kato swung his lightsaber upward and blocked the blow. Now in a lock up he began to overpower Kara. Being pushed towards the wall, Kara kicked the wall and flipped over Kato. She then thrusted at Kato's back side. Not turning around, Kato blocked the blow. He then spun around and began swinging his saber in fantastic display of speed.

Kara blocked his advances and began moving into an offensive postion. Moving towards Kato she exhanged heavy blows. Kato grinned as he felt her power shake his body. Kara continued to beat Kato back, causing him to back up against a wall. Kara then thrusted foward, pointing her saber's point at Kato's chest. As she came closer Kato lowered his defenses. Giving Kara clear shot at his chest. As she came into arms length, Kato leapt inot the air stepping on her head and landing safely on the floor. Kara turned looking furious. Kato holding his lightsaber erect, smiled. Kara rushed forth attacking in a fury. Kato blocked and parryed the blows. His confidence never seemed to waver. Finally he gripped his saber in an upward motion. With swing he attacked Kara. The blow knocked Kara back, causing her feet to slid across the plated floor. Blinking she stared at Kato in wonder. 'How could someone have such power' she thought.

Kato advanced, swining powerful strokes. Kara parried, and dodged. Standing firm, she felt he bones ace. Getting a grip of herself, she moved into a stance. Kato swung a powerful storke that knocked Kara's saber out of her hand. Andnilen pumping in her viens, Kara felt everything else stand still. Kato swung his saber, it's blade coming towards her torso. Kara swiftly rolled, causing Kato to miss. As Kato turned to strike her, she used the force to reach her lightsaber. grasping it she activated it, blocking Kato's blow just in time. Raising to her feet she began swining her saber with greater power. Kato was knocked slightly back, looking rather shocked. Kara feeling the power rush through her, continued to attack. The two combants began exhange powerful blows, thant knocked each other backward. It was a sight to behold. A young women displaying such power.

As sweat dropped down his brow, Kato said "Impressive, you have matched my skill". "Now all you have to do, is defeat me..". Kara gripping her lightsaber tight, engaged. Kato and Kara began fighting vigoriously. There blades clashed constanlty sending an array of sparks all over the room. At last they came into a lock up. Neither budged, both held strong. At last the lock up was broken and they began again.
"In Fact you do Master Si" Kara came at him slashing low then high she came near Kato's arm and then flipped over him coming at him from behind puhsing her power aginst his and force pushed him aginst a wall. Continued attacking him with even moer force and Shiem lighsaber style.

"I will defeat you Master I am more powerful then you even realize my master. Kara caught her breath and drew on teh Force her silver and green blade slashing wildildy she knocked her master Lighsaber out of his hand but then she realized her master was unarmed and she stopped.

Master Kato was unarmed it was not a fair fight she lowered her weapon. But kept herself ready. Sweat was running down her face and neck now "Now Master Have I becaame storonger since our last duel I feel that my powers have doubled sense I have been training under you Master SI." Kara bowed
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Kato and Kara's Spare Ends:

Kato smiled and said "Remember pride comes before the fall". Suddenly Kato extened his hand throwing Kara into the air. Grabbing his lightsaber Kato leapt towards Kara. Before she could react, Kato moved his saber's blade to her neck. Kara laying on the floor, raised her hands in surrender. Kato picked up her lightsaber and allowed her to get up. Kara standing defenseless said "Looks like you win Master". Kato smiled and said "Not yet". With a twirl of his hand he tossed the lightsaber too her. Gripping it in her hand Kara moved into a stance. "Now that were even, shall we continue?" asked Kato. Kara grinned as she activated the emerald green blade.

