Story of a Servant

Princey said:
I'm a girl, and no, I haven't given up, I just took a short break. Anyhoos, I've got two weeks off school so I'm gonna get this story UP and RUNNIN'! Also, I might hold a contest of something for someone to make a banner of the story! I thought it might be fun.
YAY!!! can't wait for an update!!
Princey said:
I'm a girl, and no, I haven't given up, I just took a short break. Anyhoos, I've got two weeks off school so I'm gonna get this story UP and RUNNIN'! Also, I might hold a contest of something for someone to make a banner of the story! I thought it might be fun.

YAY! I cant wait!!! :D
Oh right, Chapter 8. I've finished it, and Chapter 9 is almost done too- I have NO idea where this story is going! I'm making it up as I go along! Eep...I hope that won't put you all off...

Anyhoo, here is the much awaited *drumroll*.......CHAPTER 8!!! NOTE: It's kind of SHORT. Hope ya guys don't mind.


The sun had finally set, and the sky was now as dark as a raven’s back. A handful of stars had been scattered across the sky, looking like tiny pinpricks of light. Kari hardly noticed this as she cowered against the balcony.
A kind of plan was forming in her mind- if she could pull it off, she just might be able to save the High King.
“You can’t kill me,” she said frantically, trying to stall for time once more.
“I don’t see why not,” said the figure, letting out another spine-tingling laugh. “You have let me down badly- now I shall need to ask another pathetic servant to kill King Peter. Or then again, I may just do it myself.”
For a second the hand holding the dagger dropped. That second was enough for Kari. Scrambling to her feet, she pushed past the figure and tried to run to the door. His hand shot out, surprising her with his speed again, and she gasped as the jagged blade of the dagger sliced over her arm, leaving a gaping cut.
The figure let out an angry roar and lunged after her as she ran across the room. She slammed the door closed just in time- she heard a dull thud as the figure collided with it.
She quickly glanced around for anything to hold the door. She spotted a heavy-looking wooden table that ended in clawed feet and pushed it in front of the door.
It was only when she was running along the corridor to King Peter’s room when she realised the figure could probably disappear like he had done back at the river. Oh well- it was too late for that now.
She skidded to a stop a few metres away from King Peter’s room and cautiously looked around her in case there were guards anywhere. Surprisingly, there were none.
Wondering what she was actually going to do when she got in there, she slowly pushed the door. It swung open silently.
It was just like her dream- moonlight was faintly streaming in through the open window, and everything was unnaturally still.
Kari approached the four-poster bed and almost gasped out loud. The bed was empty.
yah, why do they all end that way?
why do we put up with it?
cause it's good, thats why!
(i just answered my own question. but thats the way i work!)
anywho, good post Princey, put more up soon!! :)
Princey said:
Oh right, Chapter 8. I've finished it, and Chapter 9 is almost done too- I have NO idea where this story is going! I'm making it up as I go along! Eep...I hope that won't put you all off...

Anyhoo, here is the much awaited *drumroll*.......CHAPTER 8!!! NOTE: It's kind of SHORT. Hope ya guys don't mind.


The sun had finally set, and the sky was now as dark as a raven’s back. A handful of stars had been scattered across the sky, looking like tiny pinpricks of light. Kari hardly noticed this as she cowered against the balcony.
A kind of plan was forming in her mind- if she could pull it off, she just might be able to save the High King.
“You can’t kill me,” she said frantically, trying to stall for time once more.
“I don’t see why not,” said the figure, letting out another spine-tingling laugh. “You have let me down badly- now I shall need to ask another pathetic servant to kill King Peter. Or then again, I may just do it myself.”
For a second the hand holding the dagger dropped. That second was enough for Kari. Scrambling to her feet, she pushed past the figure and tried to run to the door. His hand shot out, surprising her with his speed again, and she gasped as the jagged blade of the dagger sliced over her arm, leaving a gaping cut.
The figure let out an angry roar and lunged after her as she ran across the room. She slammed the door closed just in time- she heard a dull thud as the figure collided with it.
She quickly glanced around for anything to hold the door. She spotted a heavy-looking wooden table that ended in clawed feet and pushed it in front of the door.
It was only when she was running along the corridor to King Peter’s room when she realised the figure could probably disappear like he had done back at the river. Oh well- it was too late for that now.
She skidded to a stop a few metres away from King Peter’s room and cautiously looked around her in case there were guards anywhere. Surprisingly, there were none.
Wondering what she was actually going to do when she got in there, she slowly pushed the door. It swung open silently.
It was just like her dream- moonlight was faintly streaming in through the open window, and everything was unnaturally still.
Kari approached the four-poster bed and almost gasped out loud. The bed was empty.

Wait you already put up this chapter a long time ago. :confused:
Did I? KK here's Chapter 9 =D I was going to put it up soon anyway...the previous Chapter could be a reminder lol


Where was the High King? Kari looked through the pile of blankets and pillows just in case she was wrong, but he really was gone. And to top it all off she had left splotches of blood all over the bed.
She glanced at the floor- there was blood all over the carpet too. She had tried to stem the flow of the blood with her dress as she had come down the corridor, but she had forgotten all about it when she had entered the room.
Kari jumped when a heavy hand fell upon her shoulder.
“Who are you? What are you doing in here?” barked a gruff voice, roughly turning her around.
She came face to face with a burly guard. He had a dark, broad face and arms with muscles the size of watermelons.
“I…I…” she was at a loss for words. Suddenly she realised how suspicious she must look- found trespassing in the High King’s bedroom in the middle of the night, with the King missing and blood on the sheets. The blood. Kari went pale as she knew how this must look.
The guard looked past her shoulder and his small eyes grew wide as he saw the messed up sheets and the blood stains.
“This isn’t what it looks like….” Began Kari desperately, but he interrupted her.
“Tell that to Queen Susan in the morning. I’m going to have to take you to the dungeons for the night.”
“But I didn’t do anything!” said Kari frantically as she was steered out of the room by the guard.
He frogmarched her down several long corridors until Kari didn’t know where they were, and down a filthy set of stairs. Kari’s eyes widened in fear as she realised she was being taken down to the dungeons. From the stories she had heard from the kitchen, people seldom came out of there sane- or alive.
The guard opened a dirty wooden door, and Kari gasped as a foul stench drifted out. It was like faeces mixed with rotten food. She thought of running- but her arms were pinned behind her back, and the guard seemed extremely strong.
“You don’t understand…” she began, but the guard swung back a meaty fist and Kari was almost knocked out as it connected with her face.
The next few moments seemed to be a blur as the guard roughly shoved her into an empty cell and slammed the door shut. Kari heard his heavy footsteps walking away. Slowly, she sat up and gingerly touched her cheek where the guard had hit her. She winced as she felt it swelling up. Letting out a small groan, she curled up on the dirty floor with a million thoughts racing their way through her head.
Why didn’t I tell him people were plotting against him? Why did I agree to do it in the first place?
The moon moved from behind a cloud and shone in through the small window in the wall.
“Well, what do we have here?”
Kari froze.
*bows* Now I have to write Chapter 10 lol. This could take a couple of days......I'll get started now if I can get any ideas.