Tales from the Wardrobe...

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"Oh dear," said Lucy, a bit confused why anyone would say that, then she remembered it was just a dream, "Maybe you dreamt it because you fear how the people see you. I dont think it is anything to look too deeply into."
"I don't know if that weasel actually exists," added Peter. "But if he does exist, he has a fine game going for himself. Not only would he get to play the martyr if I punished him for lying about me--which I wouldn't; but even the fact _that_ I don't punish him, he'll interpret as meaning that he has me afraid of being 'exposed' as a bully. So I won't even get any credit for leaving him free to say what he pleases."

"How much difference can one weasel make anyway, even if the dream _was_ showing a real event?" asked Edmund, now more serious. [OOC: B-King and I have an agreement to share control of the brothers to some extent.]

"Hopefully, not much," said Peter. "But I hate to see liars and slanderers being believed."

[OOC: This weasel business can be allowed to drop here, or brought up again later if useful for plot purposes. That's your call, Dayhawk.]
"If it isn't too personal a question, Aravis, are you recalling someone sometime who told vicious lies about you?"

OOC: If "In-Love" takes awhile getting back, I suggest that characters other than her and Peter take off on a separate conversation, while we assume Peter's attention is on Aravis' answer.
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**ooc its fine if you want to talk about it more, but my character wants Peter not get worried.**

"Peter," Lucy said with a bit of force, "the more you read into it the more it's going to upset you! And Ed why do you have to go and encourage it? If there is any sort of meaning, I'm sure it will resurface. Until then lets just enjoy our meal. Now, besides dreams, what other issues do we have to take care of dear brother?"
"Lucy, I think we should let Lady Aravis tell us more about Calormen"
*sips the last of his coffee*
"I feel that I can listen to a good story right now, my compliments to Lady Chipdolly"
"That is, if the High King is finished with his dream"
OOC: Assume that Aravis did answer me; if she would have wanted it to be a significant answer, let her tell us retroactively what it was. Meanwhile--

"One thing," said Peter: "Oreius and I are waiting for a pair of eagles to come back from scouting the wilderness beyond our western borders. Since Jadis used to have a base there before she conquered Narnia, there may be survivors of her forces still lurking out there."

OOC: This, too, will be your call, Dayhawk. I won't be the one to say that those eagles bring news of any importance.

And I suggest assuming that B-King's post just above mine, was actually said _after_ this one of mine, as well as after whatever answer Aravis may have given to the question about whether anyone ever slandered her. That way Edmund has not interrupted anyone.
In-Love, you had said that you know how it feels to be lied about. So I, as Peter, asked you if you had an instance in mind from your own experience. You can if you like say now what you imagine having said then; or you can blend any such answer _into _answering what Edmund has just said to you. But assume Peter doesn't do much besides eating for awhile, because my real-life self has to take a rest for the sake of my real-life heart.
OOC: Assume that Aravis did answer me; if she would have wanted it to be a significant answer, let her tell us retroactively what it was. Meanwhile--

"One thing," said Peter: "Oreius and I are waiting for a pair of eagles to come back from scouting the wilderness beyond our western borders. Since Jadis used to have a base there before she conquered Narnia, there may be survivors of her forces still lurking out there."

OOC: This, too, will be your call, Dayhawk. I won't be the one to say that those eagles bring news of any importance.

And I suggest assuming that B-King's post just above mine, was actually said _after_ this one of mine, as well as after whatever answer Aravis may have given to the question about whether anyone ever slandered her. That way Edmund has not interrupted anyone.

**ooc its cool. And for future reference Im pretty laid back so I dont mind if you write importent events. The only thing is if you try to kill off someone (like yourself or an enemy, like Jadis for example, then run it by me. But other than that feel free to set the stage.**
OCC: I get it now one sec.

IC: "Well being one of the Lady's of Tashbarn there were many people who resented and hated me, I was invited to parties and bought good clothes so there were a few. There was one who was set to undervalue me she spread a rumor, a one about me and my stable boy to be precise, it was utterly ridiculous but it was hard to shake," she said.
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"The last time I was in Calormen I had to run away from a donkey!! HA HA HA HA HA! Well, a future donkey in any case." *Everyone laughs*

"Sorry, please go on my Lady"
"I had a simular rumor spread about me, not by a stable boy, but with one of the kitchen's younger cooks. Turned out he started it. I felt sorry for him, he wasn't unfortunate looking, but it had been awhile since he had someone to court. He and I are friends now, and he doesn't do things like that anymore."
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