Tales from the Wardrobe...

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Ebony was the first to recognize Windchaser. Soon Cor's horse was with them, gasping out:

"My King...came through the pass...then saw at least....fifteen Ogres...setting an ambush...sent me first to lure them where...he could shoot them...then to continue on...and warn you......My King is with Redclaw...who said he...can help my King climb...out of reach...if Ogres get too close..."

"Ralph and Kreechikee!" shouted Peter. "Stay with this horse while he recovers! The rest, use your own judgment--only this time I want at least one Ogre ALIVE!" Switching to his fresher horse even as he spoke, Peter soon was spurring toward the scene of action. He relied on his sisters, and Aravis, to shoot arrows above his head as he closed in on the enemy.

Horatius first scanned the party's immediate surroundings. When he felt sure that no foes were lurking nearer than where the Ogres were, he took off after the High King.
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"You see Peter," Lucy said as she whipped Ebony around, "this is why I brought the sword!" And started charging forward. She almost hated that Ebony was the fastest horse on the mainland as she was nearly taken back when Ebony plunged forward.
King Cor had to admire three things about Redclaw: the cougar's loyalty, his courage...and the sturdiness of his tail, which was now the young king's handhold on life.

Cor had slain four of the Ogres and wounded several more; but that was all he was going to be able to do. Even he and Redclaw together could not have won a close-quarters fight against the half-dozen Ogres who were after them. So the two ambush-ambushers took to scaling the nearest cliff face, in the greatest hurry Redclaw had ever been in on a climb. One pumpkin-sized rock, thrown by the largest Ogre, missed the cougar by inches; and then they were on a high ledge, relatively safe, but stranded. Cor had had to leave his bow behind. He hoped that Windchaser had reached the others.

Aravis very nearly kept her horse even with Ebony; it was her husband under siege up ahead, after protecting them from a surprise attack. She and Susan each slew an Ogre at long range, while Peter, Lucy, Kayeleigh and Horatius were heading in to close quarters.

As Lucy was about to be the first to make contact, the spear from Peter's hand flew past her head with a WHOOOSH, to plunge all the way through the skull of the larger of the two Ogres nearest to Lucy.
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* * Since I'm responsible for more than one character--

Kayeleigh got in a good cut on an Ogre trying to support the one Lucy took on; but then Kayeleigh's Ogre overturned her horse. Horatius, however, was on the alert for just such eventualities, and finished the job Kayeleigh had started.

Peter saw a rock larger than his head on its way to occupy the space occupied by his head; so he flung his whole body sideways, coming right out of the saddle--to hit the ground running, feint high with his sword, then cut through the shins of the Ogre who had flung the rock. "Here's our live prisoner!" he shouted, as that Ogre toppled forlornly.
continued of the keep scene

"I'm sorry, it only depends on you if Aslan decides to forgive you or not, if you truly feel sorry for all the bad you've done in your life, I'm pretty sure he will ..." said Angela to Zelzil.
"What if he doesn't ????!!!" shrieked the evil Satyress.
"If you don't want to help us, too bad for you, you will stay in this keep for the rest of your life" said Oeirus.
"Calm down, dear friend, said angela, Zelzil, we need to understand... REally, at least, if Aslan doesn't forgive you, I can convince the King, my husband, Edmund the Just to ask Aslan. But it's all on your shoulders, feel sorry and you'll be forgiven."

and Zelzil, who was so tired of her unhappiness, decided to confess.

"My sister was the older one, I knew when I was born I was an other weight to our family, they had to feed me, we were poor ... She used to steal me my dresses when I got tall enough to have her size, she was always better than me, and she liked to humiliate me because of that ... One day, she seduced my Satyr companion, just to annoy me, and make sure I'd be alone ... Since this day, I knew I couldn't leave with her in our world, so I decided to kill her ... I started learning magic, one of the old Satyress was on the White Witch's side, when Jadis was the "Queen" of Narnia. She new some stuff about spell, evil magic, dark ; she learned me what she knew, it wasn't enough to kill my mean sister. So I tried to convince bad creatures, I had nothing to give them, and I decided to do this task by myself. Now I know it didn't help me feeling better, since I'm locked in a keep, with no light, no fresh air, I don't know if I like having my sister next to me best ..."

Angela had now pity for Zelzil, though her crime was hateful .

"Thank you, I assume it's hard understanding, I could never do this to one of mine, but apparently you feel sorry, now Aslan will come to you, I don't know how, maybe in a dream, or here, in real life, but he'll come to you, and he'll tell you what he thinks about that. May him forgive you ..."whispered Angela gently, and she left the room. Zelzil started crying ...
Oreius lingered behind, praying in Zelzil's hearing. His voice, when she finally got around even to noticing it, was astonishingly mellow compared to his anger when she had tried to hypnotize the Princess-Consort:

"Almighty God-Lion, I ask You to send Your divine breath into this lost creature; if there is _anything_ left in her soul _better_ than a selfish fear of punishment, revive that part of her. Do not let that evil which was embodied by accursed Jadis have any satisfaction here; let that evil be utterly and forever driven away by Your sovereign power. To Your honor and glory, Aslan, let it be so."

