The Chronicles of Narnia: The Mistaken Lords

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"Yes i think so," she said, "do you have anything she might have touched or somthing i can get a sent off, it will make it easyer for me?"

No. The only thing she touched was my shirt she was grabbing, while we were on my horse." He ripped of a piece of his shirt and handed it to the monster. "I don't think it will help, but here."
She put it to her nose. Underneith the overpowering sent of him there was something else, she tried to absorb the most she could then spread her wings once more and flew back into the crubling tunnel

OCC: What dose she look like were was she ect??
She put it to her nose. Underneith the overpowering sent of him there was something else, she tried to absorb the most she could then spread her wings once more and flew back into the crubling tunnel

OCC: What dose she look like were was she ect??

OOC: She is not too far from the entrance, but because its so dark she can't really see where she is. I she has brown hair, and she is 15.
She fushed through the dark passages trying to get a sent, then suddenly she cought it. /it was coming from a pasage on her left

She dasked down it and found a girl of about 14 lying on the floor with a nasty cut in her head. She knew that this must be the girl.

She grabbed her trying to be as gentle as possible even though the whole tunnel was colapsing around her, and darted back out of the cave.

The burst through the exit just before the whole thing caved in on itself and the exit vanished from view.
"Good you got her" said Kaoden with a smile. "But she is injured, and she needs healing. I have an idea." Kaoden took the staff and touched Adalia with it. Her cuts and wounds vanished, but she was still unconcious.

OOC. AslansMessanger, we need you now.
"Well hurry! The lower levels of the cave are falling apart!"

For hours Midrial had been trying to untie the ropes that bound her. She wasnt making much progrees. Next to the chair she was tied to was a little table with a burning candle on it. Midrial then thought to use the candle to burn off the ropes. She was able to slightly move the chair towards it. She used her hands(which were tied behind the back of the chair), to grab the candle. She had to be careful to burn the ropes and not herself. She managed to catch one of the ropes on fire, and the rope snapped. She quickly untied the rest of herself. She was free! She ran to the door to open it, but it was locked. "AGGGH!" Midrial yelled. She just was able to untie herself only to find out that the door was locked. She then thought if she could burn the ropes with a flame, she could burn the wooden door with one. So she took the candle and used it to set the door on fire. It didnt take long for the door to be bursting in flames. In a matter of minutes the door fell apart, and the firey wood crumbled onto the stone floor. Midrial ran out the door and down the stairs. She then ran into a boy. It was Steven.

Steven screamed. " He then drew his sword and pointed it at her. " WHO ARE YOU " he said furiously for he thought it was one of Hormon's spies.
Steven screamed. " He then drew his sword and pointed it at her. " WHO ARE YOU " he said furiously for he thought it was one of Hormon's spies.

"NO! Don't kill me. I'm Midrial, a prisoner of Hormon. I'm just trying to escape. You don't look like one of his servants so I assume you are a prisoner as well."
"NO! Don't kill me. I'm Midrial, a prisoner of Hormon. I'm just trying to escape. You don't look like one of his servants so I assume you are a prisoner as well."

He put his sword away. " Yes, but I got out with a lot of help....from ASLAN " He said happily. " You dont have a weapon do you " He said looking at her. " Here, take my sword, im better at bow & arrows anyway " he said grinning. " Now aslan told me to get the others and get as far away from this place as we can. This is past Ettinsmor and now in the dark realm. Once we reach Harfang Aslan told me it will be okay. But he said we need to reach Cair Paravel and meet him there "
He put his sword away. " Yes, but I got out with a lot of help....from ASLAN " He said happily. " You dont have a weapon do you " He said looking at her. " Here, take my sword, im better at bow & arrows anyway " he said grinning. " Now aslan told me to get the others and get as far away from this place as we can. This is past Ettinsmor and now in the dark realm. Once we reach Harfang Aslan told me it will be okay. But he said we need to reach Cair Paravel and meet him there "

