That Can't Be Lucy!

I have to disagree with you there DoLW. I really liked Viggo as Aragorn; I thought that main problem was with the writing of his part, and the direction; Viggo himself I thought fit well. Elijah I agree with you on though; the actors I had the most problems with was the female ones, but I suppose that would better be discussed in a different form.

I really aprove of the casting so far though on LWW, I think all the actors certainly look the part.
I agree, GrayCloak.
Viggo did look his part, though at first when I first saw the movie pictures (before it came out) I thought he was the dumbest looking person to ever play Aragorn and I wondered what in the world Peter Jackson was thinking. But when I saw him in action, I couldn't imagine any one else playing the part. It just wasn't possible. Anyway, that's what I think...

Oh, and when I saw who was playing the parts in LWW, I was like "they don't look the part at all". But now that I think about it, those guys involved in the
movie really know what they're doing and the actors/actress' actually do look right for their a matter of fact...I think that they look perfect!
Sure, Lucy is a little chubby, but aren't a lot of 9 year olds? I think that her being chubby makes her all the more adorable. Chubby kids are the cutest!!!!!!! :D
Rhindon said:
I could show you some pictures of Viggo Mortenson that would make you think that he is the worse Aragorn alive if you had never seen the films.
Okay, I totally agree:

NOW do you like Aragorn???lol. :D
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It's not Lucy I have the problem with. I thought Susan was supposed to be the pretty one - no offense to the actrice of course. :)
The starter of this thread

1. Needs to learn some skills on not overreacting

2. Needs their eyes checked

3. Needs an attitude ajustment

4. Needs to get a life.

Just my 2 cents. Personally, I think Georgie's adorable. :)
Well we're *somewhat* advanced in compute-pute graphics and theyre spending a LONG time on this movie so im sure Aslan'll turn out pretty damn good! And also on that thing about the kid playing Lucy... What the heck is your problem? Thats so mean! When I first saw that pic of her I thought she was just so damn cute! I think she'll play that part extremaly well! You shouldnt be so damn shallow =(
Hey - I love her. Like I said in another post - she lives just up the road from me so I can get to know her and get free tickets and get to meet the cast and be in the movies and everything!!!!!! :D

(Dont spoil my fantasy - it could really happen!)
Well, if you do, I'd like to meet The older Ed and Peter, and maybe in year or two the younger Peter, and heck in five years the younger Ed - can't limit myself you know! lol (i'm not a pest you know!)
I know I'm posting this a little late in the game, but I just registered. ;)

I don't see anything wrong with Georgie...Someone, I forget who, said she looked dumpy, but she was wearing a heavy winter coat (yeah, I know that was said several times), and also she was smiling. Smiling pushes your cheeks up a little bit, making them look fatter than they really are.

Judy Garland WAS attractive...but she didn't fit that time period's picture of beauty. She was shorter than girls like Lana Turner and such, she wasn't "busty", and she was type-cast in "little girl" parts well into her teens. Louis B. Mayer, one of the founders of MGM, actually called her "little hunchback" because she had mild curvature of the spine, and she had a dental piece to wear for movies because her teeth were a bit crooked. Her life began its path to self-distruction because people were telling her how thin she had to be, because she was popping uppers during the day and downers during the night to keep on a schedule, and because in spite of all this it still wasn't enough to satisfy the people who asked this of her. So, personally, I don't think we should be worrying so much about how a child star looks, so much as how well they can act.