Kato gripping his handle tight, advanced. The sabers crackled, as the two combatants continued to fight. Sweat poured down there faces, as sparks danced at there feet. Suddenly both Kato and Kara leapt towards each other, causing there blades to lock. After failing to overpower each other, Kato broke the lock up and advanced. Kara parried his moves and whirled around in a unothadox manuver. breaking through his defenses she held her saber to his neck. She smiled and said "You know you should really watch you defenses more carefully". Kato grinned and said "You too". Kara panned down and saw Kato's blade against her stomech. Kato looking Kara in the eye asked "Shall we call a draw?".

After short pause Kara nodded. Slowly they both stepped back and de-activated there lightsabers. Catching his breath Kato said "Well done.., your skills have dramaticly improved". "I was ready for you this time..." said Kara with a smile and a wink. Kato broke a smile and said "This concludes today's session". With a pause Kato said "I must attend to an errand, I shall see you later". Kara Bowing her head said "I look foward to it". With a bow Kato left the Training Grounds and headed down the hall.
Kara faces her choice

Kara turned and walked back to her room wondering for what reason Kirna has been kidnapped unless her uncle mistook Kirna for me. She really did not want to leave her training under master si to go rescue her little sis she felt that she was at a fragile time right now and that was what the enemy was wanting but she also loved her little sis very much and did not want to see her hurt in anyway.

She set down and wrote in her journel

Today I had another training session with Master si but it was unlike any trating sesion I had I dueled my master and I was amazed at myself out there I did not even realize how powerful I had become in my teen years our duel eneded in a draw which sems to make me think that I have grown much more powerful but I still need to learn control
A Unfriendly Meeting:

Heading down the hallway, Kato noticed a familiar face standing next to a pillar. Kato approached and asked "Is that you Karth?". The figure turned his head. His face worn and eyes heavy. "Hello Kato" said Karth. Kato gasped and said "Karth.., you look terrible...". "Are you alright?". Karth lowering his eyes and said "I'm fine...". Kato looking unconvinced asked "Are you sure?". Karth raised his head and said in harsh tone "Yes I'm sure!". "Now stopping asking!". Kato backed away as Karth's eyes flared and his teeth clinched. Kato paused and then said "Karth something’s wrong". "Your different". Karth eyeing Kato said "I'm no different than ordinary". "I apologize, I'm just so frustrated with the Counsel". Kato lowered his eyes and said "I heard what happened". "I'm sorry Karth". Karth took a deep breath and said "Soon enough I will prove to the Counsel my worth". "And re-earn my title". With a heavy breath Karth eyed Kato and said "I must go my friend, I have an urgent appointment".

Kato smiling slightly and said "Right". "Oh Karth". Karth stopped and turned towards Kato. "Take care of yourself" said Kato. Karth nodded and said "You too". As Karth walked away, Kato felt his heart sink. Ever since Karth had returned from the Moons he was different. Something about him just wasn't right. And now the feeling was even stronger. Kato paused for a moment, and then headed down the hall. There he entered a secluded room, where he met with Lord Raven.
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Karth's Assignment:

After exiting the lift, Karth headed down a hallway. Once at the end, he stopped and turned to face a door. Extending his hand, he pressed a control panel. The door slide open, revealing a illuminated room. Karth entered and stopped in font of a desk. Sitting in a ebony chair in front of him was Valfious, who at the moment was analyzing a data pad. Taking his gaze of the data pad, Valfious glanced at Karth. With a smile he shut off the data pad and raised to his feet. Assuring his hand around Karth's shoulder, Valfious said "Welcome my friend". Leading Karth out on to the balcony, Valfious stood silent gazing at the passing traffic. Karth turned towards Valfious asked "You wanted to see me about something?". Valfious turned, his eyes fixating on Karth. "Yes..., I have an assignment for you" said Valfious. Karth crossed his arms, listening intently. "A group of Sith in the Zalbar system have discovered a rather important artifact" said Valfious. "I want you to go and retrieve it".

