Tales from the Wardrobe...

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character updates

Mr. Tumnus-Loverble
Lucy's ladies in waiting (up to three or four)-Shadow_Kitty (feel free to pick a name)
Susan's Ladies in waiting (same thing)
Mr. and Mrs Beaver
Mrs. Edmund Pevensie-Mrs. Pevensie
*occ, alright we'll start I'll get on with the scene.*

Lucy had just come from her room. The early morning was gleaming and she could smell the warm pastries from the cook's kittchen. She sat in the dinning hall awaiting for everyone else to join her. She waited for some time. She should have known that she woke too early. The others would be walking in all dreary-eyed as usual, thinking it was too early to get up. She, being an early bird, was fresh and ready for the day. But she half expected the others to be in their pjs and night gowns.

"If they would hurry I can get some breakfast," she said aloud.
Susan brushed her long black hair and got dressed. She gracefully went downstairs. Breakfast smelled wonderful. She turned the corner and saw Lucy. "Good Morning Lu." She said smiling.
Lucy seemed, almost, shocked that Susan looked so fresh. But then again it WAS Susan.

"Hey, Su. Did you sleep well?"
It dosen't take Mr Tumnus long to get dressed seeing as he only wears a scalf so he put this on and came downstairs. He was not very surprised to see Lucy sitting their looking bored. "How are you this fine morning" He asked her.
"Im doing good, dear friend. How did you sleep?"
She smiled a warm smile to her friend, warmer than the pastries about to be served.
OCC: thanks for that :D:D

Aravis woke and wasnt quite sure why, but then the smell hit her, her castle had always smelled of spices but this was of something new and inticing.

She got up and dressed quickly then walked down to the great hall to see what it was that smelt so good.
Example of bit-part non-player character:

"Don't think too badly of them, Your Majesty," said a voice from waist-level: the voice of Chipdolly, a daughter of the famous Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, who now worked on the castle staff. "Both of your brothers were up _very_ late last night, inspecting the sentry posts. We have a number of new guards, and the Kings want to be sure they take their duty seriously. Now, Your Valiant Majesty, what can I do for you this morning?"


OOC: Inventing Chipdolly was a way of giving Lucy someone to talk to right now, since I didn't want to contradict Dayhawk's statement that the other Pevensies weren't up yet. Chipdolly can disappear after a couple more posts, as soon as she attends to breakfast for Lucy and Aravis.
Wow, you players move quickly once you get started! Three or four more characters showing up in the time it took me to write a post! Well, I suggest that everyone assume that the Beaver's speech occurred while Lucy was still the only human in the room. Chipdolly can be assumed to serve everyone, and then make her exit.
"Morning Aravis," she said to her dear friend.

After hearing what Chipdolly(ooc REALLY cute name!) had to say, Lucy smiled and stroked her little friend.

"Alright Chip, I guess I can. They do work hard enough to deserve it. But hopefully they'll get here before their meal is cold. And a water will suffice until the meal."
"Was there any trouble about your quarters?" She asked. "How did you fair the washroom, its one of my favorites."
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