When he rejoined Angela, Oreius remarked, "You noticed that she spoke of dresses? As you know, Satyrs don't often put on clothing; but I guess there are some of them who wish they were humans. I wonder if _envy_ of Adam's Children is one factor being played upon by those agitators who are speaking _against_ humanity?"
OOC : I hope you didn't mean I made a mistake :p Actually, I don't remember how's a Satyr like ...


Angela went to her room, she felt so bad for Zelzil, apparently she felt guily, which was a good start, but something was wrong, she didn't know why her beloved husband had to go to Peter, what was so wrong ?? She wanted to know, she couldn't wait ... When it was dark night, and the clouds hide the moon, she ran away with her great horse, talking actually, namled Sultan.

"Are you sure of what you're doing ??" asked Sultan
"Of course I am, I want to know, I need to ... Maybe I'm being stupi but ..."
"Actually, I think you ARE !!" responded Sultan
"Don't talk to me like this, you know how much I love my husband, what if something happened ?? Something bad !!"said Angela
"Well maybe, but I can't galop all way, and this will take us at least 3 days if we go fast !!!"
"I don't mind, I brought food, water, and I know we ca do it alone, I wish I had Susan's horn ..."
the second she said those words, a white horn appered on her hip.
"Look what Aslan sent us !!!"screamed the young woman
"What ??"
"It's the horn, the magic one, we don't need to worry now, Aslan is with us, I'm sure he wanted us to do this ..."

and they continued their long way to King Edmund ...
OOC: It's alright about the dresses; you saw that I made that detail PART OF the investigation. And your action with Sultan creates a way to bring the character of Angela forward in time to the third day. Now, I will ask you to communicate with Loverble and try to decide WHAT was the never-explained strange sight Tumnus witnessed when his Gryphon friend flew him back from Archenland. Whatever it was, it could have an effect on the wandering Angela.


Chipdolly the Beaver was the first one to notice, that evening, that Angela was missing. She told Tumnus, who told Oreius. With ALL of the royalty gone from the castle in a time of potential crisis, Oreius could not desert his post; he and Tumnus were all the leadership left in the capital. So he sent Vesta the Leopardess and Snowpelt the White Terrier to follow the woman's trail, while the hawk Yarkisoth was sent to search for Edmund and let him know that Angela had run off.

Snowpelt's unmatched accuracy of smell confirmed that no violence had befallen the Princess-Consort, but rather that she had left of her own free will riding on the horse Sultan. "Strange things are afoot," the dog remarked, cocking his head. "Princess Angela is usually so responsible and intelligent in her actions."

"You heard about Zelzil's attempt to hypnotize her?" said Vesta. "Oreius is immune to those tricks, but maybe Angela was influenced somehow without realizing it herself."

The two animals continued their pursuit.
OOC: If Loverble doesn't show up REAL soon, you should make up your own interesting phenomenon, and we'll retroactively say that this WAS what Tumnus saw from the air.
OOC: Oki ... I know EXACTLY what I'm going to do, I just need some correction in my thoughts and I'll post the continuing of angela part
OOC: I'll bring back the ogre ambush scene so that I won't leave Cor and Redclaw hanging around. lol.