Karth pausing for a moment and then replied "It will be done, my Master..". Valfious grinned and said "Good.., I knew I could count on you". "Your faithfulness will be rewarded". "And soon you will become more powerful than any Jedi". Karth glancing at Valfious said "You have taught me well". "I will not fail you...". Valfious grasping Karth's shoulder, lead him inside. Heading over to the desk, Valfious grabbed the data pad and pulled out a chip. Turning to Karth he handed the chip over. "This contains the quadrants that will lead you to the Sith" said Valfious. Karth extended his hand and grabbed it. Valfious seating himself said "Now go Karth, retrieve the artifact and prove you loyalty". Karth placing the chip in his robe said "I shall soon return". Valfious grinned and said "Good.., I shall await you return". With a bow Karth exited the room. Heading down the hall he entered the lift. After pressing a button on the control panel, the lift descended.

Once at the bottom, he exited and swiftly headed to the hangar bay. There he boarded a small fighter. Once in cockpit, he punched in the quadrants. After brief pause, the fighter's engines fired up and the fighter took off into the sky. Stopping in orbit above the planet's surface, the fighter latched itself to a hyper drive ring. Once secured, the fighter took off into hyperspace.
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Kara's Decision

Kara was back in her quarters after she left her sparring match with Master si. She was thinking about her sister. Should she try to rescue her sister she treid to stay strong and gather her mind together She is going to go ask the council for permission to go on a rescue mission with Master Si at her side

Kara made her decision she is going to go to the council room and ask for permission to havea couple ships go find her sister and request that Kato goes with her.

Kara cleaned off in the sonic shower put on a clean tunic and pants and combed her hair and pulled it back in a french braid and put her boots on and gathered her confidence to go before the council she closed her eyes and concentrated on not looking like a padawan she was only in the council room twice by herself and the last time she was there was when Master Windu and Master Skywalker made her a knight she has only been in there on and off with Master Skywalker and she like her master was a bit shy about the council. She went to to walk up when she realized she forgot her Lightsaber and Robe she went back.
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Kirna didn't know what do she was in a dark room can't see any thing in front of her but she could hear vioces comeing and going by her she had her light saber by her side just incase some thing want worng she had broses top to bottom she had cuts all over her she tryed to contack her sister to know if she was all right.
Kara and the counsel

As Kara was in her quarters she felt her sister contact her she felt her pain and sadness and agony

"Kirna I am alright just concerned about you. I am about to go talk to the council about Master Si and I coming to rescue you Hang on little sis"

Kara gathered her things checked herself once agian in the mirror She decided to go as she walked thru and made it to the lift and got out on the counsel deck Another Jedi kNight stopped her "Young Jedi where are you going"

"To see Master Voz Master Windu and the council I have to make to them a request I hope they will approve of"

"You cannot go in there for starters your not a Master and the council is in sesson right now you cannot disturb them"

Kara glared at him "A knight can talk to the council I have seen it done before you might think I am young but I am 21" Her eyes glared with green fire "Which I am a adult if I want to see the council I am a friend of Master Si and my Mentor Master Skywalker has been on the council before so they must at least listen to my postion" Kara pushed by him quickley her hand on the handle he stopped it "You cannot go in why the council is in session."

The Jedi knight walked away Kara realeased her tight grip on the door handle Kara was in no mood to argue and anger was not the Jedi way she remembered Master Luek telling her to go by the Jedi Code and keep to it she knew how she reacted was not the Jedi way. So she set down on the bench she heard Master Si voice in her head be at peace pray if you feel angry or dissapointed have patience The lord of the Force will help you

Kara prayed to the Lord of the Force in her mind she kneeled and folded her hands Adonai please comfort Kirna at this moment and please if it the will let me be able to save her give me patience and strenth and wisdom to know what to do I do not want to make a mistake or go aginst what your plan is help me not to give into anger.

Kara felt a peace as she prayed to the Lord of the Force and waitied patiently hoping Master Si or somone she knew would come out and let her enter the council chambers. She set there continullay praying and thinking she looked at the chrono on the wall it was almost a hour and a half that she was praying and in deep thought.
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