Well, that is debatable because it wasn't Brooke!!!Eowyn was more productive in movies for sure, but Arwen will always be more beautiful.
Well, that is debatable because it wasn't Brooke!!!Eowyn was more productive in movies for sure, but Arwen will always be more beautiful.
Arwenism has returned!!! XD
I noticed
Arwen all the way!!!! I'm so an Arwenite
She is beautiful, saves Frodo, and is an ELF!!!!
Elves are awesome
Huzzah! The Arwenites offically outnumber the Eowynites! All is as it should be!
*glares* I disagree.
I like Arwen better than Eowyn...obviously, cause I'm listed as an Arwenite. She and ARagorn are so adorable together. And Liv Tyler is simply drop-dead gorgeous.
Arwen all the way!!!! I'm so an Arwenite
She is beautiful, saves Frodo, and is an ELF!!!!
Elves are awesome
In the movie she saved Frodo but not in the books
Ah a bitter Eowynite, you shall just have to accept that Arwen is superior. The numbers do not lie. XD
*glares more intensly* *goes to find Beverly and ask her what she thinks* (since on of my friends is FINALLY a memeber of this site, I'll see if I can even out the scales )
Until she posts, the numbers are still in favor of Arwen.
but the Eowynites are still Awsomeatic-er despite our smaller numbers!
Arwennites will gather! They will take over and win! To glory for Arwen!!