That Can't Be Lucy!

They've already got Aslan complete, we probably won't see it til the movie, but I guarantee it'll be amazing.

JudyfromKansas: I'm tempted to ask how old you are, because those are very immature comments about someone's weight. Do not judge her for her weight. She's only 13 or 14 and has PLENTY of time. She's still growing up. No more negativity about her please, or you could find yourself on the outside of the forum, looking in.
I think people feel the need for everyone they watch in movies to be conform to the steroetypical face/figure etc, but CoN is about 'real' children - if you've seen pics of British children during wars you'll know they do not look like Kate and/or Ashely - but thats what makes it soo much better!
Originally posted by AlwaysHis324@Oct 21 2004, 12:17 AM
Georgie is only 9. Maybe 10.

Yes indeed, she was 9 as of July. Which means she's at that stage where girls do sometimes put on a little bit of weight. However, it is COMPLETELY natural. If, at this age, she is worried about that, there is a small chance that she could mess up her body's natural growth.
Originally posted by AlwaysHis324@Oct 21 2004, 12:17 AM
actually, if I recall correctly Georgie is only 9. Maybe 10. But she is still young. And I have to agree with specter, thats pretty cruel.
Very nice sentiments, all.

Now for the reality check:

Do you really think Judy Garland's Dorothy, or Julie Andrews' Mary Poppins, would have been as successful had those ladies been unattractive? (And particularly in the case of Poppins, Andrews was cast against type - P.L. Travers' nanny was vain, but hardly a knockout. But Uncle Walt knew that audiences LIKE to look at pretty faces.) Good grief, look at the girl who plays frizzy-haired bucktoothed Hermoine in the "Potter" film series! Why didn't the producers pick someone less comely?


Duh. :D
It really shouldn't matter what she looks likeanyway! I've had another look at the picture, and you can see that there is nothing wrong with her! She looks to me like a normal 9/10 year old girl, happy, smiley and just right for the part.
As far as MAry Poppins etc goes, those films were made for an age wide audience, hence a bit of eye candy for the adults - just look at fox who is Dick van Dyke! ;-)
Originally posted by judyfromkansas@Oct 21 2004, 11:09 AM
Now for the reality check:

Do you really think Judy Garland's Dorothy, or Julie Andrews' Mary Poppins, would have been as successful had those ladies been unattractive? Good grief, look at the girl who plays frizzy-haired bucktoothed Hermoine in the "Potter" film series! Why didn't the producers pick someone less comely?
Reality check?

Dorothy wasn't 9 years old, and neither was Mary Poppins. And Hermione was 11. And yet you fail to see how immature you're being about all of this. So far, you're the first person I've seen say "holy crap, look at that ugly girl, my she's dumpy." Well I'm sorry if she doesn't fit what you would like to see. The Casting Directors cast who they feel is right for the part. You sound like you have some growing up to do, or you need a boost to your own self-esteem.
Originally posted by Specter+Oct 21 2004, 12:46 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Specter @ Oct 21 2004, 12:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-judyfromkansas@Oct 21 2004, 11:09 AM
Now for the reality check:

Do you really think Judy Garland's Dorothy, or Julie Andrews' Mary Poppins, would have been as successful had those ladies been unattractive? Good grief, look at the girl who plays frizzy-haired bucktoothed Hermoine in the "Potter" film series! Why didn't the producers pick someone less comely?
Reality check?

Dorothy wasn't 9 years old, and neither was Mary Poppins. And Hermione was 11. And yet you fail to see how immature you're being about all of this. So far, you're the first person I've seen say "holy crap, look at that ugly girl, my she's dumpy." Well I'm sorry if she doesn't fit what you would like to see. The Casting Directors cast who they feel is right for the part. You sound like you have some growing up to do, or you need a boost to your own self-esteem. [/b][/quote]
Well, FWIW, I wasn't the only one on this thread who objected to the choice for Lucy.

It's a bummer to find out that one of my favorite books is going to be made into a movie - a movie backed by Disney, no less - only to discover that my favorite character in that book is being portrayed by someone who might be a cute kid in real life but who, in that picture, at least, looks like Spanky from "Our Gang".

Well, what can one expect from Walden Media, whose most recent offering was the box-office disaster "Around The World In Eighty Days". :rolleyes:
Yeah, that is a really sweet photo. She is only 9-years-old. Does anyone know how long she has been acting? This is exciting. She will do great, I can tell. Lucy is supposed to be a little awkward, right?
Rhindon said:
I could show you some pictures of Viggo Mortenson that would make you think that he is the worse Aragorn alive if you had never seen the films.

*chokes* well I've seen the films and umm... well *cough*notAragorn*cough* same for Elijah Wood.

I'm glad Lucy is not some mini-supermodel. Like cslouis said she supposed to be awkward. I wanted the hobbits in LotR to be fatter, Legolas, Faramir, and Boromir to have raven hair, and Arwen to have gray eyes, like the book. Keeping her character closer to the books, she's meant to be cute, not ravashing. That's what stirs her jealousy in VDT.
I'l admit that's not a particularly flattering photo. Doesn't bother me either way. Like others said, she's only 9 (or 10). Plus, being a guy, I don't have latent jealousy issues or anything like that.

And the kids aren't the most interesting part for me anyway. What I'm really looking forward to are the goblins, castles, giants, dragons, huge battles, breathtaking landscapes, and so on. You can see kids in any movie, but fauns and talking lions? Now that's something. ;)
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Yeah, don't make fun of the actress just because of one not-so-great picture, guys. I think she's cute, and she's not supposed to be gorgeous, remember? That's why she gets so jealous of Susan in prince Caspian. The acting is really all that matters, and you shouldn't diss on her just because she's not a supermodel.
I agree with Specter and I think she will make a great Lucy for the movie/movies. :)
(But that pic was a bit deceiving!)
But, man, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about these movies. When they come out (if they're done right, that is) I'm going to get like every narnian thing there is to get.
Give me a break, too small? Well, I've said my piece about Lucy, and there really isn't much more that I can say, other than that the casting directors from Lord of the Rings did casting for this, and we've seen it work out for the best, so I trust them with Narnia.

Asside from that, during the shoot, a couple of the characters grew a few inches.
shoot by the time they film the next one they will be growing so much, just look at the kids from harry potter movies, they are growing so much.


yes when i saw that picture of the girl whop plays Lucy it recked everything especially on how i imagined Lucy it made me a little mad, i agree she does seem "dumpy" or whatever ;)
Specter said:
the casting directors from Lord of the Rings did casting for this, and we've seen it work out for the best, so I trust them with Narnia.

work out for the best? sure they could have done a lot worse, but I think they could have done better too, concerning LotR at least with Elijah and Viggo. I think the rest of them were fine. I hope all of the main actors do not fall short like I feel Elijah and Viggo did, at least in the RotK.