That Can't Be Lucy!

I think Georgie Henley should get an award of some sort for acting. She's so cute as Lucy.

Dragon said:
Lucy to Tumnus: "But... I thought you were my friend." aawww

I loved that part too. It actually came out as "But... I fought you were my fwend." Which is absoulutely adorable!!! I'm very happy. ;) :p
grapeturtle said:
My only objection to Lucy came at the onset of the film. In the C.S. Lewis books, Lucy is repeatedly described as having curly blonde locks. So, at first, I decided that the casting department had got it all wrong. By the end of the film, after watching this "Lucy" act, I was convinced that it was C.S. Lewis who had got it all wrong. Georgie did a great job!

ah i thought she'd be blonde dad and i discussed that. my sister, dad and i are all like narnia GEEKS haha we talked about it for literally the rest of the night after seeing it and mostly the next day!! i was so pleased with it... :eek:
OK Judy-

You've seen the film.

Are you still displeased with the casting of Lucy?

I think her entry into Narnia and meeting with Mr. Tumnus will be considered a classic moment in cinema for years to come.

I cried during those first two minutes through the wardrobe. The wide-eyed wonder and her smile literally lit up the screen. She wasn't consistently that good throughout the movie, but that scene was perfectly executed IMO.

I'm sure Mr. Adamson deserves a lot of the credit, but to me, Lucy was better cast than the other three children.

If looks arer so important, why did I wish Anna Popplewell would just go home?
I've seen the film last night. I LOVED it!
Georgie rocks! Well, always thought she would be good for the role. When reading the book I never pictured her with curly hair so that all made sence to me. But in one of the last scenes, when Georgie did have curly hair I loved it!

Before the movie I emailed Georgie and she emailed me back several times. She's a really nice kid, smart too :)
Georgie Henley was absolutely phenomenal. And her "cuteness" had nothing to do with it. She embodied innocence perfectly - just as CS Lewis intended for Lucy.
Georgie's looks of awe and excitement took me straight back to when I was 8 years old and entering Narnia for the first time myself (via the books that is). I think she's absolutely adorable, and an amazing little actress.
How Rude!!!

judyfromkansas said:
I just saw a pic of the kid who's playing Lucy!

OMG she's a dumpy little pug-nosed squat!


She's as bad as the Lucy in that awful PBS version - the one with the midget in the mouse suit impersonating Reepicheep!

And I had such HIGH hopes for this...

How could you say something like that. Lucy is God's Creation. SHe is a little girl. You should apologize. I'm offended because "Lucy" and I are friends in real life.
I agree!!

zadok said:
Georgie Henley was absolutely phenomenal. And her "cuteness" had nothing to do with it. She embodied innocence perfectly - just as CS Lewis intended for Lucy.

I sooo agree with u. Georgie Henley is so sweet, innocent and absolutley the cutes and smartest girl in the universe. That is for her age. :rolleyes:

aww guys i thought lucy was almost perfect for this role. she was so cute! i thought she was the best at acting out of the 4 of them too
Saw the movie this afternoon.

Henley was beyond perfect for this role. And that's saying alot 'cause Lucy is my fav. character in the books.

Luf ya Georgie...well done.

- Lu
She looks perfect for the part. Havn't seen the movie yet (it's killing me!), but when I first saw the pictures, I was really excited. She looked just how I wanted her to.
melbren said:
Georgie's looks of awe and excitement took me straight back to when I was 8 years old and entering Narnia for the first time myself (via the books that is). I think she's absolutely adorable, and an amazing little actress.

I agree. She was very good, most child actors are pretty poor, and very wooden, but she was very natural, and an excellent Lucy.
And this was started.......when?

well, i havent seen the pic, but who cares coz i think im fatter than her and i did gret in a play and probably looked horrible in the costume though but people quit critizing coz its sorta like talking behind Georgie`s back and she`s so much prettier than me and im ugly so there you CRITIZIERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Lucy_Is_So_Cute!101 said:
How could you say something like that. Lucy is God's Creation. SHe is a little girl. You should apologize. I'm offended because "Lucy" and I are friends in real life.
uh, yeah, i totally agree with you lucyissocute101. whoever started this thread, im the ugly one so if youre going to RUDELY critizize someone, critizize me coz im an ugly gal with the body the shpe of a squash!!!
I personally think she was amazing, and perfect for the part.

And for those that think she's ugly...she's growing, and I'm sure everyone here was chubby when they were that age.

Her sister's gorgeous, so she has some great genes working in her favor, too.

I still think she's the perfect Lucy, anyway.
Yes, Georgie Henley was a very good Lucy. They wouldn't have chosen her if they thought she wouldn't be. And yeah, most little 8-year-olds are about that size.

We are all beautiful because we are creations of God, I'll leave it at that.