Cor peered over from the cliffside at the group of ogres that were gathering below. Most of the ogres were throwing rocks and sticks at the pair, but since ogres are typically a dim-witted bunch, they didn't realize that by throwing the rocks and sticks up without them hitting anything would mean that eventually they would have to come back down. And so they did; right on top of the ogres. The ogres growled and yelled and waved their fists at the pair, but never actually got around to figuring out how they were going to get at them. Cor meanwhile had left his sword and bow sitting on the ground when he had grabbed onto to Redclaw in his effort to get away from the ogres. He looked around the cliffs that surrounded him and noticed an old dead tree that was sticking out from the cliffside slightly above and to the right of where he and Redclaw were perched. The tree's roots had grown in such a manner that the had begun to break some of the rocks surrounding the tree. This gave Cor an idea. He and Redclaw climbed up to the tree and begin to jump up and down on it in an attempt to break the tree loose from the cliffside. On the fourth or fifth jump, they felt the tree begin to shake and heard the crumbling of rocks around them. Cor wrapped his arms around Redclaws' neck and Redclaw jumped off the tree just as it broke loose and sent a great number of large boulders falling down the hill. Redclaw landed gracefully and Cor stood up to see if his plan had been a success. He peered over the cliff to see if the ogres were still there, but instead only saw a massive pile of rocks where the ogres had been standing. Since he no longer heard the yelling or shouting, he assumed his plan had been successful and proceeded down the cliffs to join up with Aravis and the others.
Angela was galoping with Sultan ... It was getting dark, it had been a day, and Sultan was getting really tired of this trip
"Can we have a rest please ??"he asked
"Sure, but I'm afraid now, I've been thinking, if Aslan sent us Susan's horn, maybe it means we are going to need it, which means we are going to be in trouble !!"
"Yeah, but it's supposed to bring a great help, which means we don't need to worry and we can have a restnow"said the talking horse.
"Ok, ok, let's pass the night in that cave over here" said Angela, actually, there really was a cave in the cliff, and they entered it. It was all dark, and they couldn't see anything .
"Maybe we should walk a little longer don't you think ??" said Sultan, he was getting worried.
"What are you talking about ?? What could happen ??Bats, please I'm not a little girl, I don't mind !!" at the exact moment she said that, the ground disapeared and they fell in the nothingness ... When they touched the floor, they didn't get hurt at all ...
"See ?!! I was right !! Now what, it's just a simple bat ?? Well it got us really down !!!" whispered the horse, afraid of making noise.
"Oh please, maybe you were right, but it's too late by now."
It was all dark, just like in the cave.
"Where do you think we are ?"asked the Queen.
"I have NO idea ..."
Suddenly, a little light appeared far, far away ...
"Oh look !!! A light !!!" screamed Angela
"Shhh !! don't make so much noise, be carful where you walk" said the horse quietly
When they arrived to the light, it was a little ball light.
"What is it ??"asked Sultan
"I don't know, maybe a fire ball, which would mean we're not in our land anymore ... oh,I know where we are !! And I don't like that !! We are in the legendary underland !! I cant believe we here, I heard it's very dangerous, we must get out of here" said the horse

"What isit ?? Who's here ??" said a low voice, Angela became white, and turned back suddnely.

to be continued
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Back at the battle: with Dayhawk not telling us what Lucy's doing, I have to keep the following action separable from Lucy's presumed derring-do. DAYHAWK, your next post should logically relate actions happening _concurrently_ with this post. You can easily kill an Ogre or two in the time this action takes.


Two additional Ogres had fallen to Susan, and one more to Aravis. That still left several active, threatening, and not interested in offering to surrender.

There was no time for Peter to confirm that the others had heard his shout about a live prisoner. The Ogres had had something in reserve in case they met with difficulty; and that reserve, emerging from what seemed a cave mouth nearby, was bounding straight for the High King with a deafening half-roar, half-scream.

It was a Manticore.

Generally shaped like a lion, but with a face like a fanged ape, it also had a tail that was a vertebrate counterpart of a scorpion's tail...and an appetite for human flesh. In this instant of its onslaught, however, the worst thing about it was its sheer momentum, not less than the force of the largest normal lion at full charge. For the second time in two days, the High King regretted not having his spear still in hand--but no, not really; even if he died now, he could not regret having kept Lucy from being bracketed by two Ogres at once.

There was at least a clumsy substitute within reach: the spiked bludgeon of the Ogre he had crippled. Grabbing this with his shield-hand, he got it lifted for an awkward one-handed lunge at the hideous face which made Ogre faces look handsome. Aslan's mercy guided the lunge for Peter, sending the spiked end into the Manticore's mouth. Letting go of the bludgeon as soon as it drew blood, Peter sidestepped, AND raised his shield. The monster's momentum was reduced but not entirely halted...and the stinging tail was coming forward over the monster's left shoulder to strike.

Peter's Red Lion shield stopped the spiky stinger, but he did well to keep on his feet after the impact. Knowing that the tail would naturally recoil, Peter knew that fangs and foreclaws would next menace him before the sting could make another dart. Knowing it, he did not have to ponder it and die still thinking. His sword swung perfectly into the space of air that was being entered from the other direction by reaching forelimbs, wounding both legs though not severing either.

The nightmare face now filled his field of sight, and he got his shield between himself and the four-inch fangs barely in time. He was knocked on his back, but braced his sword-edge against the Manticore's hairy throat for a fierce draw-cut. At the same time, he heard the snarl of Horatius, and felt the vibration of the faithful Leopard springing onto the Manticore's back--wisely landing so close to the root of the huge tail that the stinger could not easily be brought into play against him.

The Manticore was trying to grasp the edge of the shield in its jaws, so as to pry it loose and then finish Peter; at the same time, its claws were tearing into Peter's chainmail, breaking dozens of links and inflicting gashes in Peter's flesh which--SO FAR--were minor. But Peter kept his shield in his control for a precious moment longer, while his sword sawed away at the massive throat, and Horatius was biting in deeper to attack the spinal column.

