That Can't Be Lucy!

personally I found the pencil drawn animals that passed for 'CGI' in those days far more worrying! But we must be nice- good old Aunty tries her best!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They truly did look like some drug addicts halucinations. Oh - to be back in the good old days of coal fires and wireless............
Newbie but..

...just registered and had to post to this.
I must admit I was a bit taken aback by the first photo I saw of Georgie. I think all of us who objected so strongly to the Lucy in the old BBC version were desperate to see the Lucy in our heads put onto the screen, and it was startling to see that little impish face in the picture. But ultimately, in a film where your main characters are kids, you have to base your casting decisions on whether they can ACT, because if they can't, no amount of type casting is going to make it a great film, just an annoying one (re: anything with the Oleson twins). So I consoled myself with the assumption that Georgie must have gotten the role on talent, which actually made me feel better about the films in general. Obviously they were taking them seriously.

Now, having seen other screenshots and a very bad-resolution version of the trailer (a curse upon dialup), I have no worries. What an absolute doll she is. Cute as they come. Whoever said she was dumpy has been watching too many American tween dramas in which 24-year-olds play high schoolers, and fourteen-year-olds play children supposedly under ten. Little kids have round cheeks. Get over it, or get over your own anorexia.

And good point about the fact that she is not supposed to be drop-dead pretty, so as to play up the Susan-envy factor.

Even the bad-res trailer gave me goosebumps. MAN am I excited!

It's one of the main offenders, along with, say, Buffy the VS, Seventh Heaven, Smallville....
Man, television sucks.
I don't watch any of them, but's a big pet peeve of mine!
Yeh - I couldnt belive it when my sister told me that Ryan in OC is supposed to be my age. I almost thought the program makers were TRYING to make a spoof program!!!! It makes it sooo unbeliveable.

For CoN though - i think the ages are perfect like you said!

Welcome Sunrise. I don't think I have seen you post before. I totally agree with you about Georgie, but I didn't think she looked so bad in the original photos, anyway. She's adorable, and I think she will do a great job.
I think you need to give her a chance!!

My first reaction to Lucy she's sooo young. But I think she is cute. I think we need to wait until after we see the movie before we pass judgement. She might surpise us all. :)
More of...

Yes, I haven't posted anywhere else yet. I was a little startled by the first photo (photos). Bu it wasn't a bad sort of surprise. The main thing I was surprised over was hair color. But, as was mentioned, that is a minor factor if she can act. Otherwise I think she looks great as the part she is supposed to play.

Another charachter I was worried about was Peter. I was hinking that it would be hard to find an older kid (mid teens, right) who didn't look too old or too young. Casting child roles has got to be tough. But any way, they did a good job. I have not seen the trailer yet. My dialup won't handle the download quickly and my wallet won't handle a long download so...have to wait to make a trip to the big city where they have broad band. But I am excited, I have been waiting for these films ever since Walden announced they were going to be working on them (that was, I think back in 2003?).

But about casting, again, I think the comments made about these kids looking like kids is just right...and PRAISE GOD! We're not going to be assailed by images of children that you would never be able to find in real life. And so much of what Lewis did was so great because it was about real life (I know that sounds strange concerning fantasy but hey, it is true).

About it being a Lord of the Rings rehashm, I don't have to worry...I never saw Lord of the Rings!
inkspot said:
Welcome Sunrise. I don't think I have seen you post before. I totally agree with you about Georgie, but I didn't think she looked so bad in the original photos, anyway. She's adorable, and I think she will do a great job.
Thanks, glad to be here.

I didn't think she looked bad, either...she just wasn't what I, and apparently many others, had in mind when we pictured Lucy. Hence the surprise. I have a sneaky suspicion it's our own hubris that makes us think the movie characters should look like our own personal interpretations! I prefer to tell myself it's that we are such slavish fans of the material that any deviation from the slightest detail makes us squirm. he he

But as I said, the more I see of her, the more I'm convinced she's perfect for the role. And it's not like Lewis described any of them in detail. I think most people's mental images come from Pauline Bayne's original illustrations.

By the way, if anyone is interested, I am in the middle of doing illustrations for the books for a website that is doing features on each of them in prep. for the film. Anyone who would like to see them is welcome to visit my gallery:
So far only The Magician's Nephew and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe are up.
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The illustrations are beautiful, Sunrise.

I just got the first book in the Chronicles of Prydain and since looking at your pictures, can't wait to read it.

Squeee!!! Prydain-LOVE! *jumps around excitedly* Okay, that is the one thing that gets me fangirly. :D Hope you enjoy the series.

Anyway, I just found the fanart section on this board, so I put a couple things there. Thanks for the nice comments.

Okay, and now I will officially stop going off-topic. *looks around guiltily*
We were talking about Lucy, right? ;)
I know this is supposed to be about, I really liked your picture "Are You Human." In fact I really liked all of your art work. You are amazing.
Everybody loves Lucy now, so I think we can contine to talk about Sunrise's art. I LOVED "Are you human?" too. Very nice!

Started reading Prydain last night. So far, so good.
Love the look of LUcy... To Tell you the truth when th first pictures surfaced of her - I wasn't worried at all - She has this curious wonderment about her - I think she is the perfect - the epxressions on her face in the trailer, gave me chills. I can't wait.! :)
inkspot said:
Started reading Prydain last night. So far, so good.
Now what we need is a film version of THAT.

I mean instead of Disney's crappy The Black Cauldron, which is an abomination.
Wonder if anyone has the rights to a movie of Prydain? I never saw the Black Cauldron, was it related to the Prydain stories? I'm right in an exciting part of the Book of Three!