That Can't Be Lucy!

waterhogboy said:
LOL!!! Oh I do love dicussing these wonderful films. I could literally do it forever!!! How great would it be for us all to be able to sit in a room watching the DVDs together!!!

You'd have to cope with the outbursts of hysterical laughter on my part - I can't contorl myslef, no matter how many times I wathc it. I should try and get hold of the DVD I think as I've only got LWW on VHS, I'm sure there are some quality extras too!
Lucies age and BBC

Frankly, I really like the casting job done for Lucy. I was really afraid that they would go in the footsteps of the BBC version!

The problem, mainly, with the BBC version Lucy was that she was too old, and probably big for her age to boot! I taught english for two years to kids ages six through ten and, frankly, eight and nine year olds are small. It is part of being a kid, I think (I was one of those once, right?).

The hair color was a surprise, but I'm letting that slide.

Why is the general consenses that Lucy is eight in the books. Does it ever say? Did I miss something?

I need to get the BBC version. I hardly remember anything from that rendition of LWW, except Lucy and the beavers! I do remember PC, VDT, and SC really well, I do not know why I am so fuzzy on LWW. And the BBC set is spendy, like $50. Ikes!
rosymole said:
You'd have to cope with the outbursts of hysterical laughter on my part - I can't contorl myslef, no matter how many times I wathc it. I should try and get hold of the DVD I think as I've only got LWW on VHS, I'm sure there are some quality extras too!

YES!! Quality extras indeed!

Well the DVD set cost me £30, but I dont know how many dollars that is. I think you times by 2 and then take away a bit?!?!?

Awwww... Lucy was a bit of a sheman wasnt she - bless her!
I think all of the child actors in the BBC version were really about the same age. The girl playing Lucy looked like she could even have been older than the guy playing Peter (he was kind of squirrely looking...not saying he did a bad job, but he seemed very young). How they differentiated the ages was by having the kids over exaggerate. Lucy and Edmund simpered, whined and hallooed like chimps on helium while Peter and Susan were insufferably condenscending and/or patronizing, IMO. For a low budget project the acting was OK after all that but the kids hardly seemed like siblings.

With the casting in the new movie I think Lucy looks alot younger than the rest of her siblings but Edmund also looks alot younger than either Peter and Susan. It's nice to see a more obvious age difference between them and I think they all kind of look alike. Peter and Lucy both are sandy haired blonde/brownish and Susan and Edmund seem to look like each other with all four sharing basic similarities.

What I think this new Lucy has over the other one is charisma. We only have photos and a trailer to go on, but she seems genuinaly sweet and winsome. The other Lucy acts and talks like Lucy of the books but I have a hard time believing it is really her.
Herbal Remedy said:
Lucy and Edmund simpered, whined and hallooed like chimps on helium while Peter and Susan were insufferably condenscending and/or patronizing, IMO. For a low budget project the acting was OK
:p :p :p
That struck me funny! The four children were abominable, but the acting was okay. Tee-hee! I never saw the BBC version, so you are probably right.
I LOVE the new Lucy!!! That's what an eight-year-old looks like, people! At least that's what they are supposed to look like when they haven't been pumped up full of hormone-laced processed food all their lives.

I always thought BBC Lucy was too old, but it made it worse that Peter was too young. Once PC rolled around and Edmund's voice had changed, you got the feeling he could have kicked Peter's butt in a fair fight. And Susan only seemed old because she was all prissy and maternal.

Another funny casting thing about the old films: the same actress plays every witch.

I was watching PC yesterday and thought: "Gee...the hag talks just like the white wi....oh."
So then I had to pop in SC to see if she also played the green witch. Yup!

Man...she must have cut them a real salary deal!

And here's food for thought: how does Eustace, in SC, manage to procure the EXACT SAME outfit he wore in VDT, even though it's what...fifty years later? Incredible! Narnia, the land of magic indestructible raiment!
Herbal Remedy said:
How they differentiated the ages was by having the kids over exaggerate. Lucy and Edmund simpered, whined and hallooed like chimps on helium while Peter and Susan were insufferably condenscending and/or patronizing, IMO. For a low budget project the acting was OK after all that but the kids hardly seemed like siblings.

I have to disagree with you there, I thought that Lucy was whiny, but that was about it. I mean - Edmund was supposed to be a little snot, wasn't he? And Peter and Susan hit me more of overprotective than codenscending, which is a trait often found in siblings; esspecially if there's a big age differance and the parents are away.

Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:
Peter in the BBC version was shorter than Susan! Ha ha! :D

Girls often grow before boys - so that's not odd at all. For the past five years I was ALOT taller then all the boys I knew, and It's only now that they've caught up with me.
Sunrise said:
I LOVE the new Lucy!!! That's what an eight-year-old looks like
I agree!!! The new Lucy is very adorable and to me very believable as an eight year old (since she is 8, that makes sense!). :rolleyes:
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I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this...but the only thing i have against both Lucy's is that in the book she is a blond.....I thought I should point that out.
Sojourner said:
I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this...but the only thing i have against both Lucy's is that in the book she is a blond.....I thought I should point that out.

Very true, but seeing as how the BBC version of Lucy is a brunette I never gave her hair color in the new movie a second thought - I wonder if her hair color will get lighter when they show her as 'Lucy the Valient' though hair usually darkens when you get older - not vise versa.
Sojourner said:
I think we should hold them hostage and make them do it right.....:)) ;)

You're right - we should fly down to New Zealand and...hey, wait a sec, this seems really familiar...oh yeah, I think I had this same conversation when FoTR was coming out - lol!

p.s. Nice sig Sojourner: 'Join the dark side...we have cookies' that needs to be a shirt! :D