The Arwenites and Eowynites.

Arwen all the way!!!! I'm so an Arwenite :D
She is beautiful, saves Frodo, and is an ELF!!!!
Elves are awesome :D

I concure with everything thou hast said, but I would like to add that Arwen is not only beautiful but the reflection of unlimted beauty. For she is in likeness of her ancestor Luthien, fairest and more beautiful of all beings to have walked on this Middle Earth. :)

I shall add you to the Arwenites on page one. :)
I like Arwen better than Eowyn...obviously, cause I'm listed as an Arwenite. :D She and ARagorn are so adorable together. And Liv Tyler is simply drop-dead gorgeous.
*glares more intensly* *goes to find Beverly and ask her what she thinks* (since on of my friends is FINALLY a memeber of this site, I'll see if I can even out the scales :p)

Until she posts, the numbers are still in favor of Arwen. :p

Edit: Sigh, you Mozart constitute as the fifth Eowynite, thus it tis tied again. :(
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but the Eowynites are still Awsomeatic-er despite our smaller numbers!:p

Actually if you take a peek at the list of Eowynites, you'll see with the addition of your name, that we are now tied. Arwennites and Eowynites are yet again tied in numbers. :(

*Must recruit more Arwenites, must bring back the balence of power* XD