Suddenly seeming to realize the danger the Leopard posed, the Manticore surged up, throwing off Horatius--but also giving Peter an opening. The High King rose, or flung himself, up enough that he could redirect his sword. Straight into where he guessed the monster's heart to be went his point, and more than a foot of blade.

The Manticore had already been in the act of turning to attack Horatius; thus, what remained of that inertia yanked the sword out of Peter's hand. But the thing was at least weakened; a sting attack on Horatius missed as the Leopard evaded. As if with one mind in two bodies, Peter and Horatius went for the vulnerable armpits of the Manticore's forelegs--Horatius on the right with his teeth, Peter on the left with his dagger. For Peter, who was without a helmet, this had the merit of keeping his head away from the enormous jaws. There ensued the most chaotic battering around Peter had known since the day he slew Maugrim.

Both heroes drew blood copiously from their foe, as did the sword still sticking in its chest. Horatius, unarmored, took rather more harm from frantic claws than Peter did; but they both held out long enough, until--

--Susan, at close range now, finally found her opening to shoot without hitting her brother or the gallant Leopard. Her arrow entered the Manticore's eye, and pierced what passed for its brain. With a last abrasive screech so loud that Susan was literally stunned by it, the Manticore fell dead.

Or almost dead. The horrible tail, driven by a final reflex, lunged straight for Susan. But Peter also lunged, tackling the snakelike appendage and wrestling it to one side. Only when it stopped twitching completely did he let go of it. Then, seeing that the others were managing well enough, he scrambled to stop the bleeding from Horatius' wounds, which were far more serious than his. Peter was going to need new chainmail, but thanks to the craft of Narnian Dwarfs he was not critically injured.
~Sorry! I had no way of getting online yestaday! I have no clue what Tumnus saw. I just make anything up so anyone is welcome to make anything up. I am also sorry if I hardly ever post. As I have said before living in a diffrent time zone makes it hard.
I am so far behind that I don't really have any clue as to what is going on anymore. ~
OOC: Something prevented me from seeing K-of-N's well-devised post about Cor's action. To reconcile any unintended contradictions, let us agree that there were some OTHER Ogres manning a different position, who thus escaped Cor's tactic and were available for the Pevensie party to munch on.
K-of-N, please don't write yourself actually gathering Aravis into your arms just yet; whatever it is that's happened to Dayhawk, I still want to give her a chance to account for Lucy's actions. And we still have Edmund and Angela lagging in time behind the rest; for them, it's the previous night. Nothing has been reported of Edmund since Powl declared that he had left Cair Paravel again when he had barely arrived; so I'll fill in something with Edmund, and to a useful purpose I hope.


Edmund's worry for Peter and their sisters was almost enough--not QUITE enough--to make him forget being unpleasantly puzzled by his wife's conduct. On the day of his originally departing on the quest, although feeling she was meant to stay behind, Angela had made a point of sending a message after him to promise a loving welcome when he got home. So then Aslan had sent Edmund home, only to see Angela scarcely seeming to notice his existence. Of course, he himself had encouraged her to immerse herself in the murder case. And he did feel that there was a reason for him to be out again on the highway.

The reason presented itself while the sky still was dark.

"Your Majesty! Hail, Your Majesty! It's I, Mistress Burrowbelle!" the Badger matriarch's voice called out. "My sons and I were just on the way to bring you someone you'll want to meet."

When Edmund came closer to Burrowbelle and her sons, he found that they had with them a Talking Bull, who was pulling a wagon. Lying inside the wagon, tied up, were Nedwal the Weasel and the She-Faun Chadixa, with their puppets beside them.

"Are these the so-called entertainers who've been advocating rebellion?" asked Edmund. "The High King and I certainly have wished to question them; but is it necessary for them to be trussed up?"

"They attacked us when we said we wanted them to come and give an account of themselves," explained one of the younger Badgers. "The She-Faun tried to knife my youngest brother. And for that matter, they were egging others on to harass and intimidate human children. That was what led us to them, actually."

Edmund thought for a moment...then pulled a ring off one of his fingers, and handed it to Burrowbelle. "Continue on to the castle, good beasts. Show this ring to the guards, and you will be known to be acting on my orders. Have Councillor Tumnus oversee the questioning of these liars."

"I speak truth to power!" squawked Nedwal.

"I doubt you even understand that phrase," retorted Edmund. "Carry on, Mistress Burrowbelle."


Because we've got so many characters by now with their own secret agendas and missions, I figured it was time to _lighten_ the load of complications. Now no one will have to search for the slandering puppeteers any longer; and at any suitable time, it can be said that Tumnus found out something from them which advances the plot.
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