New member
Arwen FO' Life
Awesome elf skills
Awesome elf skills
My cousin also likes Eowyn better than Arwen.
Now if SHE would only join this site too..... hmm.......
You are prohibted from recrutiing Ewoynites, only Arwenites may be recruited.
Since when are you in charge of the recruiting process?
*thinks that she should name a kitten Eowyn*
Since I created the thread, I am the master, I am the Lord of this Forum! All shall bend to my will! All shall love Arwen and despair! lol XD
Except me, who will rebel and whack you and your Arweniteness with a plastic baseball-bat! XD
and plus I so knew you were going to say it was because you made the thread. well you know what, I bet I could find that plastic baseball bat again...
I shall quell your insignifcant rebellion! My Queen Arwen shall have you and your band of Eowynites taken to the Fotress of Angband! There you shall suffer a fate worse than being beaten by plastic base ball bats! Muwhahahaha! XD
There's a fortress called the angry band? that sounds like something from the Muppets... or something my dad would come up with.
Fine though you force me to take drastic measures, *draws scimitar* oh wait I have no idea how to use a sword, um..... *grabs bow and knocks arrow*
The Fotress of angry bands? You dare mock the Great Fortress of the Dark Lord Morgoth? Pah! For your insolence, you shall be cast into the depths of Orodruin!
Sieze her my Araknights! *Several Arwen look alikes appear and start marching towards Mozart* XD
Ok but I know what Orodruin is! Even though I don't know exactly what else you said... I think it might have something to do with the book I'm going to try to get from the library....
Um, *shoots....SLUSHIES! at the Arwen look-alikes using her.... CANNON!*
*runs to gather her army of Eowynite cats*
I want to join the Eowynites! Eowyn is my favorite female character ever. I admire both her and Arwen for their strength- Eowyn's strength to fight and Arwen's strength to wait for Aragorn. But Eowyn is definetly my favorite.
Thank you for joining the Eowynites... now maybe the Arwenites won't try to throw me into Mt. Doom.
Thank you for joining the Eowynites... now maybe the Arwenites won't try to throw me into Mt. Doom.