The Dark Knight Returns.

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Bruce got a shower and got dressed. When he was done, he went outside and drove to the restraunt.
Bruce sat down at the table. "So Selina, do you always schedule surprise meetings like this?"
She smiled " Of course," she told him, placing her napcan on her lap " I want to tell you some news I got but for now lets talk about more about you," she told him.
Bruce gave an akward smile. Selina wasn't making any sense. "So are you coming to the party tonight? I called you last night, but you werent home."
She looked away " Oh, yes I'm coming to the party why won't I?," she asked, now loking back at him " I was busy with something last night," she told him
Bruce wondered what she could have been doing, but then decided it didnt matter.

"So, have you heard the news about the mysterious "Catwoman"?"
"She robbed the bank and a jewlerey store. You seem to be able to get into criminal's buisness so do know anything about her?"
Bruces phone then rang. "Excuse me". He checked his phone. He then heard a voice message
"RiddlE me this,
Riddle me that,
when the clock stikes twelve
Mr. Borret with splat."

"What was that?" Bruce asked himself. "Some kind of Riddle."
"I got a text message, it says this." he handed her the phone. "I can't find out who sent me this. What do you think it means? I don't know a Mr. Borret."
"this riddler says that at noon or midnight a Mr. Borrat would splat. Its some kinda warning. And notice that the first E in Riddle is Capitalized and bolded. This is very strange. Mabye it was an accident and the guy dialed the wrong number."
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