The Dark Knight Returns.

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She smiled big " Oh, you want that way then all right," she told him, then twisted his arm " Do you still want to play bat?," she asked.
"Why are you so anxious to leave?" he said as he grabbed her arm and knocked her to to the ground. "Now why don't you be a good kitty and give me those jewls."
She laughed " Oh, you no fun," she told him, then pulled her whip out " Now now I can be a good kitty," she told him, the hit him with her whip.
Batman grabbed the whip and pulled the woman towards him. "Really, you seem like a bad kitty to me. Do you know what i do with bad kitties?"
" I'm Catwoman,"she told him.

Batman watched as she quickly escaped. Why did she just hand over the Jewls? he thought. Then he heard police sirens and Gordan's men running behind him. Oh thats why!

He shot a grappling hook at the top of a building and used it to pull himself
Gordon could see that they were closing in on Batman. This entire chase would come to an end, and they could get back to handling other criminals. But Batman was their best weapon against them too. Especially with this Black Mask. He couldn't be caught tonight. He could see that Batman was about to get away, as much as it conflicted him, he knew he had to do it.

As Gordon got out of his squad he stumbled and dropped his glasses.

"Gordon!" yelled Montoya. " We see him!"

"What are your orders?" asked Bullock.

Gordon picked up his glasses and cleaned them up. He glanced up at the spot where Batman had been. He was gone. All that was left was the discarded diamonds.

"I don't see anything," said Gordon.

"But, Commish!" exclaimed Bullock.

"Bullock!" said Gordon. " Do you want a one way ticket back to Metropolis PD? If so, then I'm sure Maggie Sawyer and Dan Turpin would love to deal with another disciplinary problem with you."

Bullock shook his head.

" Then get in line," said Gordon. "The fugitive escaped as usual, so it's time to broaden our search. In the mean time we have more pressing matters, we have to take care of this Black Mask problem. Let's move."

Later that night Gordon returend home. His wife made dinner, pot roast, Jim's favorite. Jim hardly touched it. He wasnt't hungry. While his wife put his kids to bed, Jim took out the garbage. As he tossed the bag of trash in the can he heard a familar flutter. Gordon smirked. The only time he could talk with his "friend" was when he was off duty.

"I know you're back there," he said. " You know, we have to stop meeting like this. People could talk."
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"I know. I just came here to give you these photos." he said as he threw some photos to the ground. "These are Black Mask's men. The photos were taken by the harbor by a photojournalist called Vicky Vale. I believe he's been taking shipments in and he's doing something in one of the warehouses. I wanted to ask you to find a way to keep the cops away while I search the area."
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Lucius Fox put down a pile of papers and moved his glasses farther up on his forehead. It was getting late and he still had some other plans to look over. He massaged his eyes before opening them once again. Putting those papers aside, he picked up the next paper on his desk. He slid his glasses down onto his nose and a flicker of a smile came across his face. In front of him were plans for a new device for the Batman. After readjusting his glasses, he resumed his work.
Bruce walked in the door to where Lucious was working. "So what have you come up with this time."
Lucius smiled as Bruce came in and stood up. "Well, this just happens to be something that will come in quite useful... like all of my little projects. This one, however, will help out with all of those locked doors- literally," he said, taking the plans and laying them out on his desk. "This lock pick will be able to read any lock and unlock it without any trace of it being there. And, it will be small enough to attach to your glove, your index finger perhaps," he said, stepping back to let Bruce examine it.
"I see. I think this will be useful when breaking in to the thugs hideouts, he said as he put the device in his pocket. In the meantime I think you need to work on my suit. You said it would stop cats. I gotta go, I have a meeting with a woman called Selina Kyle. I havent met her, but she called and said she has info on Black Mask. Its supposedly life threatening."
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