"Alright. But it will take weeks to travel past Ettinsmoor to get to Cair Paravell. So before we leave, we better finds some food in this castle and take it. I know where your friends are. Hormon said he locked them up in a room filled with snakes. They are probably dead, but if we can kill the gaurds and get the keys, mabye we can save them." So Midrial led Steven to the prison where the Pevensies were locked up in there were two gaurds. Midrial ran up to one and stabbed him in the back. The other one turned around and darted towards her.
"Alright. But it will take weeks to travel past Ettinsmoor to get to Cair Paravell. So before we leave, we better finds some food in this castle and take it. I know where your friends are. Hormon said he locked them up in a room filled with snakes. They are probably dead, but if we can kill the gaurds and get the keys, mabye we can save them." So Midrial led Steven to the prison where the Pevensies were locked up in there were two gaurds. Midrial ran up to one and stabbed him in the back. The other one turned around and darted towards her.

Steven saw the other guard about to attack Katie and shot him in the rib with an arrow. He grabbed they key from the belt and unlocked the door. His sisters were still alive, stepping on the snakes. " Come on " He said and they ran out of the snake room. " Here take these swords" he said stealing them from the guards and handing them to his sisters. He then looked over at Midrial. " Lead us out...hurry! " he said nodding at her.
Midrial led them out of the prisoned sections of the castle. She quickly ran into a kitchen where Hormon's "human" gaurds ate. She grabbed some bread and meat and put it in a sack. "The exit is not too far from here. We need to take a right at the end of this hall." They ran down the hall. Ruby was limping(apparently she was bitten). Midrial turned to her. "Hurry before Hormon-"
"Findsss you." Hormon had just blocked their exit. "Ssso you managed to essscape my chamber again Sssteven. And you(he noded to Midrial), how did you essscape. You don't look ssstrong enought to break a door down."

"It doesnt matter how I escaped. All that matters is that I did escape. Now leave us alone!"

"Sssure. Whatever you sssay my dear friend." He laughed. "Ssso, who ssshould I kill firssst. I have in my presssence five young weak children, A sssentaur, and a young maiden. He turned toward Ruby. "I think I ssshal kill this little one ssslowy and painfully."

Midrial stepped infront of Ruby! "You will have to kill me first!"

"ESlari!" Hormon said. A huge beam came from his hand and it knocked Midrial to the floor. "One down, sssix to go."
Midrial led them out of the prisoned sections of the castle. She quickly ran into a kitchen where Hormon's "human" gaurds ate. She grabbed some bread and meat and put it in a sack. "The exit is not too far from here. We need to take a right at the end of this hall." They ran down the hall. Ruby was limping(apparently she was bitten). Midrial turned to her. "Hurry before Hormon-"
"Findsss you." Hormon had just blocked their exit. "Ssso you managed to essscape my chamber again Sssteven. And you(he noded to Midrial), how did you essscape. You don't look ssstrong enought to break a door down."

"It doesnt matter how I escaped. All that matters is that I did escape. Now leave us alone!"

"Sssure. Whatever you sssay my dear friend." He laughed. "Ssso, who ssshould I kill firssst. I have in my presssence five young weak children, A sssentaur, and a young maiden. He turned toward Ruby. "I think I ssshal kill this little one ssslowy and painfully."

Midrial stepped infront of Ruby! "You will have to kill me first!"

"ESlari!" Hormon said. A huge beam came from his hand and it knocked Midrial to the floor. "One down, sssix to go."

Steven looked horrified as Midrial fell to the floor. He picked up his bow and shot Hormon in the heart. It seemed to do very little. " ASLAN.....ASLAN " Yelled Steven. Suddenly a flash of light beamed between them and Hormon and there stood the Great Lion. " LET THEM THROUGH HORMON...AND YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON NONE OF THESE CHRILDREN " Growled Aslan savagly.
. Suddenly a flash of light beamed between them and Hormon and there stood the Great Lion. " LET THEM THROUGH HORMON...AND YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON NONE OF THESE CHRILDREN " Growled Aslan savagly.

