That Can't Be Lucy!


Yes, well said.

WHB, if you get to know Georgie, what I would like is tickets to the premiere showing in England! That sounds like such fun (especially for someone not living in England...)

I just read the Newsweek thing on Georgie turning 9 during filming, etc. And I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me before, but I noticed in the photo of the four children, they're all brunettes.

Doesn't it say somewhere in CON that Lucy was golden-haired and merry, something like that? I expected her to be blond...

She's very cute, either way, and the photo of the four of them in their fur coats was really nice.

I can't wait to see the movie!!!
When the first photos came out, she looked pretty bad to me as well, but after seeing the trailer I think she's a pretty cute little kid. And the girl who plays Susan *is* really pretty, I wish I had that kind of beauty! Who thinks she doesn't have the beauty for being Susan?

Yes, Susan is lovely, and the adult Susan actress looks like the little one could grow up to be her. Very nice casting choices as far as I can see.
I know! Can't wait to see the movie!
The new image of Peter in his armor with sword is fantastic, too.
Can't wait.
Wow, that is an adorable picture. She doesn't look real! But anyway, you're right, Inkspot, Lucy was blond in the LWW, the only one of the Pevensies to be described as "golden haired." (This is admittedly a description of her after she grows up, but as children's hair generally gets darker rather than lighter as they grow older, I'm quite sure she was blond as a child.) I'm willing to forgive them that slight oversight, however, as long as Georgie can act, and I'm sure she can.
Yep. They're making Lucy dark-haired and the witch/queen blonde. Hmm, quite interesting, but I'm sure they have their reasons. I'd like to know the reasons though.;)

I saw a quote from Adamson saying something like it (Lucy's hair color) was personal preference. So he is aware of it. I guess I can understand finding an actress first and going with their natural hair; I believe that for the most part people are born with the color that looks best on them.

I guess it makes since to have all the kids be brunnettes 'cause, well, they are brothers and sisters...

And I must say, I am becoming more relieved seeing some much better pictures of Lucy. Sure, that first picture was cute and all, but I don't think that it, or any of the pictures first released, were the best portraits to use for publicity. Not that any of them looked "bad" in them; they just weren't well-taken pictures.

I thought the same, they looked fine, but those original photos didn't do any of them justice by any means.

In this latest round of photos, each one looks very good, and very much like I would imagine the Pevensies -- except for Lucy's hair, but I'll let that go as the little cherub is so adorable.
true true, i was a bit worried, but seriously after seeing all of this, its just looks quite promising, and if you bicker about the small details as hair color, hopefully the acting makes up for it, but seriously its a minor detail worth forgetting about.

I dont know. I mean it is just one picture, i am sure there will be a better one sooner or later. Shouldnt judge on looks, she may be an awesome actress, and then everyone will love her. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
From what I saw in the trailer, I thought she was adorable. :3 Like what some people had said already, she is only just a little girl, and don't need to be called names.
First Post...Defending Georgie!

Hello All! I realise that I am jumping into this thread extremely late but I could not resist!

I think the actress for Lucy is going to be just fine and in fact think she is just fine. Calling her dumpy was...a sure sign of the total lack of taste, chivalry, and otherwise objective perceptive skills. She is definately way better (must I emphasise "way") than the BBC Lucy was, no offense meant their either. I had really been afraid that the new Lucy would be 1. Overweight, which she is not, 2. Too big, which she is not, and uninteligent looking, which she is not. Therefore, personally, she has very much acheived my expectations. The hair color is too bad but hey, if they get the story line and do not bautch the talking beasts, it is going to be wonderful! I am really looking forward to them.

I really hope to get to know all of you better as time progresses.


Welcome, Danger, I don't think I have seen you post before.

I completely agree with you about Lucy. She is adorable, and I think she and all the kids will be very good in their roles.

I think the earlier posts on this subject (the mean ones) were based on one bad photo that was released early on, but now you can clearly see that Georgie is very good for the part of Lucy.
The Lone Danger said:
I had really been afraid that the new Lucy would be 1. Overweight, which she is not, 2. Too big, which she is not, and uninteligent looking, which she is not.

Hey Danger! I can't think of another actress who played Lucy that fits this description - can you???? LOL! Just add in 4.Scary actress and 5.Orthodontically challenged and youve got her down to a tee!!