That Can't Be Lucy!

Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:
Oh yes, the kid in the BBC had a terrible lisp! (Or was that PBS? can't remember)

No, you were right the first time, it's BBC. And welcome btw Tarkheena_Finduilas22, I haven't see you post before!
Tarkheena_Finduilas22 said:
Finally someone welcomes me! Thank you GC. I have post like 26 things today!
Did you post your introduction in the introduction thread? You will get more welcomes when you do -- and
I'm sorry to bring this topic up again--I know some places are really picky about posting in topics that haven't been posted in for awhile--but I wanted to post a question, and this seemed the place to do it.

I've seen only two movie versions of LWW, though I've been a huge fan of the book my entire life, and now with the pictures from this one, the question still haunts me: why does Lucy always look so incredibly young in the films? In the books, she's supposed to be around eight, isn't she? To me, the actresses always look to be so much younger.

Forgive me if I'm wrong about Lucy's age, but I can't remember Lewis ever giving an exact age for her--it always seemed to be just one of those given things.
LittleZebra333 said:
I'm sorry to bring this topic up again--I know some places are really picky about posting in topics that haven't been posted in for awhile--but I wanted to post a question, and this seemed the place to do it.

I don't think anyone minds re-opening topics - at least I don't anyway.

I can understand your comment about Lucy; but I always had the opposite feeling about casting her. I thought the actress in the BBC was too old,so when I saw the casting for this film I was extatic! I do know however, that the girl in this film is the same age of Lucy from the books, so that's something at least! :)
I think the odd thing for me, growing up with BBC versinos is that that Lucy looks like the right age to me. So this Lucy seems too young, even though shes the right age - although it was actually the BBC Lucy who was too old.
WHB, that's the same reason I see Lucy as a brunette - The BBC is just so firmly set in my mind that that's how I'll always see the characters from the books.

But seeing the pictures of the kids in this one makes me glad that I wasn't casting! I really do thing the actors look great for the parts.
GrayCloak said:
WHB, that's the same reason I see Lucy as a brunette - The BBC is just so firmly set in my mind that that's how I'll always see the characters from the books.

But seeing the pictures of the kids in this one makes me glad that I wasn't casting! I really do thing the actors look great for the parts.

Indeed, indeed. Thats also why I think, however great these new films are, theyll never surpass the BBC ones. To me - they are CoN!
LittleZebra333 said:
I'm sorry to bring this topic up again--I know some places are really picky about posting in topics that haven't been posted in for awhile--but I wanted to post a question, and this seemed the place to do it.
I like it when someone adds something new to an old thread. :D
Welcome, Zebra.
I think Lucy in the film looks just the right age, and I think 8 years old is the right age from the book ... I thought she would be blond, but I think she's real cute, so I am happy with her.
waterhogboy said:
Indeed, indeed. Thats also why I think, however great these new films are, theyll never surpass the BBC ones. To me - they are CoN!

Hehe, I feel the same way, I first watched the BBC version when I was really little, and that's ALWAYS the way I will see Narnia!

Honestly, who needs CGI when we have our lovely animatronic Aslan - sure his mouth moves like a Japanese guy from a dubbed Godzilla movie - but he still beats anything done by today's fancy computers! :D
Oh, i watched a bit of the BBC LWW on Sunday- it does make me laugh- beavers the size of sheds and an Edmund obviously not related to the other children - where did the ginger hair come from?! (still blooming love it tho!)
rosymole said:
Oh, i watched a bit of the BBC LWW on Sunday- it does make me laugh- beavers the size of sheds and an Edmund obviously not related to the other children - where did the ginger hair come from?! (still blooming love it tho!)

LOL!!! Oh I do love dicussing these wonderful films. I could literally do it forever!!! How great would it be for us all to be able to sit in a room watching the DVDs together!!!