LOVERBLE: Just checking--did you notice where I as Peter asked you as Tumnus to come to my office to go over a schedule of royal business? Your going to look at the archery does not contradict this, since I did not say you had to come instantly; but please do take it into account. In the meantime, (1) I've gotten some needed rest, and (2) now it's quiet; so now I can insert a little incident which won't require the presence of the other player characters. What I'm putting here may give Dayhawk a further idea of what adventures she'd like to see, while not _forcing_ her to take the RP in that direction.
A female Talking Mouse named Kreechikee, one of the royal scribes, was awaiting the High King's convenience. When Peter entered his office, he found her working on a calligraphy project, something in which her small size helped her produce marvellously fine detail.
"Good morning, Your Majesty!" squeaked the respectful rodent.
"And good _drawing,_ Kreechikee!" replied Peter. "Has the latest correspondence been gathered together?"
"It has, Your Majesty." She set aside her own materials, and pushed a sheaf of ribbon-bound scrolls toward the edge of the desk nearest her King. "Without presuming to open any sealed messages, I have the impression that _this_ one will prove to be of the most importance. It was brought last night by General Oreius' daughter Yedulia, as she returned from a visit...with the Hermit of Archenland."
Knowing well what a vital role the mystic Hermit had played in helping to normalize conditions in the North after the death of Jadis, Peter agreed that a message from him would merit close attention. Picking up the letter indicated by the secretary-mouse, he opened it and read:
"The Hermit of Archenland, who shall soon resume his own name in the presence of Aslan, greets the High King Peter the Magnificent of Narnia. Peace be to your realm, which is as elder brother to my native land, albeit afflicted for a season.
"I refer to entering Aslan's presence, because the Great Lion, blessed be He forevermore, has made it known to me that my mortal journey will end before many more months have passed. What He has not made known to me is how and when He may provide a successor to occupy my dwelling and perform my duties. Therefore this letter cannot request any specific action on Your Majesty's part; but I do ask that you, and your royal kinsfolk, and all true-hearted Narnians, open your hearts and minds in alertness, to be watchful for any sign which Aslan may give with respect to His will in this matter.
"It has been a privilege and a blessing to me to have the acquaintance of Your Majesty and of your siblings. Be assured that, if the quest for my successor is not completed before I depart for Aslan's Country, I shall from within that country utter my earnest prayers that the quest shall be carried out as shall be most pleasing to the Great Lion, to His Father the Emperor-Over-Sea, and to the Spirit of the Lion's Breath.
"The peace of Aslan abide upon you and upon all who serve Him."