"Assslan!" Hormon hissed. "Ssstay out of thisss. Thessse children invaded my cassstle. They are now mine. And I have grown more powerful over the years Assslan! I can cssertainly kill you. Zathoria Munatchu Thargrond Sssasssonsi!" Out of Hormons mouth came hundereds of demons they swirled around Aslan. Midrial opened her eyes to the horror. And then she realized that Hormon was to busy trying to kill Aslan with his demons, that he wasn't paying any attention to the children. "Steven!" she whispered. "We have to get out of here. Aslan is trying to distract Hormon. He can take care of himself, but we have to go before Hormon's demons take hold of us."
"Assslan!" Hormon hissed. "Ssstay out of thisss. Thessse children invaded my cassstle. They are now mine. And I have grown more powerful over the years Assslan! I can cssertainly kill you. Zathoria Munatchu Thargrond Sssasssonsi!" Out of Hormons mouth came hundereds of demons they swirled around Aslan. Midrial opened her eyes to the horror. And then she realized that Hormon was to busy trying to kill Aslan with his demons, that he wasn't paying any attention to the children. "Steven!" she whispered. "We have to get out of here. Aslan is trying to distract Hormon. He can take care of himself, but we have to go before Hormon's demons take hold of us."

Steven nodded and with Midrial leading they followed her out of the retched castle. They were now out in the open air. Although it was dark and sorrowful. They ran as fast as they could out of the courtyard and passed the gates, killing two more guards. Running and running the black mountains after time faded away and now insight were the Green hills and snow covered mountains of Northern Narnia. " WERE ALMOST THERE " Yelled Steven. The children kept running and suddenly Harfang came into view. " NO GOOD STOPPING THERE, THOSE GIANTS ARE JUST AS BAD " He shouted to Midrial, which she agreed to. The children ran up the Ruin City of the giants and Steven led them into a almost decayed stone cottage about the height as an elephant. They all gathered inside and away from the open door into the shadow of the back of the hut. " Were safe here for now, there are stone huts and trenches and walls all around us. Hormon won be able to find us here. He said sitting down, panting. " I think we should spend the night, we don't want to be travelling through Ettinsmoor at night with all the Giants walking around. Tomorrow morning we shall head out over the bridge and into ettinsmoor and Narnia from there. We could stop at the Marshes but it would save us time to keep further until we reach Cair Paravel or at least The Stone Table. " He said to Midrial
"I'm afriad I can't travel with you to Cair Paravell" said Midrial "I have to find the man I love, his name is Kaoden. From what Hormon said, he is trapped in some cave with a girl called Adalia. Do you know her?"

"Do you know wear your friends are going," she asked the man.

Kaoden looked at the beast. "You mean Adalia's friends. I only saw them running in the distance. I have no idea where they are going. But I must save Midrial, who is at Hormon's castle. By the way, do you have name?
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Hormon was furious that the children escaped. And once the children escaped Aslan dissapeared. Hormon then decided to go take his anger on Kaoden. "He sssurvived the cave in. But can he sssurvive Midrial. My demons can posssesss her and control her. Then ssshe can kill him! Zathoria Munatchu Thargrond Sssasssonsi!" Hormon summoned up the demonic spirits, and they flew to Midrial.
While the Pevensies, Jill, Starstorm, and Midrial were asleep the demons possessed Midrial. Midrial woke up. She found out that she was not able to control herself. Some evil was controling her every move. She left the others and walked away from the campsite. For hours she walked. She tried to go back, but the spirits wouldnt let her. They were forcing her to go where they wanted.

OOC: Whoever is playing the Pevenises, Jill, Aslan, or Starstorm, you cant save Midrial. SHe is too far away to be caught. Besides it would ruin the confrontation I'm planning between her and Kaoden.
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