That Can't Be Lucy!

The Black Cauldron was a Disney animated film made back in the early 80's, which tanked at the box office and sank into deserved oblivion until it was released on video in the late 90's. It was supposedly based on Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain, but in my opinion any resemblance to the books is accidental. To be fair, the studio was in a state of major upheaval at the time and the film suffered from a lack of direction as a result. It has kind of a cult following, as it is beautifully animated and certainly different from the singing-animals, cutesy-poo stuff they were doing at the time, but I consider it a tragic waste of the golden material they had on hand.

Unfortunately Disney still owns all rights to anything Prydain-related. I doubt they will do anything with it, which is a shame. I'd die to see good quality live-action films made out of those, and it would be especially nice to start them while the author is still alive!
Oh, that is sad. I am enjoying Prydain. Perhaps if Narnia does well, Disney will reconsider and get someone good to direct.

Lucy in the LWW BBC version wasn't to attractive. She looked better a couple of years later in the latter chronicles. I hope the actress in the movie LWW is made to look better. I was also wondering is anyone is worried that the ages of these actors and actresses playing the children being as much as 5 years older than the character they play will have a negitive impact. The actor playing Peter is really 17 while Peter in the LWW book is likely no more than 12 or 13. Lucy in the book is about 6 or 7 while the actress is 9. In the movie The Wizard Of Oz, Judy Garland was 15 playing a 9 year old Dorothy. But that was a musical and it took a lot of liberties. It was fine in that movie, but in LWW it may be less accepted.
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I loved the Loyd Alexander books. He wrote a number of different series and most of them were very good. The Prydain series was a good series thou it is much like The Lord of the Rings in it's plot. This should be a different thead so people can better talk about the Prydain books. ;)
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I dont know what you're on about. The actress playing Lucy in the BBC versions was hot!!!!!!! You know, in England, those sort of looks are considered by most to be pin-up quality! Specially the teeth.
Ya, as i mentioned before (i don't know where) Peter looks too normal. He is suppost to be a leader, but he doesn't look like one in the movie. I like who they cast for Edmond, though, i just hope he does a good job acting, because his role could make or break the movie, with the whole mystic of him betraying the group, and then turning to the good side.

I don't mind Peter looking young and not like a leader. He is suppose to be still a child. That I why I don't like using a 17 year old as Peter. That's old enough to be a soldier, not a child that still plays hide and seek. He is a King Arthor type.
It is a bit weird, cos Peter from the film is the same age as me - and in Prince Caspian well probs both be about 18! It doesnt really matter tho cos he looks younger than he is. Lets just hope he doesnt have a sudden growth spurt like Harry Potter!
I like all the kids they have cast -- at least from what I have seen. In the photo at the top of the narniafans home page of Peter with his sword (Rhindon), he looks exactly as I would imagine Peter. I don't think he looks too old to be a child; in the beginning of the trailer, where they are dropped to wait for Mrs. Macready, he looks like a young teen.
Hello! I'm new to these posts, but wanted to take a second and put my 2 cents in. :)

Haha, I think I seem to be the only person in the world that actually liked the old Lucy. It was watching the old BBC LWW that got me hooked to the Chronicles of Narnia, and she was my favorite (and the reason why I chose this name). My only major turn off about the old Pevenses is the fact that they all looked the same age. Besides that, I LOVED the BBC movie, especially Aslan.

I think that the new Lucy is going to do well... I work at a movie theater as a projectionist, so I have seen the trailer of the new LWW at least 30 times, and every time I get goosebumps, I'm so excited that it is finally coming out. I was very hesitant when I first saw Lucy, but now I really feel that she will do a great job. She is a very cute little girl, and I'm looking forward to her performance :)
Little~Lucy said:
Haha, I think I seem to be the only person in the world that actually liked the old Lucy. It was watching the old BBC LWW that got me hooked to the Chronicles of Narnia, and she was my favorite (and the reason why I chose this name). My only major turn off about the old Pevenses is the fact that they all looked the same age. Besides that, I LOVED the BBC movie, especially Aslan.

I loved the BBC Lucy, too! She looked exactly how a young girl should look like. I didn't think the girls looked the same age, but i felt the boys were too much the same in height, and you had to distinguish between their ages to understand Edmond's betrayl. From what I see in the new movie, I think they chose the right people (visually) for the kids (except Lucy, I will always want the BBC Lucy)
PrincessRosario said:
Everyone I know found her buckteeth revolting, but I thought they were kinda cute! :p

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Me and my friend have spent many an hour laughing at them!!! Of course... I love her dearly...
Does anyone know what BBC Lucy is doing now? (i could look i suppose!)

I've just had a quick google-jolly but found nothing- I'm sure she's doign something more worthwhile now, I reckon she'd be a teacher of some sort..?
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Yeh I've got the DVDs of the BBC versions and it has a cast reunion. She apparently still does acting but not very prestigious. Shes quite a bit prettier now than what she once was...