That Can't Be Lucy!

You can't tell from pictures...I was sure I would hate Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn and Elijah Wood as Frodo....I was only half wrong, I loved Viggo.


Jene Sai said:
I was only half wrong, I loved Viggo.

Yah, Elijah started out as a good Frodo, but by the end of the series he was dragging along like a kind of fey whiner. You kind of wanted him to fall into the fires of Mt Doom and be done with it. :p JK, love Frodo.
holyboy666 said:
I still don't like Peter. I have said it once before, but I do'nt think Peter looks like a leader. He needs to be more proud-looking, but not stuck-up. Its hard to explain...

It could just be the shots of the characters aren't very good. I think we will like the actors after we see the movie, because we will get to see them in action.
I know what your saying..

William Moseley too old. hes 18. I dont think he looks like what I say Peter as in the books and Noah Huntley (adult Peter) looks nothing like him.
Dufflepud said:
William Moseley too old. hes 18. I dont think he looks like what I say Peter as in the books and Noah Huntley (adult Peter) looks nothing like him.

Hm... I think William Moseley's all right. Even though he's older than his character, but to me he doesn't look 18... and when he's in armour, he looks older, like a young knight (get what I mean?).. anyway, it's just my opinion..

waterhogboy said:
Hey - I love her. Like I said in another post - she lives just up the road from me so I can get to know her and get free tickets and get to meet the cast and be in the movies and everything!!!!!! :D

(Dont spoil my fantasy - it could really happen!)

Hey, if you do really meet her, get me autographs, okay? :D lol
I'm only joking... :D
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LadyMe said:
Okay, I totally agree:

NOW do you like Aragorn???lol. :D

ergh... LOL! Where'd you find that??

inkspot said:
I like Peter -- I think that photo of him with his sword his fabulous. I think he will be a good Peter. He looks young and anxious, but determined.

I second that! :D
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perpetualpoetry said:
Hm... I think William Moseley's all right. Even though he's older than his character, but to me he doesn't look 18... and when he's in armour, he looks older, like a young knight (get what I mean?).. anyway, it's just my opinion..

Yea, i get what you mean. I dont think he looks 18 either but i meant he doesnt look like Peter. I guess I cant do anything about it but yell at the screen.

lol! I love that picture of Viggo! :) :D
Really? Hm... ah well.. depends on the casting director... people are different, and so we have different views and opinions.
I liked all the characters...and i'm pretty sure that Moseley is only 17. But i think he fits the roll of peter exactly as i imagined him...and i saw the movie last night and even the boy who played edmund who wasnt exactly as i pictured the roll by the end of the movie. the movie is SO true to the books, and so magical that all the characters just seem to...come to life? any ways...just thought i'd add that...If you havent seen the movie yet GO SEE IT! its amazing!

I agree she was adorable in the role. I don't think they could have cast the kids any better than they did. It was absolutely wonderful, and yes I have seen the movie, except it was voiced over in German, so I don't know how the kids spoke in the original.
Lucy was completely awesome in the movie. I hear that the reaction of seeing Tumnus (the scream) was completely genuine as she had not even seen him in makeup before that was filmed. I just loved her performance throughout. She was definitely a highlight of the movie.

Lucy to Tumnus: "But... I thought you were my friend." aawww
My only objection to Lucy came at the onset of the film. In the C.S. Lewis books, Lucy is repeatedly described as having curly blonde locks. So, at first, I decided that the casting department had got it all wrong. By the end of the film, after watching this "Lucy" act, I was convinced that it was C.S. Lewis who had got it all wrong. Georgie did a great job!
I agree. The girl who played Lucy did an outstanding job. She captured the magic,love, and imagination that a child would feel when entering Narnia the first time. She was my favorite of the kids.
I loved Lucy, she reminded me of how I was when I was a little girl!! :p

I desperately wanted Susan to cover Lucy's eyes during THe Stone Table scene, because I just wanted to protect her from anything that would harm her innocence!!

Her relationship with Tumnus was just devastatingly sweet, I thought I was gonna cry at the cuteness of it. When I was little I wanted Tumnus to be my bestfriend too!

Georgie Henley is an EXCELLENT little actress!!